Events and News
February 19- February 20, 2021 7 Adar - 8 Adar 5781 View as Webpage
Good and Welfare
Our condolences to the family of our former congregant, Eileen Robison on her passing.

Our condolences to Sharon Ferraro on the passing of her father and our congregant, Gerald Juris.
USY Virtual Purim Carnival
This year’s Purim Carnival, held on Sunday, February 28th from 10:30 am to noon, will be an interactive virtual experience. Our USY’ers will be having different “stations” with activities via zoom links. Zoom links will be sent once you are signed up. Visit the CBT website to sign up.
Project Stock the Shelves
The Garden State Region Women's League for Conservative Judaism launched its 2021 initiative. CBT's Sisterhood will be collecting monthly recommended food items. Please see the CBT website to see each month's selection. Please call the synagogue office before you drop off your items. If you have any questions, contact Cheryl Crick at
USY Shabbat Virtual Experience
Save the date for the annual USY Shabbat-Virtual Experience, March 5th-6th.
Sisterhood Book Chat
Join the Sisterhood for our 2nd virtual book chat on Wednesday, March 10th at 8:00 pm. The book we will be reading is The Third Daughter by Talid Carner. No charge for this event. Please rsvp by March 5th to Sheryl Levine at Sheryl will email you the zoom link when you RSVP.
Sisterhood Virtual Tour of Jerusalem
Join Sisterhood for a free one hour virtual tour of Jerusalem on Sunday, March 14 via zoom. Explore the magical Old City, its markets and alleyways and many old sites. Your guide, Moshe Gold was born in the U.S. and moved to Israel when he was one-year old. For zoom information, contact Meryl Heit at