Wednesday, November 16, 2022

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Note Regarding The News

With corn and soybean harvest nearly in the rearview, we are going to slow our Agronomy Weekly News publishing; sending out updates once or twice a month, rather than weekly.

Soybeans, Corn & Wheat

Now is the time to start thinking about next year's crop! December 6th is the deadline for early pay and early order. Touch base with your agronomist early to lock in your product, or set up a time to discuss a plan! Our agronomists have been looking at plot data and running numbers (and can factor in your soil sampling information!), and are a great asset to use when deciding on which seed, fertilizer and chemical is best for your farm.

Jason: 519-330-9746

Darrin: 519-330-9812

Harvest is in the end stages for corn and soybeans, and wheat is off to the races with a strong start. Unless we get a bad winter or spring, the Lambton County wheat crop is expected to look fantastic next year. For comparison, at this time last year, the wheat was looking very brown and some even looked dead. Corn and soybean yields were wildly varied this year from some worst-ever yields to some best-ever depending on rain quantities.

With respect to 2023, please see below for our confirmed IP premium schedule from LAC (the grower is responsible for freight). Wanstead is proud to offer programs for Brutons, Kent, S12-J7s, S21-C6s and SQWH! These premiums will be subject to change! Contact Floyd or Megan to lock in your contract and premium price, and/or call your agronomist to get your name on seed! 

In Other News...

Seed guides are now in! Stop by either of our branches to grab your copy today and get a head start on your plans for the new year. Book your seed orders soon to confirm the varieties you want! The pride seeds lineup is looking really good again. The varieties stayed clean and performed well despite stressful conditions.

Wanstead Co-op Canned Food Drive

Wanstead Co-op is proud to host a canned food drive in support of Christmas for Everyone! 

The cans from this event will be collected and added to food and toy hampers that will be delivered to hundreds of families across the county! For more information on Christmas for Everyone's mission, check out their website!

Starting November 16th and running until November 30th, both of the branches will be a drop off location for food and personal hygiene donations. 

Please see the flyers below for the most in-need items! 

Lets help make the Christmas season a little more special for those less fortunate in our community!

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