Wednesday, May 26, 2021

This new weekly e-newsletter will be delivered to your inbox every Wednesday afternoon. It will focus on local agronomy news in and around our Wanstead branch locations. Information you'll receive comes from our Wanstead crop sales advisors.

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Soybeans and Corn
Planting is roughly 98% completed for both corn and soybeans. Soybean emergence has occurred in roughly 30-40% of the local fields. 75-80% of the corn fields have already emerged as well. Emergence in our area is very good, with no crusting or other problems so far. This can definitely be attributed to the heat and rain we have gotten the past week. Our draw area seemed to receive anywhere from 1/10th of an inch to a ½ inch during Saturday’s rain which was welcomed pretty much across the board. 

Check out the soybeans in our plot behind the Wanstead branch! This field of Enlist EN soybeans was planted on May 18th! We are looking forward to seeing them progress throughout the growing season!
Wheat is still looking great as it enjoys this warm weather and the scattered showers. Overall, the crop is thick, the canopy is healthy, and the emerged heads are decently sized. The majority of the crop is in Day-3 Stage, which means that in this heat, we expect the wheat to be about 3 days away from heading. Some of the earlier planted crops have already headed! We are now looking at the beginning of next week to spray fusarium on most of the fields, however, we could see some early fields ready to be sprayed as soon as the end of the week. Our agronomists strongly recommend spraying for fusarium to protect the crop against leaf diseases and molds. If there is a fusarium problem with the crop down the road, you will not be able to act then to protect the crop, as it has to be done in advance. With current grain prices sky high, you should strongly consider putting the money towards protecting your crop, and its yield potential. 
Wheat spraying of fusarium will start to happen as early as the end of the week. Corn spraying is also active, with much of the crop emerged and ready to be sprayed. We are also just at the beginning of spraying herbicide on soybeans. Lots to do! If you need any recommendations on what combinations of chemicals are right for your operation, please feel free to call your agronomist! 

Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812
What are our agronomists up to?
Darrin, Jason, and Bradey have been mainly checking out wheat staging for spraying. They have also been visiting corn and soybean fields to help some of our customer/owners decide what chemicals to apply! They are often out on the road, so it is best to reach them on their cell phones!