Weekly BobBlast Issue 327
Background Colors that Work.

Welcome Back to Another BobBlast!

Here's a question I hear frequently from painters: "What color should I make the background?" If you want your background to truly be just a background, you may want the color to not be “forward.” In other words, you want the background to “move back” or “recede” and not be the same color intensity, competing with the dominant color. 

I have found, by mixing together a complementary color with a dominant color, I eventually get a neutral color that is compatible. I mix the two colors, then add white - as much as I want to achieve the desired neutral. My demo is just that! 

In the demo, I’ve taken older paintings that I have decided to simplify! You will watch me paint over the background by using the dominant color - and adding a bit of its complement (color across from the dominant color. Using my Goof-Proof Color Wheel, I mix the dominant with the focal point color. After the initial mixing, I add white to make it opaque. I paint this beautiful, new, neutral color over the parts I want to be less noticeable.

BTW… I don’t think of my painting as a background or foreground color separately. I paint all over, all at the same time - to unify the work. However, I am conscious of color all over, as it recedes or moves to the forefront.

Well, I hope that answers your question… Or at least piques your curiosity to give it a try! It’s not the only solution, but this works for me!

If you are interested in making and using NEUTRALS in your paintings, we have perfect the Workshop for you! Contact Kate@robertburridge.com for info or click on the link:

We received a few "What I do in my studio for productivity..."
"Clean the studio! It is a small room with everything in there. If I don't clean weekly, I can't work." - Sharon J.

"LOL - I read Bob Blasts and get inspired to paint!!" - Aleta B.

This is what we're up to… Come Join the Fun!
"Zoomin' with Bob!"
Monday & Tuesday, 10-noon PT and 1-3pm PT
Online Workshops in November and December
Click here for more information!
•Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting - 11/30-121/1
Color Lesson: Making and Using Neutrals in your Painting - 12/7-8

•Art Marketing: Make More $$ - The 10 Must-Do's to Sell your Paintings - 11/14
Saturday, November 14, 1:00-4:00 pm PT

--Don't Miss--
Date Night with Bob!
Thursdays in October
All Zoom Painting Workshops!
Limited to 20 - Click here for more info.

Our Latest Virtual Exhibit! LOVE NOTES…
Join the group and post your LOVE NOTES Paintings.
Here’s what to do next to join our virtual exhibit of Love Notes:
Click on this link:
  1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/robertburridgestudiolovenotesvirtualexhibit/
  2. OR search in Facebook for Robert Burridge Studio Love Notes Virtual Exhibit
  3. Join the group
  4. Post your work!
  5. Add your name, title plus more info.

Looking forward to seeing your work!
Thanks again for watching and telling your friends! All my BobBlasts are archived on my website and my YouTube Channel. We post new studio tips weekly that offer real content, substance and useful techniques that work for me. And they're free! We appreciate your interest, questions, comments and support!

Some of our subscribers have asked about the "behind the scenes" people who make the weekly BobBlast possible - so we want to give a shout out and thank Bo von Hohenlohe for editing the BobBlast videos. Bo also produces websites and helps authors self-publish book. Please visit his website at www.bvhprods.com.

Below is a list of featured workshops - but did you know that I also offer private sessions in my studio? Perfect for beginners who want a crash course in watercolor or acrylic or for artists who are designing an exhibit and want to bounce ideas for content and techniques. I devote 100% of my studio time to you! Designed for 1 to 3 people - if you are interested or have questions, email kate@robertburridge.com

Our most current Workshop Schedule!
Paint with Bob in his Studio in Arroyo Grande, California!
Mentor, 5-day Instructional, Figure Painting and One-on-One Workshops
Click here for more info.
Contact Kate@robertburridge.com for questions.

