Wednesday, June 10, 2024

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Same as last week, the update on wheat hasn't changed much... but what has changed is the hue of the wheat fields. Fields are starting to look more yellow than green, indicating a transition of crop development. Wheat has great yield potential with the spring weather we have been getting. There are some fields with stripe rust, some fields with cereal leaf beetle, and some odd fields showing nitrogen deficiency, but overall, things are looking good. T3 application is now done, and based on the wheat staging, we may be amping up for an earlier July harvest. Although 1st crop planting is late this year, this may also open up the window for double crop soybeans.

When do you think Lambton County Wheat Harvest will Start?
End of June
First Week of July
Second Week of July


Mother nature has not been taking it easy on us this planting season, seems like most areas got another ½ inch of rain on Saturday night. We have ample supply of soybean seed to accommodate anyone's seed needs (both bulk and bags) for those looking to swap any corn acres out. There are very little soybeans in the ground at this point, with most areas needing 3-4 days without a rain, before farmers can try to hit the fields again to plant. The ground is now so saturated that it is struggling to dry up as quickly. That being said, most of the crops that are in the ground are off to a good start with ample moisture to kick off their development. Fertilizer moving out of the branches has been steady with the spotty rains (some areas are drier than others at different times), which means that spreader usage has been spread out, and spreader availability is good. Crop Insurance Planting Deadlines for our area is June 15th on corn, and June 30th on soybeans.

Other Agronomy Information

The biggest issue we are seeing right now is weed control. Some fields have not yet even been sprayed once, which means the weeds have had time to grow and establish. We are seeing a lot of large fleabane, giant ragweed and some water hemp. Chemicals will have a harder time bringing down weeds this year as a result. Residual programs will be much farther ahead this year, and our staff notes that those with GMO (roundup ready) soybeans should be prepared to spray the field 3 times. Our sales staff is encouraging growers to use at least 4 modes of action in their burndowns. Weeds cause many problems. Most importantly, weeds can reduce crop yield. Weeds cause greater crop losses if they occur in large numbers, if they get a head start on the crops. Other problems weeds cause include dockage, tainted products such as feed or food, increased numbers of harmful insects or diseases, and more difficult harvest. Prevention is key!


Wanstead has launched a new product with Can Grow called Century Soy – this product can be added to the tank with a wide range of crop protection products on any crop before or during reproductive phases and/or periods of abiotic stress. Century soy supplies a multitude of macro and micro nutrients to increase plant energy, reduce plant stress, drive root growth, and set up plant factors for increased yields. – See attached brochure for more information 

We know this time of year can be stressful, so we want to remind everyone that your own health is as important as having a healthy crop. There are many free resources available for those who are feeling overwhelmed, including the Farmer Wellness Initiative.

Agronomy Tip of the Week

Natalia's Tip of the week: "It is not too late to put down a residual herbicide whether your crops are now up or not yet planted, give your crop the best potential for success".

Do you have any questions that you want our agronomists to answer in our next edition?

Let us know at this anonymous feedback form OR reach out to one of our agronomists!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

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