Corn stages are extremely variable with the wide range of planting dates, so please make sure to be aware of your leaf stage before going in with your pre planned herbicide program as most herbicides have a max of 6-8 leaf – also double check your residual plan to be sure your sprays don’t affect bean planting next year.
Japanese beetle numbers are starting to increase in corn and soybean fields. Soybean defoliation threshold after flowering is 20%, but this can be overestimated if only top trifoliates are evaluated. Treatment thresholds for corn are recommended if three or more beetles are found per ear and pollination is less than 50%.
Fungicide timing for soybeans is quickly approaching. Contact your agronomist if you are unsure of the proper timing to go in with your fungicide. The weather this year has created many opportunities for disease – especially on bean on bean fields or fields with a history of disease, as the saying goes “if grass is green, white mold is keen”, protect your yield potential by spraying a fungicide.
We have supply of beans if you are looking to double crop after the wheat comes off, 1st come 1st serve.