Christ Church Valdosta  Weekly Bulletin
September 1, 2017
In This Issue:

Worship Services
September 3: 
      Pentecost 13 / Proper 17

Vestry Member of Day:
   Michael Black

Coffee Host:
   Mimi Allen, Marge McCartney, Anne

Altar Guild:
   Team 3

8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Rita Hightoer
Usher - Dave Armstrong

10:00 a.m., Holy Eu charist,  Rite II
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Nancy Lutsko,
   Tammy Borders, 
Lay Readers  - Sheri Gravett, Molly
   Stevenson, Allan Dear
Acolytes - Mike Tanner, Maddie
   Yarbrough, Cassidy Honeycutt
Ushers - Al Turner, Larry Wisenbaker

6:00 p.m. Vespers 

First Lesson - Isaiah 51:1-6
Psalm - 138
Second Lesson - Romans 12:1-8
Gospel - Matthew 16:13-20

Wednesday  Holy Eucharist
6:00 PM 
Thursday Holy Eucharist
7:00 AM 
Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson
church office (229) 242-5115
Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
church office (229) 242-5115

Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper  
bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 

Millie Johnson
Director of Children's Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115

Angela Duncan, Music Director
church office (229) 242-5115

Kathy Armstrong, Choirmaster
church office (229) 242-5115

Office hours: Monday - Thursday
   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
We Love Christ Church Dinner
Sunday, September 24, 2017 beginning at 6:00 pm
"We Love Christ Church"  
Stewardship Celebration Dinner.  

Sunday, September 24, 2017 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm at The Women's Building (1409 N. Patterson). 

Childcare and dinner will be provided at Christ Church Gabard Building for all ages from 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. 

Please RSVP the church office before September 15, 2017 if you are planning to attend.  Please note the change of location to The Women's Building.
Revival "Fearless Faith, Boundless Love" 
Sunday, September 17, 2017 
Revival for the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia will be held on Sunday, September 17, 2017. The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, will share his message of love and renewal.  Christ Church will be chartering a bus for 50 people which will leave Christ Church at 12:15 p.m.  If you would like to attend the Revival and be on the Charter Bus, please contact the Church Office before noon on Tuesday, September 5th. 
Wednesday Night Dinner Series
September 20, 2017 beginning at 6:40 p.m.
We will begin a 5-week "Grace in Marriage" series beginning on September 20th through October 18th.   Dinner will begin at 6:40 p.m. 

Themes for "Grace in Marriage" Series:
September 20: "Mutual Joy: Marriage in The Book of Common
September 27: "He Said / She Said: Communication"
October 4: "All in the Family: Parents, In-laws, Children"
October 11: "When the Road Gets Bumpy: Resolving Conflict"
October 18: "More Than Words: Expressions of Love"

Childcare will be provided with pizza and a dessert served in the Gabard Building each Wednesday night from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 

EYC - Youth Group
EYC: Youth group is up and running! Middle School students meet Wednesdays from 6:45-8 pm. High School students meet Sunday from 6:30-8 pm. 
ECF - Episcopal College Fellowship
ECF: The Episcopal College Fellowship meet every Thursday at 7:30 pm for food and fellowship at the Rectory. 
Stitchers of Love
Sunday, September 10, 2017 from 4 - 6 p.m.
Stitchers of Love will not meet on September 3rd, but will meet on Sunday, September 10th at 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.  All are welcome.
Hurricane Harvey Assistance
Please continue to pray for all those effected by Hurricane Harvey.  

If you would like to help, the best way at this time is with your prayers and monetarily.  Contributions are being directed through the Episcopal Relief and Development Group.  There will be an insert in Sunday's bulletin, or more information can be found here. Episcopal Relief and Development.  Thank you for your support and continued prayers.
New Online Photograph Albums
New photo albums for Kick-off Party, and DR Mission Trip, along with many older ones, are archived on the church website here
Birthdays this week
September 2 - September 8
5 Norma Barnidge, Robin Coleman
6 Steve Roberts
7 Ron Borders, Karen Gunter, Rita Hightower, Eliza Jane May
8 Paul Stevenson  
Baptismal Anniversaries this week
September 2 - September 8
4  Julie Jackson
5  Paul Johnson
Wedding Anniversaries this week
September 2 - September 8
2 Jerry & Mollee Puckett
3 Richard & Debi Saeger
7 Jeff & Mandy White, Danny Mansukhani & Karen Rainey
8 Merrill & Frances Guice

Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Baptismal Anniversary, or Wedding Anniversary. 
Remember in your prayers
Thaddeus Agar, Amanda, Kathy Armstrong, Tal Barnidge, Tom Call, Caty Carter, Robert Church, Danny Clark, Bev Cowart, David Crenshaw, Jerry DeMott, Janet Dickman, Blake Ellis, Karen Gunter, Johnny Hagan, Zach Hagan, Iris Hall, George Halls, Cheryl Hatcher, Tommy Hatcher, Gary Honeycutt, Buddy House, Amy Louttit Johnson,  Emily Joiner, Jerriann Levy, Bobbie Ann Mitchell, Annie Reid, Debbie Richardson, Reva Rollins, Henry and Sarah Parrish, David Sandbach, Sr., Jack Spencer, Kathie Stevenson, Mike Willis, Nancy Zaccari, Ron Zaccari

Family of Helen McClure

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta