Thursday, September 28th, 2023

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Since last week's update, not much has changed, but the disparity between unsprayed and sprayed fields continues to grow. Fungicide spray is doing a good job of holding off disease on the corn, but unsprayed fields are struggling with tar spot infection which is resulting in the plant shutting down and drying up.

The 7-Day forecast looks hot and dry, which is not only good for a nice harvest stretch, but also will help the corn crop to put more heat units on and black layer.


We had some early soybeans come in last weekend, but the bulk of harvest isn't expected to kick off until the end of this weekend. 22-26 degrees temperatures will be the perfect weather to get the beans off when the fields are fit. Preliminary yields varied from 20-62bu/acre, with deliveries and samples coming in anywhere from 11.7% moisture to 17%.

We will have many trucks on the road again this year for harvest, so please feel free to reach out to our logistics team to arrange your loads! 519-845-3301.

Fall Burndowns are in full swing. The threshold for preharvest burndown timing is 80% leaf drop (90% pod colour change)! See photo below. If you are thinking you may want your field to be sprayed, please be sure to give your agronomist a call to get put on the list. If you do a preharvest burndown with Eragon and Glyphosate, you must wait 7 days to harvest, but if just Eragon is applied, you just need to wait a minimum of 3 days.

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

We want to assure all of our customers that our Alvinston elevators will be operational (post-storm) for soybean harvest, and we look forward to serving you!


Wheat seed season is also in full-force, with a report from one of our customers that they have planted wheat already! This year, we will have Blaze SRWT seed in bulk, as well as a new C&M wheat variety called Swoop. Swoop is known for the same yield potential, but more straw!

In 2023/24, will we be accepting HRWT, SWWT and SRWT. HRWT is pulling more acres this year due to its premium over SRWT.

We are also treating wheat seed this year. Please call early to get on the list for cleaning and treating seed!

Variable rate spreading and straight rate spreading of fertilizer have been keeping our staff busy! It is not too late to soil sample! We get results back within a couple weeks, and fertilizer plans can be tailored for your needs based on those results! Fall fertilizer including P&K and Sulfur as well as lime spreading is very important to keep your ground fit and as efficient as possible.

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