Weekly Briefs

from the desk of:

Tom Barwin
Sarasota City Manager

October 2, 2020

Thank you for reading this week's updates. If you have questions, comments or suggestions for topics, please contact us directly: 941-263-6402 or CityNews@SarasotaFL.Gov
City Commission
Monday, Oct. 5 - 1:30 p.m. & 6 p.m.
Video Conference

Downtown Improvement District
Tuesday, Oct. 6 - 9 a.m.
Video Conference

Development Review Committee
Wednesday, Oct. 7 - 9 a.m.
City Hall - Commission Chambers
Face Coverings Update
Today's news that the very
well-protected President Trump and First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19 reinforces the reality that the virus remains a public health threat as we enter the fall.

With Gov. DeSantis moving Florida into Phase 3 of the pandemic recovery last Friday and removing penalties associated with local COVID-19 public health measures, City staff have received questions about what this means for the City’s current face covering ordinance.

After reviewing the executive order, City Attorney Bob Fournier opined there is no need to repeal the ordinance. It will remain in place through Oct. 28 without the issuance of citations. 

Private businesses owners, please note: you do have the right to require a mask be worn inside your business. The City will continue to strongly encourage the public to do the right thing and mask up.

Since the ordinance went into effect July 1, staff have not needed to issue any citations, instead seeing very good compliance by well-informed and conscientious citizens. We have distributed 40,000+ paper and cloth masks to residents and businesses, and more are available if needed.  Need masks or have questions? Please contact us at Mandatory.Mask@SarasotaFL.gov

By masking up, you’re protecting yourself and others and helping to prevent a possible fall or winter resurgence of this contagious novel virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines continue to recommend the use of face coverings properly and consistently in public settings and around those who do not live in your household, particularly when social distancing cannot be maintained. A mask helps control and prevent respiratory droplets from moving through the air and landing on someone else, thus reducing the risk of possible transmission. 

Now is not the time to let our guard down! Staying the course and wearing a face covering will lead to the local economy rebounding in a steady, sustainable and even stronger fashion.
Virtual Meetings - Extended through October
Late Wednesday afternoon, Gov. DeSantis extended the executive order authorizing local government bodies to meet virtually through the end of October. That means the City Commission and other boards will continue to meet via Zoom.

Individuals interested in providing public input remotely during the Oct. 5 City Commission meeting will need to register. Please email the City Auditor and Clerk at Clerk@SarasotaFL.gov by Sunday, Oct. 4 at 5 p.m. You’ll receive a link to complete an online registration form, then once registered, you'll receive instructions on how to access the meeting online and participate.

Written comments also will accepted at Clerk@SarasotaFL.gov, and a computer station will be available during the meeting for virtual public input from those who prefer to be present at City Hall. There are many options for our engaged residents to participate while we continue to be safe and stay socially distanced. 
Unconditional Surrender: Survey Results
The recent Unconditional Surrender survey, asking the public's opinion about where the statue should be relocated to allow for upcoming road construction, attracted a significant amount of public input with 10,410 responses submitted during the one-week period when the Survey Monkey was open. 

While online surveys are non-scientific, and some individuals may attempt to skew the process, the intent was to collect general community sentiment and present that information to City Commissioners as one of many factors to be considered during their decision-making process. The results can be reviewed here.

The overall top choice was Option #1on the Bayfront between O’Leary’s Tiki Bar & Grill and Marina Jack – which received 4,133 votes or 39.7% of the responses.

The top three preferred sites are:
1st: Option #1

Responses: 4,133
Percentage: 39.7%

Location: Bayfront - Area between O'Leary's and Marina Jack
2nd: Option #4

Responses: 2,187
Percentage: 21.01%

Location: Ken Thompson Park - In the middle of the circular drive area in the north end of the park located between Mote and the Sailing Squadron

