Wednesday, November 10, 2021

This new weekly e-newsletter will be delivered to your inbox midweek. It will focus on local agronomy news in and around our Wanstead branch locations. Information you'll receive comes from our Wanstead crop sales advisors.

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The recent weather has provided opportunity to resume fall harvest for both corn and soybeans. The corn yields are good to above average and there are very few quality issues. Some of the soybeans that are coming off have some quality issues. The improvement in the weather has allowed for fertilizer and chemicals to be applied. Our airflows and sprayers have been busy the last few days.
Now is the time to book your seed. Plot data has been coming in and is available to assist you with your decision making. More data is arriving as the harvest progresses and this will be made available too. Contact your Wanstead agronomist to assist you and to get your seed varieties booked.
Yellow Wheat
The recent rains have put additional stress on the planted wheat, to assess your wheat you will need to look closely at the wheat. The picture to the right shows how the wheat looks from a distance. The tile drain areas are nice and green while in between the tiles the wheat colour may look anywhere from yellow to purple, or red to orange.
Close view of Yellow Wheat
Looking at the wheat up close will help with assessing the wheat. Looking at the picture to the right you will notice the bottom of the wheat is green, this is a good sign it will survive. This does not necessarily mean it is fine, additional stresses may set it back.
Washed out Area
This last picture shows a washed out area. Looking closely you will notice some wheat is present. Unfortunately, the population is very thin and will not amount to much. Our agronomists are available to assist you with assessing your wheat fields and advising on a course of action.
What are our agronomists up to?
Our agronomists are busy with seed sales, reviewing new chemical offerings and assessing plot data. Some plot data packages are available now, more will be published shortly as the data becomes available. We are currently contracting IP bean premiums. Soil sampling has is rolling again since we can access the fields. Give your agronomist a call and they will be happy to assist you with your needs.

Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812