Wednesday, September 7, 2022

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Soybeans are starting to turn! It is now officially starting to look like fall! 

Preharvest burndown is recommended at the 90% leaf drop stage. If this is something you are considering, please reach out to your Wanstead agronomist for options. 

The potential on soybean fields is looking better than initially expected. On last week's newsletter, we polled growers on what yield they are expecting for their soybean crop. 7% felt their crop was <39bu/acre, 50% thought it was between 40-50bu/acre, and 43% felt theirs was above 50bu/acre. 

We are now starting to dive in to IP soybean contracts. If you have IPs in the ground, you can expect to get an email or phone call over the next few days/weeks to clean that up before we get into the thick of harvest. 


Wheat season is right around the corner! Wanstead is proud to offer seed and selling programs for SRWT, SWWT, and HRWT. 

Blaze is our most popular SRWT seed variety, and it will be in demand! A great yielding seed with good disease protection! Call now to get your orders in! 

For those who may be considering switching to a different type of wheat, Wanstead is happy to provide basis premiums on SWWT (currently $1.35 premium to SRWT), as well as Basis and Protein Premiums on HRWT (Basis premium is currently $0.70, with a $10/mt premium if a protein of 11.50 is made). 


Corn looks decent for the most part and is starting to get dry.

Tar spot is emerging in some fields, but it is too late to do anything about that. Tar spot adds more stress to a crop that has already had above and beyond its fair share of stress. 

In Other News...

Clean Farms is once again accepting free drop off of pesticides or livestock medications. The company is providing this service to help you safely dispose of your chemical! The closest location to us would be Glencoe on September 21st. 

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