3rd: Option #2

Responses: 1,727
Percentage: 16.59%

Location: Bayfront - In the middle of the circular drive area at the entrance of Bayfont Park in front of O'Leary's Tiki Bar
When framing the options in geographical clusters, such as the Bayfront, Ken Thompson Park, Chaplain J.D. Hamel Park and other areas, the two Bayfront options received a combined 56.29% of the responses.
A. The Bayfront:
Combined responses: 5,860 56.29%
Option #1
4,133 responses
Option #2
1,727 responses
B. Ken Thompson Park:
Combined responses: 2,439 23.43%
Option #3
252 responses
Option #4
2,187 responses
C. Chaplain J.D. Hamel Park (Downtown - east of U.S. 41):
Combined responses: 544 5.22%
Option #5
268 responses
Option #6
276 responses
D. Other areas:
Combined responses: 1,567 15.06%
Option #7
(Municipal Auditorium)
211 responses
Option #8
(Sahib Shriners)
1,048 responses
Option #9
(Hart's Landing)
308 responses
We thank the over 10,000 individuals who took the time to participate in this non-scientific online regional survey. As we noted previously and will emphasize again, these results will be included in the information provided to the City Commission to be considered during its deliberation about where to relocate the statue. At this time, a date for that discussion has not been set. We’ll keep you posted!
U.S. Census – New deadline is Oct. 5
If you haven’t completed the 2020 Census yet, there’s still time! 

Following a federal court hearing in California late last week, the Commerce Department announced the 2020 Census will be extended through Oct. 5. It previously was scheduled to conclude at the end of September to allow time to compile the results and present a report to the president by end of the calendar year.

2020 is a tough year for the census to be conducted. But, as a community we must do our best to get everyone counted. The disbursement of trillions of federal dollars as well as apportionment, the important process of determining representation and the number of congressional seats in each state, will be based on these census results for the next 10 years. So, a lot is riding on getting every person counted!

You can still respond online at 2020Census.gov or by phone at 844-330-2020 (English) or 844-468-2020 (Spanish). Census representatives are available every day from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Non-English and non-Spanish language support is also available.

We’re counting on you, Sarasota!
Advisory Board Openings
With more than 20 advisory boards appointed by the City Commission that specialize in a variety of issues, applications are always being accepted to fill vacant or expiring seats with qualified individuals who would like to volunteer their time and give back to the community.

We encourage you to review these upcoming openings and share with your friends and neighbors who may be interested in playing an important part in shaping our community.

Downtown Improvement District – 2 terms expiring in December

Historic Preservation Board – 1 term expiring in December (seat is designated for a participating professional historian or archaeologist)

Human Relations Board – 2 vacancies and 1 term expiring in December

Newtown CRA Advisory Board – 3 vacancies and 1 term expiring in December

St. Armands BID - 1 term expiring in December
A complete list of advisory boards, functions and the number of board members is available at SarasotaFL.Gov
Tree Giveaway
We’re excited to announce that our popular Community Canopy tree giveaway program is returning! Beginning midnight this Sunday, Oct. 4, Sarasota residents will be able to log on to www.ArborDay.org/Sarasota and reserve a free tree that will be delivered to their home.

The City has been participating in this joint program with the Arbor Day Foundation since 2017, and we’ve given away more than 1,100 trees! This round, we’re offering four different species of Florida native trees: Red maple, bald cypress, live oak and sweet bay magnolia. One tree is available per household (while supplies last) and will be delivered, contact-free, to your residence in a one-gallon container.

The benefits of this program are numerous. It helps to expand Sarasota’s urban canopy, adds new trees that will clean the air and filter stormwater, removes pollutants and provides fresh oxygen. Trees help to counteract the effects of climate change and reduce our impacts on the environment. They can lower energy bills by adding some much-needed shade to your property and cooling your home. And having a greener community also helps to lower stress levels and improve our mental health, something we can all benefit from in these challenging times.

There are only 250 trees available, and they tend to go fast, so be sure to bookmark www.ArborDay.org/Sarasota and plan to make your reservation soon after the site goes live at midnight Sunday evening. Remember, you must reside in the City limits to participate in this program. If you have any questions about registration, call the Arbor Day Foundation at 855-234-3801.

Thank you to our Sustainability team for shepherding this program for us. It’s a creative use of the tree replacement funds the City collects through tree removal permits, and it’s definitely made our community greener, cleaner and more beautiful!
Changes to the 2020-2021 season
The Choir of Man's performance at the Van Wezel will be Jan. 30, 2022.
Virtual Games
Want to have some FUN as you have a BLAST enjoying interactive and team-building activity you can do with your co-workers, family or friends? Create a team to see who works best in solving these fun virtual games the Van Wezel is presenting! 

Follow Me: The Virtual Detective on Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. An Escape Room meets True Detective in this high speed and brain boggling adventure! For information and tickets go to https://bit.ly/33jXz3j

Digital Trivia on Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. Participants will work through trivia questions with their assigned groups in private Zoom “breakout rooms” throughout the game. Prizes will be given to the winning team. For info and tickets go to https://bit.ly/3ifhkgA 
"Sarasota Scene"
Norm Schimmel