Christ Episcopal Church Weekly Bulletin
April 1, 2022
From the Interim

Father Perkins has submitted "Looking Out My Window"

Father Perkins has written a memo about Holy Conversations can be found here.
Registration for Holy Conversations, or email the church office with your registration.

Father Perkins audio sermon from March 27, 2022 can be found here.

Holy Conversations: Lenten Study, 2022        
Tuesday Evenings, beginning with a Lenten Supper at 6 PM
   Imagine sitting around a table with 7 or 8 fellow Christ Church members for five meals and five conversations. Imagine how much you will learn about Christ Church and about them, how much of God’s love and presence will surface.
   You are asked to sign up in advance. Each evening will begin with a light Lenten supper. There will be activities for youth and children.
Further details about the weekly discussions can be found here.
Registration forms for Holy Conversations can be found here, or simply email the church office with the dates and how many plan to attend.
Men in Blue

The Men in Blue will be frying fish on Tuesday, April 5th, for the final Holy Conversations meal.  

We will start prepping and preparing to cook at 4:00 p.m., bring a chair, and your favorite drink. 
Come when you can. Dinner is to be served at 6:00.

Thank you to all who can come out early and help with set-up, cooking, and to those who can help with clean-up. It will be a nice fellowship time.

Vestry Member of the Week - Jeani Synyard

I have been an Episcopalian all my life, and have spent the last seventeen years here at Christ Church.

In my many years (and I do mean many) I have served as a Sunday school teacher, a choir member, a Lay Eucharistic minister, on the Altar Guild and on the Vestry. I also work with Lunch Bunch, have been the coordinator of the Foyer Group and served on the Search Committee for Father Dave Johnson. For the last seven years I have chaired the Stewardship drive. I am a retired dance teacher and the mother of four grown sons and have four grandchildren.

I am honored to serve on the vestry at Christ Church again, as we are in both an exciting and challenging time.
Noon Folk Mass - Please consider joining us on Sunday, April 3rd for our 12:00 p.m. Folk Mass. The Folk Mass will be held Sundays at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and use the music from the Caritas. All are welcome to attend this service.
Live-stream Services
Sunday, April 3, 2022

Live-Streaming the 10:00 service on April 3, 2022.

Please join us during our live-stream 10:00 Holy Eucharist Service via Facebook live, or YouTube. We can now live-stream to these two platforms simultaneously complete with Liturgy, and Music. We will send out a link via email once the livestream begins recording. If we have technical difficulties with one of the platforms, once the service has ended we will upload a recording of that service as soon as we can.
For those who do not have Facebook, you can click this link at 10:00 a.m. and watch live via Facebook (no account needed).  You can click here to watch on YouTube.
Live-streaming Update

Livestreaming the 10 a.m. service at Christ Church is improving every week. Last Sunday we placed an iPhone camera in the back of the sanctuary above the door so that remote viewers have a better sense of what our service looks like. In a month or two we anticipate installing a permanent professional camera with zoom capabilities in this rear location. Check it out on the Christ Church Facebook page or the YouTube channel. Comments on this process are always welcome, and can be sent to the church office to be relayed to the livestream team.
Easter Egg Hunt - Eggs Needed

We will be having an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 17, 2022, immediately following the 10:00 worship service. We are in need of pre-filled Easter eggs. Eggs can be dropped off at the church office Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9-12, or given to Keri Wilkin. Thank you for any assistance you can lend.
Easter Flowers have been ordered to help beautify the church at Easter. Monetary Donations can be given at our online giving site with Vanco, or a check can be placed in the offering plate. Easter Lily form can be found here. Flowers can be given in Memory, or Thanksgiving of loved ones. Deadline for ordering is April 11th.
Young Adult Gathering Friday, April 8th - Young adults will gather at the rectory this Friday at 6pm. That roughly means adults below 40. Obviously, if one of a couple is over 40, that’s no big deal. And, if you can’t attend the middle adult gathering on Saturday night, come to this one. Age is not a huge deal. We want to keep regathering from COVID and find ways to worship, serve and play together. Nursery will be provided in the Gabard Building. Father David is preparing a Cajun gumbo. You can help by bringing munchies, drinks, salad, and bread. Consider this way of doing that – salad (last names A-F), bread (last names G-L), drinks (last names M-S), and dessert last names T-Z).
Middle Adult Gathering Saturday, April 9th – Middle adults will gather at the Rosenlund’s home (5077 Falling Springs Road, Valdosta 31602) at 6:00 pm. That roughly means between age 40 and 60. Obviously, if one of a couple is under 40 or over 60, that’s no big deal. And, if you can’t attend the young adult gathering on Friday night, come to this one. Age is not a huge deal. We want to keep regathering from COVID and find ways to worship, serve and play together. Kirk and Stephanie will provide the main course. You can help by bringing munchies, drinks, salad, and bread. Consider this way of doing that – salad (last names A-F), bread (last names G-L), drinks (last names M-S), and dessert last names T-Z).
Maundy Thursday Watching With Jesus – We will be setting up a Garden of Repose with reserved sacrament Maundy Thursday night (April 14th) in the lobby of Gabard Building. You are invited to sign up for one hour during that night to pray and watch with Jesus. We want to keep company with Jesus rather than sleep through the night as his followers did that last night in the Garden. Jesus lamented, “Can you not watch with me one hour!” when he found them sleeping. Our answer: “Yes, we can watch with you one hour.” We will have security throughout the night, so you won’t be there without another adult presence. Sign-up sheet is in the Parish Hall, or you can sign up by emailing the church office at:
Grace Café held its first Thursday dinner on March 24thGrace Cafe's first Thursday Dinner since closing from covid19. During our first dinner, we served 68 students and had a build your own taco bar with all the fixings. A fun time was had by all.

