WEEKLY UPDATE September 16, 2024

 Please Join Us!

Cunningham’s Homecoming Celebration is this Sunday at 11:00. The Rev. Tom Frost will be preaching. Following worship we will gather for our Homecoming Luncheon. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. We will provide the main course and beverages. Contact Pastor Amy with any questions.

Cunningham to Host JABA Senior Center for Trial Period

Cunningham Cares for seniors! Starting Monday, October 7, Cunningham UMC will host a JABA Senior Center on the first and third Monday of the month from October-December 2024. The center will be open those days from 10am - 1pm.

We are looking for people to help us evaluate the senior center during the trial period. If you are 60 or older and willing to attend one of the days Cunningham hosts during the trial period, please contact Pastor Amy.

Help Cunningham care for seniors!

BAZAAR Planning Meeting

Please join us at our Cunningham Women's Meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 9:45 am. We will be having our first planning meeting for the November 9th Bazaar. We need lots of volunteers to make this event a success, so PLEASE COME! Contact Marie Hussey for additional information.

Singles Meeting

The Singles meeting for September will be held on September 20th at 1:30 in the Gathering Place. Participants are requested to bring their own beverage, a snack to share and be prepared for an afternoon of fellowship and fun. Singles 55+ are invited to join us. Contact Betty Meyer for with questions.


MONDAY, September 16th

  • 10:00 - Methodist Bible Study

TUESDAY, September 17th

  • 9:45 am Women's Group
  • 7 pm - Council Meeting (OL)

WEDNESDAY, September 18th

  • 10 am-12 pm All Blessings Flow (Grounds & Fork Union)
  • 7 pm Choir (Sanctuary)

FRIDAY, September 20th

  • 1:30 Singles Group (GP)

SUNDAY, September 22nd

  • 11:00 am Homecoming (in-person & virtual)
  • Homecoming Luncheon following the Worship Service

This Week's Birthdays & Anniversaries

Brook Robinson

Layne Brophy

Bill & Jackie Peters (Anniversary)

WATCH THE September 15th SERVICE

Prayer requests remain up to 4 weeks. Please resubmit your prayer requests.

Skylar Glandon (granddaughter of Betty Meyer)

Bart Price (father of Brandon Price)

Carolyn Sue Rondou (cousin of Pastor Amy)

The family of Sandy Shelton

Tim Smith

Rosemarie Sutton


Erica Adamiak (daughter of Tammy Hirt)

Vito Addotta (friend of many)

Mary Boyd (mother of Candy Pleasant)

Mary Anne Brown (sister-in-law of Charleene Frazier)

Brenda Browning

Norm Craig (brother of Wayne Craig)

Wayne Craig

Natalie Dyer (sister of Bill Alderman)

Laurie Fincham (friend of Tricia Callahan)

Ben Fitzgerald (nephew of Pastor Amy)

Tim Fitzgerald (bro-in-law of Pastor Amy)

Brenda Grant

Charles Greer (brother of Judy Southworth)

Marie Hussey

Anna Koch (grand-dtr of Charleene Frazier)

JoNell Lewis (niece of Dottie Knickerson)

Karen Mann (daughter of the Manns)

Chet Maxey (friend of Roger Black)

Rob Maxey (friend of Roger Black)

Betty Mallory (sister of Joyce Black)

Faith McAleer (granddaughter of Bob & Alma Gianniny)

Estelle Neher

Dottie Nickerson

Eric Nickerson (son of Dottie Nickerson)

Jerry Peters (brother of Bill Peters)

Butch Pullinger

Lila Kate Robinson

Jessica Rave (niece of Mary Anne Benvenutti)

Richard Rave (brother of Mary Anne Benvenutti)

John Riva (nephew of Charleene Frazier)

Ritchie Schaeffer (son of Marion Schaeffer)

Bridget Shepherd (cousin of Brenda Nichols)

Theresa Shifflett (daughter of Mabel Powell)

Charity Wegert (friend of Bill Peters)

Tracy Williams (co-worker of Rhonda Kay Black)

The Worldwide United Methodist Church

3389 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963
434-591-1363 www.cunninghamumc.org
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