Maintenance of wheat fields is in full swing. We are seeing significant soil sampling occurring. This is the perfect time to start your rotation of consistent and effective soil sampling which will help you to plan for P+K needs on your fields. Wanstead is proud to offer grid, zoned, and perimeter composite sample options! Take advantage of our VRT technology before it becomes busy again. If you have gotten sampling done, and are curious about the results, please note that it usually takes us approximately 10 days to see results back from our 3rd party lab.
That being said, it has been difficult so far to get in field with the resulting fertilizer blends and work the ground as the field conditions have not been fit. Coupled with that, liming on fields has slowed by our operators as to not make a mess of any ground. Once the fields are once again fit, we expect it to be "go-time".
We are also dealing with volunteer wheat in wheat stubble fields. Talk to your agronomist about plans to deal with the volunteer wheat before it gets too far ahead. Clover catch maintenance has also been a priority lately. Determining whether to cut, spray and work clover fields is something you can bounce of our one of our sales experts to see what would work best for your operation.
Also, if you are thinking about still putting in a cover crop, make sure to call your agronomist to book product or talk planning! Planting your cover crop this time of year helps to ensure that the crop does not get too much of a top, but still establishes a good root system. If you don't put something green into your field, Mother Nature will!
Jason (519) 330-9746
Darrin (519) 330-9812
Natalia (519) 383-4843
Mike (519) 466-9200
Last but not least, now is the time of year to start thinking about preparing for fall wheat planting. Our early seed order deadline is the second week of September. We have a great selection of C&M Seeds and Secan wheat varieties for Soft Red, Hard Red Wheat, and Rye.