We had some early soybeans come in last weekend, but the bulk of harvest isn't expected to kick off until the end of this weekend. 22-26 degrees temperatures will be the perfect weather to get the beans off when the fields are fit. Preliminary yields varied from 20-62bu/acre, with deliveries and samples coming in anywhere from 11.7% moisture to 17%.
We will have many trucks on the road again this year for harvest, so please feel free to reach out to our logistics team to arrange your loads! 519-845-3301.
Fall Burndowns are in full swing. The threshold for preharvest burndown timing is 80% leaf drop (90% pod colour change)! See photo below. If you are thinking you may want your field to be sprayed, please be sure to give your agronomist a call to get put on the list. If you do a preharvest burndown with Eragon and Glyphosate, you must wait 7 days to harvest, but if just Eragon is applied, you just need to wait a minimum of 3 days.
Jason (519) 330-9746
Darrin (519) 330-9812
Natalia (519) 383-4843
Mike (519) 466-9200
We want to assure all of our customers that our Alvinston elevators will be operational (post-storm) for soybean harvest, and we look forward to serving you!