Worship Highlights

The Trouble With Jesus

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Worship In-Person and Online

 8:30 AM - with hymns

10:00 AM - with praise songs

Download the 8:30 AM Bulletin

Download the 10:00 AM Bulletin


Amos 5:21-24

Luke 6:1-16


A Live stream of our services is on Facebook and YouTube

Go to facebook.com/stlukesbloomington or youtube.com/stlukesbloomington to view live streaming along with recorded worships.

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Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live dinner is being served at 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Suggested donation $3.00, free for kindergarten or younger, $10.00 for a family of four or more. 

Preschool/Parent Ministry, Children's Ministry (K-5th), Peer Ministry (6th-12th), and Adult Education, begins at 6:00 PM.

February 5th - Sloppy Joes

February 12th - Pulled Pork & Corn Dogs

February 19th - Pizza

Feed My Starving Children

Monday, February 10th - 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Join Code is L6WKPZ Click here to sign-up online

Volunteer Spots are reserved for St. Luke's Lutheran at the Chanhassen Feed My Starving Children site.

If you are willing to join us, please contact the office so your name can be added to our roster. Please invite your children and friends to give them an opportunity to help others.

The sooner you can make a commitment, the sooner more spaces will be added for volunteers. From Craig: "As we volunteer for FMSC, please remember that putting your name in early lessons the stress that your coordinator feels which would improve his overall health." Thank you.

 **Drivers are needed. Please contact the office if you can pick up other volunteers.

You can also sign up online: Volunteers needed.

Upcoming packing events:

  • Sat. March 8th, 12:00-1:45 PM. Join Code is Y2L71Z Click here to sign-up online
  • Sat. April 12th, 12:00-1:45 PM. Join Code is EKN8BZ Click here to sign-up online

Your hands are essential in the fight against world hunger. Contact the Roger Lyson at rjlyson@hotmail.com if you would like to volunteer.

Thank you to Craig Brandt for serving as St. Luke's FMSC contact person and making the arrangements for us to serve at FMSC. He is passing the leadership role to Roger Lyson. Thank you Craig and Roger!

CAMP WAPO Registration is Open!

Guarantee your spot before Feb. 14th

St. Luke’s is a Member Congregation which includes guarantee registration until February 15th.

2025 Summer Camp Weeks:        

Youth (4th-8th) July 6-11 = $700                          

Seed Camp (1st-3rd) July 11-13 = $300

Grandparent Camp July 13-15 (up to the 18th) = $225, plus additional participant costs.

St. Luke’s Registration Link is: https://lwlbci.com/stlukes-blmt

VEAP - "Love Your Neighbor"

Click HERE! for more information for most needed items.

St. Luke's donation barrel is inside door C

(main worship entrance)

Donations can be made at VEAP from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, during normal business hours. There is no need to make an appointment. Simply pull around to the back of the building (stay in the right lane when arriving if possible; you do not need to wait behind participants in the left lane for food). A volunteer will greet you at Door 4 to collect items right from your vehicle. We can also accept financial donations at Door 4 during normal business hours and will provide you with a receipt. 

Altar Flowers

If you would like to order altar flowers for 2025, the cost is $40.00. Please sign up on the Altar Flower board in the Narthex, contact the office, 952-881-5801, or office@stlukesbloomington.org. If you have any questions, please contact Bette Gamboni at 952-888-8317 or bjgfree2010@gmail.com.

Altar Flowers This Week Given by

Colin Quinn

In memory of Susan Quinn

Mission Quilters Group

Quilters will meet the first and third Saturdays of each month in the sewing room and the great room. Use Door D.

The sewing group also meets on Thursdays at 6:45.

For more information: call Janet Lyson for quilting at 952-884-9475 or Diane Anderson for sewing at 952-888-4538.

St. Luke's Social Media

St. Luke's has a Social Media team that updates our social media accounts and shares upcoming events and pictures of past events. Do you take pictures of events at St. Luke's? If so, the team would love to use them and the office would love to save them for future use (maybe the 125th reunion!). Please send pictures to SocialMedia@stlukesbloomington.org.

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Prayer Requests

This Week

We continue to hold our family members and friends in prayer. We appreciate any updates you can provide

-Prayers for Bev Cady (Kim's mom) who suffered a stroke on January 25th and is currently hospitalized in Northfield. - Craig Brandt and Kim Gaslin

-Prayers for the victims of the wild fires in southern California. - Craig Brandt and Kim Gaslin

-Prayers for support of the victims of the hurricanes in North Carolina that haven't received the help they need. - Craig Brandt and Kim Gaslin

-Prayers for us to love and accept all people, give us understanding and compassion. Give us patience in times of trial for good outcomes.

-Prayers for my friend Wendy's daughter, Andrea, who has Hodkins Lymphoma. - Deb Kibby

Continued prayers:

-Prayers for the family of Gerry Boyle who died.

-Prayers for my friend Kim Kairier and her children on the loss of her long time partner Wade who died. - Britt Halaas

-Prayers for Denny and Cheryl Blackmore who are mourning the death of their son Scott. Click here for the link to his obituary.

-Prayers for Jessica Sartell for healing. - Pamela Trutnau

-Prayers for Judy Rust who is had surgery on January 14th.

-Prayers for Diethart Bergk who home after a hospital stay. He has support with home healthcare.

-Prayers for my sister, Mary Olson, who is undergoing chemo sessions. - Jackie Wakely

-Prayers for healing and a complete recovery for my nephew, Andrew, who had leg surgery that went well. - Judy Ludwigson

-Blessings on us as we face our own mortality. - Craig Brandt

-Prayers for my daughter Elizabeth Yeager who is still in the hospital for an infection in her head. - Tori Edwardson

-Prayers for Bruce L. as he has his surgery for his hand/arm, and for all others facing medical issues. Remembering God is the Great Physician.

-Prayers for Phil Askvig as he recovers from Back surgery and for his wife Cary as she cares for him - Nancee Erickson

-Blessed to those who's infirmities challenge their day to day lives. -Craig Brandt

-Prayer for all those alone on the upcoming holidays. May we all find something to be grateful for.

-Prayers for Tori Edwardson who had a successful surgery on her back on Nov. 12th.

-Healing and comforting prayers for my sister-in-law, Karen, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. - Judy Ludwigson

-Prayers for Ari and Graham Hawton as they embark on a year of international travel

-Prayers of healing and recovery for my dad as he recovers from two cracked ribs, and my mom as she deals with her health issues. - Ari and Graham Hawton

-Prayers of guidance and support for my sister Alex. - Ari and Graham Hawton

-Prayers for my friend Sara who was recently diagnosed with cancer. -Britt Halaas

-Prayers for my friend Sue, recently diagnosed with cancer. May God guide the doctors to use their skills to help her. - Janet and Roger Lyson

-Prayers of peace for Pricilla Tibbets as she enters hospice. Prayers for her family and caregivers. - Craig Brandt and Kimberly Gaslin

-Prayers for Nancy Dagen who has entered hospice.

-Prayers for my sister Mary Olson who will undergo cancer surgery on Oct. 22nd. Prayers for a positive outcome. - Jackie Wakely

-Prayers for our friend, Gloria, recently diagnosed with breast cancer (she is the great-grandmother of Arthur who is in the prayers as well) - Janet & Roger Lyson

-Prayers for Cheryl Brotten for healing during her hospitalization for a hip issue.

-Prayers for DJ who is in transitional care due to a heart ailment. May the rehab help him get home soon.

-Prayers for my 99 year old mom, Kathryn Nave, who fell and broke a bone. She is home. - Sue Traeger

-Prayers for Mary Lou Ingram, Tim and Deb Krieg's aunt, who is having heart valve surgery. Prayers for healing, the skill of her care givers and for her full recovery.

-Prayers for thanksgiving that the pathology form Steve Kovac's cancer surgery came back as cancer-free. Continued prayers that his healing might be complete.

-Prayers for relief for us as we are in some financial straights an need assistance this month. - Mike Smith

-Continued prayers for my aunt Barb who is healing from cancer and radiation from Stage 4 lung cancer. She was able to have surgery on her sciatica which originally had cancer but biopsies show is the sciatica is now cancer free! Praise God for his grace, for all the medical teams and cancer patients who have proceeded with experiments to provide knowledge to those who administer healing! Thank you for your prayers and continued prayers for Barb! She is looking to get back to work as her strength returns and pain subsides! - Suzie McWilliams

-Prayers for Amy and Tim Krieg's grandfather, Gene Pittman who is struggling with congestive heart failure.

-Prayers for stability and peace for my wife, Cindy, who has been very ill and while is stable now, the illness fluctuates. - Mike Smith

-Prayers for God's healing grace for our director, Alanna Teragawa who continues her cancer treatment. - Bells of Praise members.

-Prayers for Jason Bohm for strength and courage for family and himself on his journey. - Pamela Trutnau

-Prayers for Nancy Hudson to continue to stay healthy and regain strength and kidneys return to normal.

-Prayers of healing for a neighbor, Jill, whose cancer has returned. - Maggie Horn

-Prayers of healing for Jeannie Krechmer, a member of our sewing group who's cancer has returned. - Diane Anderson

-Prayers for Bonnie McWilliams who is suffering from bad back and knees pain.

