The corn is popping!! Over the past week we have seen a significant amount of corn up in Lambton county- some already reaching 2-3 leaves. For the most part emergence looks good, but a bit of moisture and heat will do wonders for the crop.
One thing to keep in mind with corn this year is prioritizing keeping the plant weed free until at least 6-leaf. Sharing this from Matt Chapple of Pride Seeds, “Data from Peter Sikkema at Ridgetown Campus suggests that delays in weed control could result in large revenue losses per acre. Although tillage can delay the emergence and germination of many weed species, there is no great solution when missing opportunities with residual chemistry. Especially the great results provided with many of the Group 27 products, tank mixed with Group 5 and 9 products.”
Please feel free to ask your agronomist for help with your herbicide plan!