
The City of Columbus is currently developing its 5-year Consolidated Plan to improve housing options and encourage community development in the city. A second study, The Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, will look at whether everyone has similar choices for housing regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, sec, religion, disability, or whether they have children. Be part of the plan -Take the Survey Today!
Home for Good has Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Cares funds for Rapid Rehousing for those experiencing homelessness due to COIVD-19. Connect today for a Coordinated Assessment to see if you qualify for this or other available assistance. Contacting us is easy:
Available Jobs
  • Marco's Pizza Phenix City, AL: 3462 Crosswinds Dr Phenix City, AL 36869
  • Marco's Pizza Fort Mitchell, AL: 1095 Highway 165 Fort Mitchell, AL 36856
  • Drop Zone Chevron & Mini Mart: 1095 Highway 165 Fort Mitchell, AL 36856
  • Marco's Pizza Fort Benning: 4109 Eighth Division Road Fort Benning, GA 31805
  • More information about the available jobs
  • Job Application Form
Summer Education:
Access to and participation in summer programs can combat summer learning loss and provide enriching opportunities, which helps children succeed and thrive in and out of the classroom. Schools and community organizations will offer a variety of summer camps and programs across our community. Parents and caregivers can find more information about summer programs by visiting 211 and entering keywords “Day Camps”.  

Muscogee County School District (MCSD) have reimagined summer learning and announced a new experience for all students. This experience is designed to engage students in a variety of literacy, mathematics, and enrichment learning activities through an interactive summer camp approach. The District and schools will work with local community partners to provide enrichment activities that support student interests in the areas of science, fine arts, and sports.
Registration for the MCSD Summer Learning Experience 2021 will close Friday, May 7th.


As tax season approaches, connect with 2-1-1 to find access to professional, and possibly free tax preparation assistance.

2-1-1 is here for you from hello to help.
Connect with 2-1-1 today:

  • Dial 2-1-1
  • Text your zip code to 898-211
  • Visit our website



Volume 2 focuses on resilience while celebrating grantee successes, spotlights the Fort Worth Region, shares important information and announcements, and highlights accomplishments like Federal Register notices, grantee toolkits, and webinars. Read more

This year, the Office of HIV/AIDS Housing worked closely with the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) to produce a poster to address housing discrimination because of HIV. The poster is available for download and we encourage HIV housing providers to display it in a place accessible to HOPWA-eligible clients. Read more

Located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Seaside Harbor Apartments is a 76-unit residential complex geared toward people with disabilities and households with incomes ranging from 40 to 60 percent of the area median income. Read more

  • New Report Shows Effects of Pandemic
  • Webinar: Results from the Latest "Voices From the Field" Survey


Stress and Mental Health in Emergency Management and Affiliated Professions: It’s OK to talk about it.
Thursday, May 6 | 1:00 pm

This 90 minute webinar will address the current state of mental wellness in the emergency management field and affiliated professions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and concurrent disasters. Read more


This week’s Office Hours will feature the following presenters and topics:
  • HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge
  • St. Louis County, MO: Racial Equity in COVID-19 Response Planning
  • Get My Payment IL: Economic Impact Payment Campaign

The CDBG-CV Financial Management Quick Guide is a user-friendly tool to help grantees set up their financial management system (FMS) to comply with the requirements of the new Community Development Block Grant CARES Act (CDBG-CV) supplemental assistance award program and CDBG-CV Notice. Read more


Monthly Housing Navigation and COVID Response Meeting

Occurs every first Tuesday | 3:00 pm

Thank you to all who attended our recent meeting on Wednesday, April 28, 2021

For more information, visit the Home for Good website.

Find us on our Facebook page. We appreciate your comments, likes, and shares.