WEEKLY BULLETIN | March 11, 2022
Technology Literacy Workshop
Saturday, March 12, 2022 | 7401 Baltimore Ave. | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Have questions about your technological devices? Want to learn how to use programs like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Excel? Our students can help you! Take advantage of this Technology Literacy Day, hosted by the City of College Park and the UMD College Park Scholars in Action program. 

Students in the Science, Technology, and Society College Park Scholars program at the University of Maryland will be on hand to answer all your questions about issues with your electronic devices. Join us at College Park City Hall (7401 Baltimore Ave.) from 9 am to Noon for a technology literacy workshop. 

Click here to register. Walk-ins are also welcome. For more details, visit: https://www.collegeparkmd.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=342.
Proposed Operating Budget & CIP for FY2023

Click here to view the City's Proposed Operating Budget for FY2023.
Pepco Appliance Recycling Offer for March

Pepco is offering customers $75 for a limited time for recycling their old working refrigerators and freezers. Customers must schedule their pick-up by March 31 and have their appliance picked up by April 14 to qualify. Customers can also recycle a dehumidifier or room A/C at the same time to receive an additional $25. Pepco’s Appliance Recycling program typically offers customers $50 for recycling their old appliances.

The Appliance Recycling program aims to save customers energy and money by offering a convenient, environmentally friendly option for getting rid of old appliances. Customers can also select the pick-up option most comfortable for them. Pepco offers in-home no-contact pick-ups, in which contractors pick up the appliance while maintaining a safe distance of six feet from the homeowners, or outside no-contact pick-ups, in which contractors pick up an appliance from a designated garage or outbuilding.

To schedule a pick-up or find out more, visit: www.pepco.com/ApplianceRecycling or call 877-743-3117.
Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) Comprehensive School Boundary Initiative

Interested in learning more about the Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) Comprehensive School Boundary Initiative? Visit https://www.wxyplanning.com/pgcps-boundary-tool/ to put in your address and see three possible scenarios that may pertain to your K-12 students. In some cases, there may be no changes to the current schools your children go to. For more information, visit: https://www.pgcps.org/boundary or en español: https://www.pgcps.org/es/boundary.

From the Education Advisory Committee
Paint Branch Golf Complex Community Discussion
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 | Virtual | 6:30 p.m.

It was determined that the Paint Branch Golf Complex will no longer be considered as a site for the University of Maryland Track and Field. 
Based on the significant feedback, M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation worked with a golf course design professional to evaluate the existing course and make recommendations for improving the experience for golf patrons. The recent study evaluated the existing course and made recommendations for improving the experience for golf patrons. 
A virtual community meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. to share more information on the recent work by The Department of Parks and Recreation and to provide an update on the recommendations. RSVP to receive the meeting link, at: pgparks.com/rsvp
COVID-19 At-Home Test Kit Distribution

Limited Number of Free COVID-19 At-Home Test Kits Available for City Residents
The City of College Park will begin distributing more than 1,000 at-home COVID-19 test kits to City residents in early February. If you are a City resident and would like a FREE COVID-19 At-Home Test Kit, you must fill out the reservation request form here. More details are available at https://www.collegeparkmd.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=334.

More COVID-19 related updates are available at www.collegeparkmd.gov/covid19.
Department of Public Works
Items available to purchase from the Department: 

Call 240-487-3590 for more information, or visit: www.colllegeparkmd.gov/products.
For any information related to refuse, recycling, or other Public Works related items, contact the Department at: 240-487-3590 or publicworks@collegeparkmd.gov.

For a list of changes to Special Collection Pickups, including Yard Waste and for information about the Bulk Trash Changes, please visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/specialcollections.

The Department is located at 9217 51st Ave. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Compost and wood mulch: click here to schedule a delivery. Material is available year-round for pick up, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Bring a shovel and containers and be prepared to dig. 
No-Mow Month is this April

City residents must register at www.collegeparkmd.gov/nomowmonthform by March 21, 2022 to receive a yard sign.

The City of College Park is encouraging its residents to reduce or refrain from mowing their lawns in support of local pollinators during the month of April. The pilot “No-Mow April” is an initiative of the City’s Bee City USA Committee and was sanctioned by Mayor and Council to encourage property owners to help our native pollinators grow and thrive during this critical period in their life cycle.

Once you register, you can pick up a yard sign to proudly display in your front yard. They are available at the Department of Public Works and City Hall. When the campaign is over, we request that the signs be returned to the Department of Public Works. 

Noise and Nuisance Municipal Infractions
February 28, 2022 to March 6, 2022
There was one violation of the Noise Ordinance, and none for Article I, 141-1 Danger to Public Safety/Health or Article II, 141-13 Unruly Social Gatherings.
Weekly Highlights of Contract Police Activity
February 25, 2022 to March 3, 2022
Monthly Public Safety Maps

For monthly Prince George's County Police public safety maps and statistical data for the City of College Park, visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/publicsafety.
Public Safety Committee Meetings
Monday, March 14, 2022 | Virtual | 7:30 p.m.

Please join City Elected Officials, Police, Department of Public Services staff, and your neighbors from all around the City, for an informative monthly community meeting. This meeting takes place every second Monday of the month via zoom. Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96168994626.

This community meeting will discuss City-wide crime statistics, recent incidents of public interest, neighborhood watch tips, and special public safety related topics. This month’s presentation will be led by Lt. Aaron L. Smith, Chief Pilot/Commander, 
Prince George’s County Police Aviation Section.

To facilitate City-wide participation, these will be virtual meetings that you may join in from your home. Please invite your neighbors so that this useful information may be shared throughout the City. To access recordings of past meetings, please visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/publicsafety.
College Park Age Friendly Action Plan Visioning Workshop
Monday, March 14, 2022 | Virtual | 7:00 p.m.

The goal of livability work is for people of all ages to...
  1. Feel safe in the community
  2. Participate in community activities
  3. Be treated with respect
  4. Have access to safe, appropriate and affordable housing and transportation
  5. Have access to recreational opportunities and health services
  6. Know what services and activities are available and have access to information by a means they prefer (e.g. online, in print, in person)
  7. Be active, vital contributors to the economic, civic and social life of the community
  8. Receive appropriate support if they can no longer look after themselves.

To participate, click here. For more information, email: livablecommunity@collegeparkmd.gov or visit:
Clean-Up Saturdays & Shredding Event*
April 2*, 9, 30, and May 21, 2022
7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Department of Public Works, 9217 51st Avenue

*Shredding event is on Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 8:00 – 12:00 p.m.
The City of College Park Public Works facility will be open for City residents to drop off bulky trash, white goods, electronics recycling, brush, and yard trim. You must be a resident of the City of College Park and bring proof of City residency to participate, although anyone can buy compost or wood mulch during this event. Residents may also bring Styrofoam, small quantities of light bulbs and tubes, and batteries for recycling. 

Please note that by participating in City events, you acknowledge and assume all risks and liabilities including possible exposure to illnesses, including but not limited to COVID-19. Masks and social distancing are strongly encouraged.
Community Meetings
Note: These are not City meetings but have City staff or Contract Police as a host.
PGPD District 1 Coffee Club:
Webinar (every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.)
Join by phone: 978- 990-5399, Meeting ID: 833 9609 4990, Password: 720306
Office of the City Manager | 240.487.3501 | cpcommunications@collegeparkmd.gov | collegeparkmd.gov