Over the last week, Mother Nature has thrown us 30C + temperatures, winds over 40km/hr, and anywhere from ¼ inch to 1 inch of rain. This is farming, right?
The first day of summer quickly arrived and you can definitely notice the change in the colour of the wheat already! Many fields are now sporting a golden-hue, as they start to turn. After walking through a few fields this week it is easy to see that pollination went well. The rain this past week will help the heads plump up even further. It is very clear which fields received a T3 fungicide, as the flag leaf is still remaining green and healthy.
As we progress to the end of June, it is time to think about what your plan is after the wheat is off. Is it soil sampling? Is it a cover crop? Double crop soybeans? Be sure to let us know so we can have it ordered!
Floyd and Megan have kicked off their 2022 wheat tour this past week! They are hoping to make it out to wheat producers to check out the crop, chat with farmers, and get wheat declaration forms signed!
The Grain Declaration mentioned above starts July 1st. This declaration is a personal attestation that your wheat is licensed. This form needs to be signed in order to bring wheat to any elevator or ship off farm.
For more information, contact Floyd or Megan.
Floyd: 519-328-8481
Megan: 519-328-2623