Thursday, October 4th, 2023

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Tar spot continues to become a bigger influence on this year's corn crop. Acres that were not sprayed with fungicide are really starting to show as they are quickly shutting down. Some varieties are especially not tolerating the disease stress well, and are easily knocked over.

Some concern remains for whether or not Giberella/Vomitoxin will become a problem this year, but we won't know until we start to take the crop off.

Heat continues to be an essential requirement for the crop as it nears black layer. Some early varieties have reached black layer, but there are still many that need to pack on some extra heat units first.


Soybeans and IP soybeans have now been rolling in steady. The beans have been testing on average around the 13% mark for moisture. No surprise, the amount of rainfall has impacted yield. Fields that had heavy rainfall with water laying is not yielding well. There are very good yields where there wasn’t a ridiculous amount of rain, resulting in yields differing between 20 to 70bu/acre depending on the rainfall.

We will have many trucks on the road again this year for harvest, so please feel free to reach out to our logistics team to arrange your loads! 519-845-3301.

Most pre-harvest burndowns are now done, but that is not the only spray to keep in mind. If you have a clover cover crop in a wheat field, we recommend spraying that off in mid-October. Additionally, lots of fields are overrun with fleabane right now. This is a great time to take the weeds out before the weather starts to turn, to get you started for 2024 on the right foot!


Wheat planting is pedal to the metal today. Despite lower-than-ideal prices, we are seeing lots of wheat seed purchased to be planted, both bulk and bagged. This year, we will have Blaze SRWT seed in bulk, as well as a new C&M wheat variety called Swoop. Swoop is known for the same yield potential, but more straw!

In 2023/24, will we be accepting HRWT, SWWT and SRWT. HRWT is pulling more acres this year due to its premium over SRWT.

If you are planning on planting bulk wheat this year, and have not yet called to be added to our list, please touch base with us to get on the list for cleaning and treating seed!

Fertilizer has been moving out of both of our branches very steady. Our VRT's are working hard to stay caught up!

Is there any updates we missed? Reach out to your agronomist with any questions!

Jason (519) 330-9746

Darrin (519) 330-9812

Natalia (519) 383-4843

Mike (519) 466-9200

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