Weekly BobBlast Issue 307
Keep Loose with Expressive Brush Strokes

Welcome Back to Another BobBlast!
Loosen Up …This BobBlast is another Burridge stretching and warm up exercise with "Dancing Brushes!"

When you run out of ideas to paint, but you still have the urge to make more paintings, I suggest sitting, relaxing and doodling with your watercolors. Watercolor painting can be a simple set up:
•Bowl of water
•Your watercolor palette
•Watercolor paper
•Quiet time to doodle around

I like the thought of not trying to make a pretty picture - I like to use the time to play - keeping it loose and free with expressive brush strokes. It is all about the process of painting… the fun part!

Loosening up! This is a great goal to have when starting a painting. Here are a few loosen up studio practices I keep in mind while I paint:
•Stand while I paint
•Paint at arm's length
•Longer and larger brushes
•Larger paper
•BIG buckets of water
•Wide-mouth containers of paint
•Lock your studio door, turn up the music and dance with your brush!
Remember - it's the process of painting. Have fun!

Newest exhibit - Let's Dance!
Keep the theme in mind - Specifically, with this exhibit we want to see your interpretation of dance, movement, and expressiveness. Post your Let's Dance paintings - your vision, and enjoy looking through the international gallery.
Here’s what to do next to join our virtual exhibit of Let's Dance:
  1. Click on this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/RobertBurridgeStudioLetsDanceVirtualExhibit
  2. OR search in Facebook for Robert Burridge Studio Let's Dance Virtual Exhibit
  3. Join the group
  4. Post your work!
  5. Add your name, title plus more info.

Looking forward to seeing your work!
Thanks again for watching and telling your friends! All my BobBlasts are archived on my website and my YouTube Channel . We post new studio tips weekly that offer real content, substance and useful techniques that work for me. And they're free! We appreciate your interest, questions, comments and support!

Some of our subscribers have asked about the "behind the scenes" people who make the weekly BobBlast possible - so we want to give a shout out and thank Bo von Hohenlohe for editing the BobBlast videos. Bo also produces websites and helps authors self-publish book. Please visit his website at www.bvhprods.com .

Below is a list of featured workshops - but did you know that I also offer private sessions in my studio ? Perfect for beginners who want a crash course in watercolor or acrylic or for artists who are designing an exhibit and want to bounce ideas for content and techniques. I devote 100% of my studio time to you! Designed for 1 to 3 people - if you are interested or have questions, email kate@robertburridge.com

Our Workshop Schedule is a little up in the air right now!
Please contact the Workshop Coordinator listed for the latest news.
July 13-17, 2020
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
Mendocino Art Center
Mendocino, CA
Contact Gina Hurst-Roach, registrar (707) 937-5818
Click here for more info.

July 20-24, 2020
Contemporary Abstract Figurative Painting & Collage
Mendocino Art Center
Mendocino, CA
Contact Gina Hurst-Roach, registrar (707) 937-5818
Click here for more info.

August 3-7, 2020
Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff
Boone, NC
Contact Edwina May, Workshop Coordinator (800) 227-2788 

August 13-16, 2020
Robert Burridge Studio Mentor Workshop
Come paint with Bob in his Studio in Arroyo Grande, CA
(includes individual mentor time, demonstrations and personal theme development)
3.5 days Workshop/Mentor Program, limited to 7 enrollees
Contact Kate@RobertBurridge.com for fees and details.
Click HERE for more info.

August 19-22, 2020
Robert Burridge Studio Figure Painting Workshop/undraped model
Come paint with Bob in his Studio in Arroyo Grande, CA
(includes individual mentor time, demonstrations and personal theme development)
4-day Workshop/Mentor Program, limited to 6 enrollees
Contact Kate@RobertBurridge.com for fees and details.
Click HERE for more info

August 24-28, 2020
Robert Burridge 5-Day Instructional Studio Workshop
5-day Workshop in Bob’s Arroyo Grande, CA Studio (Monday-Friday)
Contact Kate@RobertBurridge.com for fees and details.
Click HERE for more info

September 24-27, 2020
Artisan Expo
(505) 954-4179 ext. 119

September 15-18, 2020
Robert Burridge Studio Figure Painting Workshop/undraped model
Come paint with Bob in his Studio in Arroyo Grande, CA
(includes individual mentor time, demonstrations and personal theme development)
4-day Workshop/Mentor Program, limited to 6 enrollees
Contact Kate@RobertBurridge.com for fees and details.
Click HERE for more info

October 26-30, 2020
Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting
Vancouver Island Art Workshops
British Columbia, Canada
Contact Mary, (250) 714-8080 

November 12-15, 2020
Art of the Carolinas - Workshops & Art Materials Exhibition
Sponsored by Jerry’s Artarama
Raleigh, North Carolina
Contact Sharon DiGiulio (800) 827-8478 ext 156 sharon@jerrysartarama.com

November 19-22, 2020
Robert Burridge Studio Mentor Workshop
Come paint with Bob in his Studio in Arroyo Grande, CA
(includes individual mentor time, demonstrations and personal theme development)
3.5 days Workshop/Mentor Program, limited to 7 enrollees
Contact Kate@RobertBurridge.com for fees and details.
Click HERE for more info.

November 30-December 10, 2020 - NEW TRIP!!!
Paint Cuba with Bob Burridge
Explore Amazing Places
(623) 888-1314
Click here for more info.

January 23-30, 2021
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage in Mexico
Casa de Los Artistas
Boca de Tomatlan, 10 miles South of Puerto Vallarta 
Contact Robert Masla, (413) 625-8383

March 29 - April 7, 2021 - RESCHEDULED!!
Essential Holland: Tulips in Spring River Cruise
Loose, Impressionistic Sketching & Painting Workshop
Sponsored by Dillman's Art Workshop Retreat
Contact stephanie@dillmans.com (715) 588-3143

April 26-30, 2021 - RESCHEDULED!!
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
Workshop Location - Hotel 10
10 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, Quebec
Contact Lucie Michel, 514-889-8191 or
email luciemic123@hotmail.com

June 15-19, 2021 - RESCHEDULED!!
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
Dillman's Arts Workshop Retreat
Lac du Flambeau, WI
Contact (715) 588-3143 or vacations@dillmans.com

June 22-25, 2021 - RESCHEDULED!!
Burridge Mentor Program
Dillman's Arts Workshop Retreat
Lac du Flambeau, WI
Contact (715) 588-3143 or vacations@dillmans.com
View Bob's Workshop Schedule, click here .
...Check out his 2020 Studio Workshops! click here .

Hope you have enjoyed these short, weekly blasts! Sign up on my website and keep watching. There are lots of them!
Click here to view BobBlast Issue 307 video!
Keep Loose with Expressive Brush Strokes
Love, Peace & Happiness,
BobBlast #306 - Video run time 9 minutes, 17 seconds

•To read about Bob's studio practices, intentions, and painting tips, check out his Loosen Up and Studio Notes Workbook. Click here for more info and to order.

•You can purchase Bob's Color Wheel from his website by clicking here .

•You can purchase Bob's Travel Wheel from his website by clicking here .

•We even have a special for BOTH color wheels! Click here .

•You can purchase Bob's 2 Chart Combo - Composition Chart and Rembrandt Lighting & Value Chart by clicking here ! 2 charts for the price of 1!

•For more info about Bob's Workshop Schedule click here .
Robert Burridge