Rain, rain, go AWAY. Moisture continues to be a problem for soybean harvest to forge forward. Although the precipitation does not seem to be contributing to any issues at this point, the reality is that we only expect about 50% of the crop to be off, so there is a lot of harvest left to go!
There have been a few samples coming through the doors today, most of which have been north of 16% moisture. With rain in the forecast, some people might push ahead, but there will be many others waiting for sunny skies (fingers crossed) next week. Due to this wet fall, there are lots of green pods and green stems in dry bean as well due to the lack of heat not finishing off the crop properly.
Once harvest breaks open again, we will have many trucks on the road for harvest. Please feel free to reach out to our logistics team to arrange your loads! 519-845-3301.
Sclerotia and mold have popped up in pockets of soybeans over the past few weeks. Additionally, phytophthora root rot reared its ugly head this year (see photo of affected plant), and was a yield robber on clays and heavy soils. If you have had any of these issues, talk to your agronomist in order to use the right fungicides to combat that next year!
We now have IP premiums for 2024! Please reach out to Megan (519) 845-3301 with any inquiries on growing 2024 IP soybeans!