The winter wheat crop could use a rain. The crop is growing astronomically fast, with much of the local crop currently performing in the GS32-34 growth stages, depending on the planting date. We are now finishing up the 2nd passes of 28%, and are close to starting application of herbicide and fungicide. We did see some damage on the wheat from herbicides or fungicides that were applied during colder weather, but the wheat is expected to advance and bounce back.
It is important to get out to your wheat fields and scout for emerging weeds. Bradey took the picture below as she was out scouting fields this week. The weeds may be small now, but it is important to keep them under control to get the best yield from your field. Our agronomists have also been seeing some rust in the wheat, resulting in them recommending a fungicide application for the wheat. At the current price of wheat, you should consider taking extra precautions on your field to maximize your yields, and therefore your profits.