WEEKLY BULLETIN | February 4, 2022
Free Tree Giveaway

The City is hosting a free Earth Day Tree Giveaway! City residents interested in participating in the tree giveaway must complete the registration form at www.collegeparkmd.gov/treegiveaway2022 by March 4, 2022. Once registered, residents need to come on Saturday, April 23, 2022, from 8:00 am until noon at the City’s Department of Public Works (located at 9217 51st Avenue) to pick up their tree(s).

COVID-19 At-Home Test Kit Distribution

Limited Number of Free COVID-19 At-Home Test Kits Available for City Residents
The City of College Park will begin distributing more than 1,000 at-home COVID-19 test kits to City residents in early February. If you are a City resident and would like a FREE COVID-19 At-Home Test Kit, you must fill out the reservation request form here. More details are available at https://www.collegeparkmd.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=334.

More COVID-19 related updates are available at www.collegeparkmd.gov/covid19.
Exploring Lakeland
Thursday, February 10, 2022 | Virtual | 6:30 p.m.

Join us for Explore Lakeland, a free virtual event on Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m. Explore the rich history of the Lakeland community through an exploration of the Lakeland Digital Archive. Click here to get tickets on Eventbrite.
Greenbelt Road Corridor Plan Visioning Meeting
Thursday, February 10, 2022 | Virtual | 7:00 p.m.

Learn more about the project, ask questions, and share your ideas to help envision the future of Greenbelt Road. Get meeting information and zoom links at tinyurl.com/2p9su98m, or with scan the QR code on the flyer.
Serve on the Restorative Justice Commission

The Mayor and Council of the City of College Park are seeking applicants for the newly formed Restorative Justice Commission (RJC). Building on the report of the Restorative Justice Steering Committee, the RJC will recommend concrete restorative actions to the Mayor and Council to redress the harms impacting current and past African American residents and their descendants. Elements of the restorative justice process may include discovering and memorializing the truth of governmental actions impacting the City’s African American community, understanding the harm done, and providing opportunities for healing.

The RJC will have specific areas of focus as described in Resolution 21-R-25. The Commission will meet monthly and may form subcommittees that may meet more often. To apply for a position on the RJC, please complete an application (click here) and submit it to Janeen S. Miller at jsmiller@collegeparkmd.gov by February 14, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Miller at jsmiller@collegeparkmd.gov or call 240-487-3501. For more information, visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/boards.
2021 ARPA Assistance Grants

The City has established two programs to assist businesses, non-profits, and residents address negative financial impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Rescue Program Act (ARPA) has provided funds that the City is using for these and many other projects. The goal of these programs is to help our residents, businesses and non-profits get back on their feet and better prepared to be financially successful in the future. For program information, including requirements and applications, please visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/arpa.

Have questions? Email arpa@collegeparkmd.gov with questions for any of the City's ARPA programs.
Countrywide Master Plan of Transportation

The County is in the process of updating the 2009 Countywide Master Plan of Transportation. The new plan will be called the Countywide Master Plan of Transportation 2035. Its purpose is to provide an overall vision or guideline for prioritization and implementation of future transportation projects. It will not list specific projects. County staff has prepared an online transportation needs survey. The online survey link is https://bit.ly/MPOT2035. This link is open from January 25-February 25. There is also a link for office hours to discuss the project: www.mncppcapps.org/Planning/MPOT2. A community meeting was held on January 27 and more are scheduled for the future.
Department of Public Works
Items available to purchase from the Department: 

Call 240-487-3590 for more information, or visit: www.colllegeparkmd.gov/products.
For any information related to refuse, recycling, or other Public Works related items, contact the Department at: 240-487-3590 or publicworks@collegeparkmd.gov.

For a list of changes to Special Collection Pickups, including Yard Waste and for information about the Bulk Trash Changes, please visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/specialcollections.

The Department is located at 9217 51st Ave. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Compost and wood mulch: Deliveries are finished for the season, but material is available year-round for pick up, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Bring a shovel and containers and be prepared to dig.
No-Mow Month is this April

Want to help our pollinators and get this fancy yard sign? Register for No-Mow April by March 21, 2022 at: www.collegeparkmd.gov/nomowmonthform.

Tree Work in the Berwyn Neighborhood

On Monday, February 7, Maryland National Capital Park & Planning Commission (MNCPPC) will begin the removal process of 4 shared ownership Bradford Pear trees in the 8400 block of Patuxent Ave. The proactive removal of the Bradford Pear trees was scheduled because the trees are coming to the end of their useful life. The decision to remove the trees was made jointly between the City & MNCPPC to avert a tree failure, which is common with this type of tree. After the trees are removed the remaining tree stumps will be ground. A replanting date has not been established at this time, but tree replanting will occur in 2022.
Right-of-Way Pruning

City crews are working to prune vegetation, tree and/or shrub branches, that are overhanging into the public right-of-way to improve clearance for pedestrians on the sidewalk and vehicular clearance on the street. Pruning may include City trees & shrubs as well as vegetation growing from private property. The crew will be working in the following neighborhoods: College Park Estates and Yarrow and the west side of Rhode Island Avenue between Hollywood Road and Niagara Road. Work will continue through the winter, weather permitting. Please contact the horticulturist at DPW with questions.
Curbside Leaf Collection is Over for the Season

All leaves must be prepared correctly for collection. Use paper yard waste bags, the beige yard waste cart, or a personal reusable container with a yellow city yard waste sticker on it; stickers are available for free in the lobby of Davis Hall.
Noise and Nuisance Municipal Infractions
January 24, 2022 to January 30, 2022
There were no violations of the Noise Ordinance, Article I, 141-1 Danger to Public Safety/Health or Article II, 141-13 Unruly Social Gatherings.
Weekly Highlights of Contract Police Activity
January 21, 2022 to January 27, 2022
Monthly Public Safety Maps

For monthly Prince George's County Police public safety maps and statistical data for the City of College Park, visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/publicsafety.
Public Safety Committee Meetings
Monday, February 14, 2022 | Virtual | 7:30 p.m.

Please join City Elected Officials, Police, Department of Public Services staff, and your neighbors from all around the City, for an informative monthly community meeting. This meeting takes place every second Monday of the month via zoom. Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96168994626.

This month, Prince George's County Police Detective Flax will discuss the latest auto theft trends and prevention tips.

This community meeting will discuss City-wide crime statistics, recent incidents of public interest, neighborhood watch tips, and special public safety related topics.

To facilitate City-wide participation, these will be virtual meetings that you may join in from your home. Please invite your neighbors so that this useful information may be shared throughout the City.
Please note that by participating in City events, you acknowledge and assume all risks and liabilities including possible exposure to illnesses, including but not limited to COVID-19. Masks and social distancing are strongly encouraged.
Community Meetings
Note: These are not City meetings but have City staff or Contract Police as a host.
PGPD District 1 Coffee Club:
Webinar (every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.)
Join by phone: 978- 990-5399, Meeting ID: 833 9609 4990, Password: 720306
Office of the City Manager | 240.487.3501 | cpcommunications@collegeparkmd.gov | collegeparkmd.gov