Date Night with Bob! Online Zoom Painting Lesson
Zoom Painting Lesson
Thursdays in October!
4-6 pm Pacific Time

October 9-11, 2020
Contemporary Abstract Figure - ONLINE WORKSHOP!
3-day Painting Workshop
Zoom Platform
Host, Sedona Arts Center
Contact (888) 954-4442 or (928) 282-3809

October 19, 20, 22, 2020
Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting - ONLINE WORKSHOP!
Zoom Platform
Host, Mendocino Art Center
Contact Registrar, (707) 937-5818 ext 10

October 24 - 25, 2020
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage - ONLINE WORKSHOP!
Zoom Platform
Host, Mendocino Art Center
Contact Registrar, (707) 937-5818 ext 10

Zoomin' with Bob! - ONLINE WORKSHOP!
November 14, 2020
Art Marketing: Make More $$ - the 10 Must Do's to Sell your Paintings

November 16-18, 2020
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage - ONLINE WORKSHOP!
Zoom Platform
Host, Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff
Contact Edwina May, Workshop Coordinator (800) 227-2788 

Zoomin' with Bob! - ONLINE WORKSHOP!
November 30-December 1, 2020
Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting

Zoomin' with Bob! - ONLINE WORKSHOP!
December 7-8, 2020
Color Lesson: Making and Using Neutrals in your Painting

February 8-10, 2021
Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting
3-day Painting Workshop (Monday-Wednesday)
February 11-14
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
4-day Painting Workshop (Thursday-Saturday)
Art Center Sarasota
707 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236
Demo: Sunday, February 7, 1-3 pm
Contact Elizabeth Goodwill, Education Director
elizabeth@artsarasota.org or call (941) 365-2032

March 6-13, 2021 - New Date!
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage in Mexico
Casa de Los Artistas
Boca de Tomatlan, 10 miles South of Puerto Vallarta 
Contact Robert Masla, (413) 625-8382

March 29 - April 7, 2021
Essential Holland: Tulips in Spring River Cruise
Loose, Impressionistic Sketching & Painting Workshop
Sponsored by Dillman's Art Workshop Retreat
Contact stephanie@dillmans.com (715) 588-3143

April 12-16, 2021
Larger & Looser!
5-day Workshop (Monday-Friday) 
Kudzu Art Zone, Norcross, GA
Contact Kathy Kitz, Workshop Coordinator, (770) 263-7832 

April 26-30, 2021
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
Workshop Location - TBA
Montreal, Quebec
Contact Lucie Michel, 514-889-8191

May 9-15, 2021
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
5-day Painting Workshop (Monday-Friday)
Hudson River Valley Art Workshop
Greenville, NY
Contact Kim LaPolla (518) 966-5219 or (888) 665-0044
PO Box 659, Greenville, NY 12083 

May 17-21, 2021
Larger & Looser Abstracts
5-day Workshop (Monday-Friday)
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff
Boone, NC
Contact Edwina May, Workshop Coordinator (800) 227-2788 

June 15-19, 2021
Abstract Acrylic Painting & Collage
Dillman's Arts Workshop Retreat
Lac du Flambeau, WI
Contact (715) 588-3143 or vacations@dillmans.com

June 22-25, 2021
Burridge Mentor Program
Dillman's Arts Workshop Retreat
Lac du Flambeau, WI
Contact (715) 588-3143 or vacations@dillmans.com

November 29 - December 9, 2021
Paint Cuba with Bob Burridge
Explore Amazing Places
(623) 888-1314
Click here for more info.
View Bob's Workshop Schedule, click here.
...Check out his 2021 Studio Workshops! click here.

Hope you have enjoyed these short, weekly blasts!
Sign up on my website and keep watching. There are lots of them!
Click here to view BobBlast Issue 327 video!
Background Colors that Work.
Love, Peace & Happiness,
BobBlast #327 - Video run time 12 minutes, 35 seconds

•It's Here! Robert Burridge’s All Digital eWorkbook. Full color, active video, audio clips and Bob’s creative ideas for loosening up your own paintings. Click here for more info & to order.

•You can purchase Bob's Color Wheel from his website by clicking here.

•You can purchase Bob's Travel Wheel from his website by clicking here. Add a printed b/w Studio Workbook for $14.95 by clicking here.

•We even have a special for BOTH color wheels! Click here.

•You can purchase Bob's 2 Chart Combo - Composition Chart and Rembrandt Lighting & Value Chart by clicking here! 2 charts for the price of 1!

•For more info about Bob's Workshop Schedule click here.
Robert Burridge