Wheat is still looking great as it enjoys this warm weather and the scattered showers. Overall, the crop is thick, the canopy is healthy, and the emerged heads are decently sized. The majority of the crop is in Day-3 Stage, which means that in this heat, we expect the wheat to be about 3 days away from heading. Some of the earlier planted crops have already headed! We are now looking at the beginning of next week to spray fusarium on most of the fields, however, we could see some early fields ready to be sprayed as soon as the end of the week. Our agronomists strongly recommend spraying for fusarium to protect the crop against leaf diseases and molds. If there is a fusarium problem with the crop down the road, you will not be able to act then to protect the crop, as it has to be done in advance. With current grain prices sky high, you should strongly consider putting the money towards protecting your crop, and its yield potential.