Wednesday, May 24, 2023

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The wheat continues to grow and grow! Overall, the crop is thick, the canopy is healthy. It won't be long until we have to start thinking about T3 fungicide application. Typically, this spraying is done during wheat heading. Make sure you confirm plans with your agronomist about application so we can hit the fields when they are fit! This will not be far away!! Our agronomists strongly recommend spraying for fusarium to protect the crop against leaf diseases and molds. If there is a fusarium problem with the crop down the road, you will not be able to act then to protect the crop, as it has to be done in advance.

Some products to consider for T3 fungicide spraying (but not limited to) are: Miravis Ace, Carmaba, Veltyma & Prosaro XTR. For specific product recommendations, your agronomist is the best person to talk to!

This year, we will once again have Grain Declaration's to get signed. This declaration is a personal attestation that your wheat is licensed. This form needs to be signed in order to bring wheat to any elevator or ship off farm. In a few weeks, Floyd and Megan will be kicking off their 2023 wheat tour and they are hoping to make it out to wheat producers to check out the crop, chat with farmers, and get wheat declaration forms signed!

Soybeans & Corn

As of Wednesday's report last week, 66% of respondents said they were started planting, but only 27% had finished, and 7% had not started yet. As of today, we estimate that corn is 95% planted, and soybeans are 70% planted. Emergence in earlier planted fields in our area is very good, with no crusting or other problems so far. We are keeping an eye on overnight temperatures that are dipping low (including potentially tonight), but at this point, it does not seem as though last week's frost will leave lasting impacts. 

The rain the past weekend was very welcomed, with moisture estimates ranging from 4/10th to 1 inch depending on geographic area. At this point, forecasts are looking pretty dry and we could use some scattered showers to keep soil moisture up. 

Please feel free to reach out to either of our branches or to your agronomist if you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do for you as you wrap up planting and look ahead to this upcoming growing season! Our agronomists have been busy checking out wheat staging for spraying and visiting corn and soybean fields to help some of our customer/owners decide what chemicals to apply! They are often out on the road, so it is best to reach them on their cell phones!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

Wanstead (519) 845-3301

Alvinston (519) 898-2861

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