Merry Christmas!

Christ our savior is born.

Carmen Piggins, Missioner for Ministry with Young People for the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan.

Guest Preacher

January 12, 2025

Carmen supports programming for children and youth throughout the diocese, training and resourcing for children and youth formation leaders, oversees the Diocesan Youth Council, Safe Church, Safe Communities training, and is a liaison for College Chaplains.


She also supports congregations in deepening their ministries to families and their children by resourcing the adults who work with young people. She is constantly learning from our congregations about what type of support they need to sustain, grow or build their formation programs for children.

St. James Directory

You can now access our live directory here -->

Please email the church office with any corrections.

St. James Member Directory

Memorial Service for Deb Wilson

A Memorial Service for our much loved and long-time member, Deborah Wilson, will be held at St. James’ on Saturday, January 11, at 11 am, followed by a celebratory gathering in the parish hall, per the wishes of Deborah who wanted us to remember her with great joy. 

Come and Observe the Atrium

While we have Kathie & two wonderful helpers, there are occasions neither are available, and we need more coverage.

If you are even a wee bit interested, come and join us in the Atrium for ONE Sunday.

Kathie Sandmaier -

The Committee for Christian Formation (Education Committee). Will be meeting after the first of the years. Any person interested in the topic would be welcome to join us. Watch for updates and prayerfully think about the opportunity. Thanks, Kathie Sandmaier

Mark your calendars:

St. James Annual Meeting

January 26.

Wendy Arntson has graciously thrown her name into the hat to serve on the Bishop's Committee (thank you Wendy). According to the Canons of the Diocese we have to keep nominations open until the day of the Annual Meeting.

If you are feeling called to serve on Vestry or as a Delegate to the Diocesan Convention, talk to Rev. Stacy. You must be 16 years or older and have a heart for the congregation of Saint James'. These are great ways to gain some knowledge about the inner workings of the Church. Please turn in vestry bios as soon as possible.

Don't Forget - Annual reports by various committees will need to be submitted to the church office by January 12th.

What goes on in the Diocese of MI? Saint James' is not an entity unto itself. We are a part of a larger community that does really awesome things together. It is easy to find out what really cool things are happening for adults and youth, whether you are interested in Social Justice, or some beautiful liturgical worship events, or a way to enliven your spiritual life. If you haven't already, please click this link Weekly Connection – Episcopal Diocese of Michigan and sign up for your weekly connection.

Bible Study

All are welcome to drop in!

Wednesdays at 11:00 AM

in the church library.

Join St James and Holy Trinity members as we take time to listen, question, and enjoy fellowship.

Next meeting on Jan. 8th

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Monthly Socials

Women's Lunch - 3rd Thursday each month -

11:30 am at Knight's on Dexter Ave, Ann Arbor.

Next Lunch - January 16

Men's Lunch - 4th Friday each month -

11:30 am at Aubrey's on Main in Dexter.

Next Lunch - January 24

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Pantry Wishlist

  • Apple Juice
  • Refried Beans
  • Salad Dressing
  • Spices
  • Tea
  • Size 4 Diapers

Rev. Stacy Salles, Interim Vicar

Tues & Thurs - 9 am to 5 pm



Call: 734-426-8247

Teri Landreth, Office Manager

In-person hours: Thurs – 9 am to 3 pm


Call: 734-426-8247

Remote hours: Mon & Wed – 9 am to 11 am

Email or Text/Call: 248-622-0451

If there is a pastoral emergency, call & leave a message at 734-649-7726. Rev. Stacy will call you right back.

Please Pray for

Peace in the world, especially the Middle East, Ukraine, Latin America and Africa.


In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, Christ Church, Adrian; St. Luke’s, Santiago & St. Mark’s, Haina in the Dominican Republic.


In the Anglican cycle of prayer, The Church in Wales.

In our St. James community, Elizabeth Kryder-Reid (Louise French's cousin), Sue Gunter; Eleanor; Gia Kullgren (Alice VanWambeke’s daughter); Mary Ellen Walsh.


Pray for the repose of soul for Pam Ryder (Janet’s cousin). Prayers of peace for those who mourn her.

If you have a new prayer request, please email Teri in the church office or fill out the brief request form.

Prayer Request Form

Sunday Service Team

January 5, 2024


Reader            Pete Schaberg

Intercessor     Janet Cook

Server             Wendy Arntson

Usher              Julie Lowery

Altar Guild    Robin Meloche

                         & Lynn Slager

Coffee Hour   Joyce Wallace-Reed


The Rev. Stacy Salles, Interim Vicar

Kathie Sandmaier, Director of Christian Education and Catechist of the Good Shepherd

Dr. Gwangwon Park, Music Director

and Organist

Janet Cook, Financial Secretary

Teri Landreth, Office manager

Bishop's Committee Members

Julie Lowery (Co-Warden)

Jackie Shock (Co-Warden)

Pam Heidt

Sandy Riley

Shannon Verbal

Deb Wilson

Sunday Bulletin & Zoom Link

Click here ---> January 5th - Sunday Bulletin <---- Click here

Sunday Zoom Service