The past week or so was HUGE for harvest activity in Lambton and Middlesex counties. Many fields came off at optimum moisture and quality. Some of our Staff noted that they had not seen test weights so high before! (404 g/0.5 L was one of the highest!). Yields have varied from field to field, especially depending on fall planting date and fertilizer programs. Overall, the bulk of the harvested acres seemed to have come in around the 80-100bu/acre range.
Moving forward, there is still wheat to be harvested, but the timing of that will overall be dictated by mother nature.
Looking forward, once the wheat is off, it is time to think about a cover crop plan, or soil sampling needs. Call your agronomist for booking product, sampling, or planning.
- Bradey: 519-312-7767
- Jason: 519-330-9746
- Darrin: 519-330-9812
Additionally, if you have not yet signed a grain declaration form for your 2022 wheat, please get in touch with Floyd or Megan.
Floyd: 519-328-8481
Megan: 519-328-2623