Thursday, April 27, 2022

After last weeks rains, we were able to hit some wheat field’s late Saturday afternoon into Sunday. If you don’t have any fertilizer on your wheat yet, now is the time to be thinking about it. We have finished up with any first application’s of nitrogen on wheat, and are moving forward on any full applications, or even second applications for some.

If you are unsure of whether a full nitrogen application or split nitrogen application is best for your wheat, speak with your agronomist!

The overnight temperature’s this week are forecasted to be below 0C. When this is in the forecast, it is best to avoid any application of UAN on wheat. Unfortunately, the frost on the leaves of the wheat acts like “glue” to the UAN, and can cause leaf burn.

If you know you are going to have Wanstead Farmers Co-operative custom apply your wheat fertilizer, or herbicide, do not hesitate to let your agronomist know. Planning ahead will lead to more efficient applications when the weather allows!
Our warehouse’s are full! Seed treating & shipments are fully underway! If you are ready to take your corn or soybean seed, let your local branch know! 
What are our agronomists up to?
Our agronomists are busy with seed sales, fertilizer sales and crop plans. Crop plans are being discussed and finalized for producers. If you have signed up for our myFS Solution CentreTM (at no charge) you can review your plans online. Give your agronomist a call and they will be happy to assist you with your needs.

  • Bradey: 519-312-7767
  • Jason: 519-330-9746
  • Darrin: 519-330-9812

We are pleased to offer to all our customers access to all their account information on line at no charge. The myFSTM application allows you to view all your invoices, grain transactions (scale tickets, settlements, storage etc.), statements, field plans, patronage, and other information. You can print copies for your files or accountants. Our website provides more details on myFSTM and what it offers as well as the link to create your account! The link below will take you to the information page for myFSTM