This Sunday at 9:30am

Holiday Poinsettias

This year we will have a poinsettia tree in the sanctuary instead of our usual Chrismon tree. We will purchase poinsettias for $10 or less. If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory of a loved one, please contact Mary Whalen TODAY to make arrangements.

Hanging the Greens Workshop

Wednesday at 9am

Mary Whalen and Bill Peters will hold a workshop for hanging off the greens this Wednesday, Nov. 29 at 9am. Come help with this beloved Christmas tradition! Contact Mary Whalen if you have questions or need additional information.

This Sunday we will decorate the church for Christmas. You are encouraged to wear Christmas colors to worship.


Support Cunningham on Giving Tuesday: We've survived Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and are now experiencing Cyber Monday today. Tomorrow, we have the opportunity to participate in Giving Tuesday. At Cunningham we have many ongoing active ministries in which you can participate by going online to give at https://cunninghamumc.org/ or mailing, dropping off, or putting your contribution into the collection plate, designating the ministry you wish to support or just give to our General Fund where we will use your donation for our greatest needs.

You are invited to

Women of Cunningham Christmas Party

& Yankee Gift Swap

The Women of Cunningham invite you to a Christmas Party and Yankee Gift Swap on Tuesday, December 5 at 11am on Wahoo BBQ. Click here for more information, the swap rules, and gift ideas. Contact Nancy Sindy if you have any questions.

Singles Christmas Gathering

Friday, Dec. 15

The Cunningham Singles next meeting will be held on December 15 at 1:30 in the Gathering Place. This will be our Christmas celebration and everyone is encouraged to bring snacks to share and a wrapped gift costing $8 or less. Christmas attire is encouraged. Contact Betty Meyer if you have questions.

Carols, Cookies, & Cocoa

December 16th

Mark your calendar for some good Christmas fun! We'll sing carols, enjoy cookies and cocoa, and make merry! December 16 from 2-4pm in the Gathering Place. Invite a friend or two! Participants are encouraged to bring homemade or store bought cookies to share. There will be a prize for the best Christmas attire, and everyone is encourage to participate. The cocoa and live music will be provided.


Thanks to those members of our Cunningham family who have already submitted their 2024 General Operating Fund budget commitment cards which were dedicated during our Service last Sunday. If you have not yet had a chance to return your commitment card to the Church, there is still an opportunity to do so, as we will continue to dedicate those cards as we receive them. Commitment cards are available in the Narthex, or you may contact Walter Hussey, our Finance Chair (whthinker@yahoo.com or 703.967.1798) or the Church office.


MONDAY, November 27

  • 9-11am Bread & Blessing (Gathering Place)
  • 10am-1pm FCSS Toy Collection (Gathering Place)

TUESDAY, November 28

  • 7pm Discipleship Team Meeting (Zoom)

WEDNESDAY, November 29

  • 9am Hanging of the Greens Workshop
  • 10am-12pm All Blessings Flow (Grounds)
  • 7-8pm Choir Practice (Sanctuary)

SUNDAY, December 3

  • 9:30 am Worship (in-person & virtual)
  • 11am Adult Sunday School

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Nov 26 - Sandy Clarke

Nov 28 - Hester Baird & Fred Kent

Dec 3 - Grayson Peterson


Prayer requests remain up to 4 weeks. Please resubmit your prayer requests.

Dana Bell (friend of Roger Black)

Miranda Benvenutti (daughter of Mary Anne Benvenutti)

Family & friends of Kevin Brogan (brother or Rose Brogan)

Mary Ann Browne (sister-in-law of Charleene Frazier)

Joyce Conlon (sister of Jennifer Wilkerson)

Peter & Caroline Herlin (granddaughter of a friend of Charleene Frazier)

Diana Lezscano (niece of Jennifer Wilkerson)

Marilyn & Richard Payne

Bill Peters

Tracy Williams (co-worker of Rhonda Kay Black)


Erica Adamiak (daughter of Tammy Hirt)

Vito Addotta (friend of many)

Mary Boyd (mother of Candy Pleasant)

Brenda Browning

Hal Craig (brother of Wayne Craig)

Ben Fitzgerald (nephew of Pastor Amy)

Tim Fitzgerald (bro-in-law of Pastor Amy)

Charleene Frazier

Elizabeth Garrett (friend of Amy Grant)

Brenda Grant

Lois Haverstrom (friend of Roger Black)

Marie Hussey

Anna Koch (grand-dtr of Charleene Frazier)

Celia Landis

Julie Lawrence (relation of Wayne Craig)

Karen Mann (daughter of the Manns)

Chet Maxey (friend of Roger Black)

Rob Maxey (friend of Roger Black)

Richard Miller (brother of Shirley Bodmer)

Earl Murphy (uncle of Mary Anne


Estelle Neher

Dottie Nickerson

Eric Nickerson (son of Dottie Nickerson)

Anne Peed

Jerry Peters (brother of Bill Peters)

Lila Kate Robinson

Mabel Powell

Jessica Rave (niece of Mary Anne Benvenutti)

Richard Rave (brother of Mary Anne Benvenutti)

Ritchie Schaeffer (son of Marion Schaeffer)

Sandy Shelton

Theresa Shifflett (daughter of Mabel Powell)

Mike & Laura Stoneman (sister & brother-in-law of Jennifer Wilkerson)

Rosemarie Sutton

Charlotte Thren (sister of Marion Schaefer)

Margaret Frost Tobat

Charity Wegert (friend of Bill Peters)

The Worldwide United Methodist Church

3389 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963
434-591-1363 www.cunninghamumc.org
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