Grace Café is running low on food pantry items and we are accepting financial donations for Thursday Dinners and food pantry items. To coordinate food pantry donation drop-off please contact Charles (Chip) Whiting 229-474-5588.
Christ Church in National Episcopal Church Historians & Archivists Newsletter

Michael Black, at the suggestion of Deacon Patricia Marks, wrote and submitted an article to The Historiographer (newsletter for the National Episcopal Historians and Archivists) with a summary of our 2021 celebration year. It was published in the Winter issue. Here is a digital copy of the Newsletter, see page 10-11 for the article. Thank you to everyone who made this celebration a hit.
Garden Guild

All are welcome to gather and work to spruce up the landscaping around the church for Spring.
We will meet each Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 (weather permitting).
If you can't come for the full time, or each day, just come when you can.
Any addition of fun and fellowship along with more hands will make the work go quickly.
Please contact Sandra Fletcher if you have any questions.
Hope to see you Mondays and/or Wednesdays.
Tuesday Night Bible study (on Monday nights through Lent), led by Dr. Willa Valencia, will meet on April 4th at the home of Ron & Tammy Borders, 1718 Williams Street. We have changed the meeting day to Monday during Lent. All adults vaccinated against the Covid virus are welcome (Some of our participants have compromised immune systems). The meeting last an hour: 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Bring your bible, any version.
A Women's bible study continues at Tammy Borders' home at 1718 Williams St. Valdosta on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. It is open to all women. We will be studying Priscilla Shirer’s book Elijah.
New Book Study

Christ Church will begin a mid-week brown bag book study on Wednesdays, from noon till 1 p.m. in the Parish Hall. The Book: The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs

Book can be ordered through Amazon or Books A Million. Here is an Amazon Link

Questions or thoughts contact John McRae 229-220-5619.
Stuffed Animals for the CAC

CAC Project Update: Keep those stuffed animals coming. The Children's Advocacy Center appreciates our donations of stuffed animals to comfort the children who come to the center for appointments. They schedule over 125 appointments each month, so we can always use more. Thanks for your help.
Use Our NEW ways to donate
We are utilizing VANCO Payment Solutions to safely and securely make your offering.

Christ Church now uses a free mobile app that makes it simple for you to make an online gift.
Download the free “Vanco Mobile” app and search for Christ Episcopal Church and then Valdosta, GA.

Or you can donate on our Vanco Online site, or by scanning the QR code above or our website donate page located here.

We now also have a mobile text to give number simply text your gift amount to 844-928-4938 and then follow the instructions on your phone to complete your donation.

Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church.
Sunday Evening Vespers - a group of Christ Church members meet on Zoom at 6:30 p.m. to read the Compline Service, pages 127-135 in the Book of Common Prayer and for friendly conversation afterwards. To join the group and receive the link to the weekly gathering, contact Phyllis Hiers or call 229-563-2464.
April 2 - April 8, 2022

 2 Cecilia Carroll
 4 Leanne Balanis
 5 Pierce Baker
 8 Jennifer Lawrence, Keri Wilkin 
April 2 - April 8, 2022
None this week

Contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday or Anniversary
Remember in Your Prayers

Kathy Armstrong, Caty Carter, Robert Church, Dave Clark, Wayne Cook, Bev Cowart, S.J. Denmark, Janet Dickman, Asher Geddings, Sam Greneker, Karen Gunter, Marge Fitzsimons, Iris Hall, Cheryl Hatcher, Tommy Hatcher, Buddy House, Amy Hudson, Doug Mayer, Rusty McCall, Marcia McRae, Terry McDonald, Keri Mock, Laura Paine, David Perkins, Debbie Richardson, Pat Richardson, Jane Rigby, Leigh Roberts, Blair Schneider, Nancy Patterson Stone, Mary Thieme, Jim Tranthem, Jude Tillman, Katie Mae Warren, Jimmy Whaley, Nancy & Ron Zaccari
Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

Church Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Father David Perkins, Interim Priest
church office (229) 242-5115
mobile (434) 956-9054

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
church office (229) 242-5115
Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper
bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 

Charles Whiting, Director of College Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115
Molly Stevenson, Directory of Youth Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115

Keri Wilkin, Directory of Children Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115
Sue Ellen Rumstay, Director of Music
church office (229) 242-5115

Issa Young, Choir Master
church office (229) 242-5115
Christ Church uses Vanco Payment Solutions for online giving. Download the Vanco Mobile app, text to give 844-928-4938, or scan the QR code below. Thank you for your support.
email us at
229.242.5115 or bookkeeper at 229-242-0616
Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.