Monday morning Bible study resumes Mondays at 10am in the Gathering Place, beginning February 12. We will use Melissa Spoelstra's study on Joseph: The Journey to Forgiveness for the study. All are welcome to join, even if you do not have the book. Contact Pastor Amy with any questions or to get a book.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Tuesday, Feb. 13

Gathering Place


The UMM invite you to a Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper on Tuesday, February 13 from 4-7pm. 


Shrove Tuesday is the day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. Shrove Tuesday began as a last chance to indulge and for people to use up many of the items in their cupboards they gave up during Lent. 


All are welcome, and we encourage you to invite your friends and neighbors.

 Contact James Davis (540-292-9340) if you have any questions.

Ash Wednesday Worship

Noon & 7pm

at Salem UMC


Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the season of Lent, is February 14. Worship and imposition of the ashes will be held at Salem UMC at noon and 7pm. Once again, Cunningham will be joining with Grace & Glory Lutheran, Palmyra UMC, and Salem UMC for our Lenten services and gatherings. Contact Pastor Amy with questions.

Ronald McDonald House Meal Delivery

Friday, February 16, 11am


Ronald McDonald House Meal Delivery is Friday, February 16.  For those who have signed up please bring food to the church parking lot by 11 am, or contact Joyce Black (434-589-8608) or Nancy Sindy to make other arrangements (757-508-0502). 

Singles Group

Friday, February 16

12:30 pm

Gathering Place


The Cunningham Singles group will meet on Friday, February 16 beginning at 12:30 with a potluck followed by our meeting and fellowship until 3:00 pm. Participants are requested to bring a dish to share with the group and their own beverage, plates and utensils.

At 3:00 pm our meeting will open to the congregation and Pastor Amy will be making a presentation about her trip to Europe. 

Contact Betty Meyer if you have questions.

Learn to Knit

Sunday, February 18, 2-4pm

Cunningham Creek Winery


Interested in learning to knit? Already know how to knit, but would like to be part of a crafting group? We’ll craft together in the relaxed atmosphere of the Cunningham Creek Winery on Sunday, February 18th, 2 - 4 p.m. We’ll provide the yarn and needles to get you started if you are learning. Please RSVP by contacting Carla so we can reserve a table as appropriate.

Monday Night Bible Study

Resumes Feb. 19 @ 7pm


Monday night zoom study will resume on Monday, 19th for the Lenten season. Our study will be focused around "A Different Kind of Fast" by Christine Valters Paintner. Over the course of Lent we will be invited to fast from certain things and embrace others. The first half of the book is the introduction and describes what motivated her to create this practice and why. You can read that or not, depending on how much reading you want to do. The daily practices start on Ash Wednesday, which is February 14, which is what will direct our study. For more information contact Pastor Amy.

American Red Cross


Saturday, March 16


Gathering Place


The Red Cross will conduct a CPR/AED class in the Gathering Place on Saturday March 16, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. until noon. The cost is $90.95 per person. Participants will receive a 2-year digital certification. 

Please contact Richard Hawks , (434) 326-6682, if would like to attend this class. If you know of anyone from outside the Cunningham UMC community who would be interested, please have them contact Richard.


MONDAY, February 12

  • 10am-11:30am Bible Study-Joseph (Gathering Place)

TUESDAY, February 13

  • 4-7pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (Gathering Place)
  • 7-8pm Trustee's Meeting (Fellowship Hall)

WEDNESDAY, February 14

  • 10am-12pm All Blessings Flow (Grounds)
  • 12pm Ash Wednesday Service (Salem UMC)
  • 7pm Ash Wednesday Service (Salem UMC)

FRIDAY, February 16

  • 11:00am Delivery of Meals to Ronald McDonald House
  • 12:30pm Singles Group (Gathering Place)
  • 3:00pm Pastor Amy discusses her trip in Paul's footsteps

SUNDAY, February 18

  • 9:30 am Worship Service (in-person & virtual)
  • 11am Sunday School (Fellowship Room)
  • 2-4pm Crafting Group at Cunningham Creek Winery

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Feb 12 -Janice Eanes, Walter Hussey & Charlotte Thren

Feb 15 - Chase LaRochelle & Anne Peed

Feb 16 - Leigh Osteen

Feb 17 - Wallace Browning

Feb 18 - Zoe Luniewski


Prayer requests remain up to 4 weeks. Please resubmit your prayer requests.

Jan Butcher

David & Carol Eddy

Carol Frost

Bill Peters

Margaret Frost Tobat

DJ Wilkerson


Erica Adamiak (daughter of Tammy Hirt)

Vito Addotta (friend of many)

Mary Boyd (mother of Candy Pleasant)

Mary Anne Brown (sister-in-law of Charleene Frazier)

Brenda Browning

Hal Craig (brother of Wayne Craig)

Ben Fitzgerald (nephew of Pastor Amy)

Tim Fitzgerald (bro-in-law of Pastor Amy)

Charleene Frazier

Elizabeth Garrett (friend of Amy Grant)

Brenda Grant

Lois Haverstrom (friend of Roger Black)

Marie Hussey

Anna Koch (grand-dtr of Charleene Frazier)

Celia Landis

Julie Lawrence (relation of Wayne Craig)

Karen Mann (daughter of the Manns)

Chet Maxey (friend of Roger Black)

Rob Maxey (friend of Roger Black)

Earl Murphy (uncle of Mary Anne


Estelle Neher

Dottie Nickerson

Eric Nickerson (son of Dottie Nickerson)

Marilyn and Richard Payne

Anne Peed

Jerry Peters (brother of Bill Peters)

Lila Kate Robinson

Mabel Powell

Jessica Rave (niece of Mary Anne Benvenutti)

Richard Rave (brother of Mary Anne Benvenutti)

Ritchie Schaeffer (son of Marion Schaeffer)

Sandy Shelton

Bridget Shepherd (cousin of Brenda Nichols)

Theresa Shifflett (daughter of Mabel Powell)

Mike & Laura Stoneman (sister & brother-in-law of Jennifer Wilkerson)

Rosemarie Sutton

Charity Wegert (friend of Bill Peters)

Tracy Williams (co-worker of Rhonda Kay Black)

The Worldwide United Methodist Church

3389 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963
434-591-1363 www.cunninghamumc.org
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