Driving around the county over the past week may have had many people in shock and awe as they observed just how quickly the wheat fields are turning. The pictures to the right were both taken this week!
At this point, grain quality is looking favourable so we are keeping our fingers crossed it stays that way! In last week's edition, we polled readers on how they expect their crop to yield. 75% expected an average yield (between 70-90bu.acre), while the remaining 25% felt their crop would go 95bu/acre+.
Going forward into harvest, in an effort to retain milling quality wheat, Wanstead is planning on offering a couple drying promotions. The intention is that by helping growers get their wheat off earlier, quality can be better maintained. For grade 2 soft red wheat, Wanstead will be offering a drying holiday up to 17% moisture. For grade 2 soft white wheat, Wanstead will cover drying charges up to 18%. Shrinkage rates will still be in effect for any tough deliveries. Any questions about this promotion can be directed to Floyd or Megan.
As we flip the calendar to July, it is time to think about what your plan is after the wheat is off. Is it soil sampling? Is it a cover crop? Double crop soybeans? Be sure to let us know so we can have it ordered and ready for you!