Our agronomists are looking at corn plats, assessing variety strengths and weaknesses. They are reviewing and requesting soil samples on soybean fields that have been harvested. Work is being completed for fall fertilizer, tillage or herbicide plans. If you can't get a hold of your agronomist, please call the office and we can get you in touch with someone who can help!
Jason, Darrin and Bradey are continuing to encourage soil sampling on wheat ground. We would be happy to get you signed up for your field(s) to get probed. Knowing what your ground needs will help you to spend your fertilizer money in the right places, to maximize on your future crop potential. This year, with the price of fertilizer, soil sampling can help you spend your money where you will be able to see the most "bang for your buck" and maximize benefits on your fields. With the variable rate applicator that the co-op runs, we can help you grow smart and save money! If you are interested in getting your fields tested, please reach out to your salesperson.
Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812
Wanstead Co-op is pleased to report that our new grain facility in Alvinston is ready for corn harvest. The Alvinston branch will be able to receive both corn and soybeans simultaneously without additional wait times. The north bins will receive corn and the south bins soybeans. Check out our website at www.wansteadfarmerscoop.com for photos of the build.