In the event of snow or ice on a Sunday, please check your e-mail. In the unlikely event that our Sunday service is canceled, we will send a notification by e-mail.

(Zoom) Vestry Day 2025

Saturday, February 8th at 9:00 a.m.

For members of Vestry, Bishop's Committees, and Clergy

Register at

Altar Flowers

The 2025 Flower Chart is in the hall outside the Rector's office and is ready to record all our flower donations.

If you would like to dedicate the altar flowers in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a blessing received, please sign up.

The suggested donation is $50. You may give less based on what is affordable for you, or more if you would like to make funding available for others and to help cover the days no one requests.


Thank you so much for your contribution in this weekly remembrance!

If you have any questions please contact Julie Frost. (734-368-3576,

Night Watch

A lock-in event for middle and high school students in the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. Throughout our time together we will visit a museum, play games (yes, that means Gaga Ball), explore the Cathedral, and worship together! Registration Fee is $25.

Register Here

Bible Study

All are welcome to drop in!

Wednesdays at 11:00 AM

in the church library.

We continue to deep dive in to the Gospel According to Matthew and are particularly interested in its connection to the Plan of God. There is indeed a Plan of which we are part and these conversations invite us to spiritual growth. The topic for each week will be announced on the website. 

Next meeting on February 5th

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Monthly Socials

Women's Lunch - 3rd Thursday each month -

11:30 am at Knight's on Dexter Ave, Ann Arbor.

Next Lunch - February 20

Men's Lunch - 4th Friday each month -

11:30 am at Aubrey's on Main in Dexter.

Next Lunch - February 28

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Pantry Wishlist

  • Apple Juice
  • Refried Beans
  • Salad Dressing
  • Spices
  • Tea
  • Size 4 Diapers

Happy February Birthday!!

1:  Melissa Pung

2:  Joyce Oberg

3:  Emma Tamer

4:  Jack Edington

5:  Jackie Shock

Office Hours

Call: 734-426-8247


Rev. Stacy Salles, Interim Vicar

Tues & Thurs - 9 am to 5 pm 



Teri Landreth, Office Manager

Mon & Wed – 9 am to 11 am - Remote

Thurs – 9 am to 3 pm - In person

Text: 248-622-0451

Janet Cook, Financial Secretary


If there is a pastoral emergency, call & leave a message at 734-649-7726. Rev. Stacy will call you right back.

Please Pray for

Peace in the world, especially the Middle East, Ukraine, Latin America and Africa.


In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, Pontiac,  All Saints’; Carreras, DR, Holy Spirit.


In the Anglican cycle of prayer, The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

In our St. James community, Elizabeth Kryder-Reid (Louise French's cousin), Sue Gunter; Gia Kullgren (Alice VanWambeke’s daughter); Mary Ellen Walsh, Tom Heider, Clarence Liu (Kristen's brother-in-law).

If you have a new prayer request, please email Teri in the church office or fill out the brief request form.

Prayer Request Form

Sunday Service Team

February 2, 2025


Reader            Melissa Milton-Pung

Intercessor     Roger Parker

Server             Wendy Arntson


Altar Guild     Sandy Riley

                             & Kristen Novak

Coffee Hour   Len & Wendy Arntson


The Rev. Stacy Salles, Interim Vicar

Kathie Sandmaier, Director of Christian Education and Catechist of the Good Shepherd

Dr. Gwangwon Park, Music Director

and Organist

Janet Cook, Financial Secretary

Teri Landreth, Office manager

Bishop's Committee Members

Julie Lowery (Co-Warden)

Jackie Shock (Co-Warden)

Pam Heidt

Sandy Riley

Shannon Verbal

Sunday Bulletin & Zoom Link

Click here --->February 2 - Sunday Bulletin <---- Click here

Sunday Zoom Service