Friday, May 5, 2023

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After lots of rain delays (between an inch-2 inches in quantity), everyone seems to be itching to get back in the fields. When the weather smartens up (forecast looks optimistic), it will be go time!

Our agronomists have been busy scouting fields to ensure that they are fit for application! Make sure to call ahead to talk to your agronomist about custom application spray and fertilizer to make sure you are on the list.

Now is the time for time for herbicides, fungicides, and growth regulators on the wheat. With that in mind, we need to make sure to watch temperatures. Temperatures must be at least 5 degrees 24 hours before and after spraying as to not harm the crop with the spray.

Water volumes are very important in wheat especially with 3 way tank mixes. When spraying, ensure that you are including 20gal/ac of water.

Jocelyn Sayles from Syngenta highlighted the typical guidelines for an application of a PGR (Plant Growth Regulator). These include being a lodging prone variety, more N going down, previous crop of a legume, manure applications, several strong tillers per plant. Stem count can also have a big influence, as stem count gets higher, so does the risk for lodging.

Have you seen our signs around the county? Keep your eyes peeled for our wheat signs popping up!

If you want a sign on your Blaze, Cruze, or Pro81 field, give us a call!

Soybeans & Corn

Seed and chemical orders have been moving out quickly! Feel free to give us a call if we have not yet been in contact with you, and you are hoping to get a delivery/pickup set up!

All in all, we are so excited for another growing season working with YOU! Please feel free to reach out to either of our branches or to your agronomist if you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do for you!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

Wanstead (519) 845-3301

Alvinston (519) 898-2861

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