-Prayers for my daughter who is receiving radiation for her brain tumor. - Sharon Strid

-Prayers for strength and healing for my herniated disc in my neck, and for healing my broken wrist. - Pamela Trutnau

-Prayers for Scott Hausman for healing and strength to deal with serious health issues. - Pamela Trutnau

-Prayers for successful chemo treatments for Eric Schultz's stomach lining cancer. And prayers for strength and courage for Eric & Family - Pamela Trutnau

-Prayers for the people of Haiti, especially our mission partners Ebenezer Glenn Orphanage. Grant them safety and God's Peace. - Bev Brosam

-Prayers for Arthur, our friend's great grandson. His cancer has returned. Pray for peace and comfort for his family. - Roger and Janet Lyson

-Prayers for a couple of close friends whose fathers aren't doing well - 1 is in hospice and the other might have cancer. - Robyn Noble

-Prayers for Steve who with this 5th diagnosis of lung and kidney cancer. He is in the early stages of diagnosis and treatment. Lifting him up in prayer. - Craig Brandt and Kimberley Gaslin

-Prayers for Howard Jeffery who is having a health problem where is blood pressure is very low.

-Prayers for a family friend that was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. - Art and Emily DeSchepper

-Prayers for my dad who is struggling with addiction and my mom for strength (Dan and Denise DiNardo) - Morgan Lange

-Prayers for my friend Margaret Martin who had a stroke. - Jane Ekerberg

-Prayers for the 22 service members who commit suicide each day. - Craig Brandt

-Prayers for Sean and Scott and all who have cancer. - Sue Newby

-Prayers for Mary Lair's parents who are dealing with health issues.

-Prayers for Scott, who has been diagnosed with cancer. May there be a successful treatment. - Uncle to Ian Newby and brother to Sue Newby

-Prayers for me and others who struggle with mental health stuff – Britt Halaas 

-Prayers for my uncle Rich who is in the hospital and will likely be entering hospice due to his Alzheimer's. - Robyn Hurd

-Prayers of recovery and healing for Jenean Fawver's grandson, Nick Valentini as he had open heart surgery.

-Please pray for our grandson, Evan, for healing from a motorcycle accident. - Larry & Bette

-Prayers for Linda McNamara, my sister, after a fall resulting in three fractures. - Sue Traeger

-Prayers that the new chemo drug Kelly started will have less side effects. Kelly also will have radiation to her spine to hopefully help lessen her pain. - Becky Olson

-Prayers for my nephew who is currently serving as Deacon, but the priest is retiring so he will have full responsibility of their small church. Jane Ekerberg

-Please pray for peace in my personal life, work life and the world. Also, for a personal physical issue and safe travels on the roads and water - Julie Schroeder

-My back is stable because of the prayers and my exercise regime! - Jane Ekerberg 

-Prayers for continued healing and renewed health for both Tom and me. Tom has a hard time breathing and goes to rehab for that. Ongoing prayers for health and medications that will help me with my pain management. - Jackie Wakely

Ongoing prayers…

-Prayers for world peace.

-Prayers for all mother's struggling to provide for their children.

-Prayers for people suffering physical illness, facing death, mental illness and need hope in their lives.

-Prayers for the security of the economics of our country that we may provide for all.

-Prayers for all children suffering from hunger, loss and abuse.

-Prayers for all of us to remain servants of the the Lord.

-Prayers for all those with cancer, may they have strength and hope to heal.

-Prayers for our country and world leaders to make decisions good for all human kind.

-Prayers for peace in heart, mind and soul for our leaders, our country and the world to come together in kindness, joyfulness, open mindedness and love, especially in Ukraine.

-Prayers for the poor and homeless.

-Prayerfully remember friends and family of those who have committed suicide. Acknowledge the pain that they felt and the pain they have left behind.

-Prayers for grandparents raising their grandchildren. Give them strength and insight to the needs of these children.

-Prayers for those lost, the weak, the arrogant, and all of us sinners to find and follow the wonderful gift we were given through Jesus.

-Prayers for healing for the sick especially those with Covid as the pandemic continues.

-Prayers for our deployed service men and women.

-Prayers for those incarcerated in jail and prison to heal from past and find new life.

-Prayers of thanksgiving for our wonderful congregation, for families and children to coming to St. Luke's in abundance and may all of the things we do (large and small) make the world a more loving and beautiful place.

To submit a prayer request, please contact the office: 952-881-5801 or office@stlukesbloomington.org.


St. Luke's Lutheran Church

1701 W Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, 55431

952.881.5801 or stlukesbloomington.org

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Psalm 27:1

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

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