WEEKLY BULLETIN | October 9, 2020
The Trolley Trail

The Trolley Trail's newest connecting segment in Berwyn opened on Friday, October 2. This will make it easier to travel the path, whether you choose to walk, run, bike or hike. The Trolley Trail, which follows the old trolley train's path along Rhode Island Avenue down towards the District, is a widely used 3.8 mile hiker/bike path.

The Trolley Trail also connects to multiple other walking or bicycling trails, including the Indian Creek trail and the Paint Branch trail.
From the City Clerk’s Office

Update on the District 2 Special Election: Information on the three candidates who are running for the District 2 Councilmember vacancy can be found on the City website and in the current issue of the Municipal Scene. The City Clerk’s office has started to mail absentee ballots to those who have requested them. The Special Election will be held on Sunday, November 8 from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. at the College Park Community Center (5051 Pierce Avenue). For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 240-487-3503 or cityclerkoffice@collegeparkmd.gov.
COVID-19 Assistance Programs

In response to the crisis, the City has created programs to address resident, business, and non-profit organization needs. For more information visit the following:

Business & Individual Grant Statistics:
  • Small Business Assistance Grants awarded: 46 totaling $473,788.71
  • Individual & Family Financial Assistance Grants awarded: 18 totaling $65,421.10

Business Assistance & Facade Improvement Grant Statistics:
  • 4 application awarded, totaling $44,833.42
  • 4 applications pending, totaling $27,196.33
City Updates During COVID-19

Summary of current COVID-19 requirements:

Click here to review a quick summary of current COVID-19 requirements from the State of Maryland and Prince George’s County. This is not a comprehensive list, but is meant to be used as a guide to help all College Park residents understand the requirements, how to report issues, and the enforcement of those requirements.
MDOT SHA Upcoming Project Activity Notice

  • Where: US 1 (Baltimore Ave) College Park Improvement Project between College Avenue/Regents Drive and MD 193 (University Blvd)
  • Activity: Intermittent removal of sidewalks, excavation and electricity infrastructure work beginning September 2020
  • Work Hours for this Activity: Weekdays, 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. Additional work times may be needed to expedite this activity. Equipment used for construction may be disruptive.

For more information, contact Mr. Vladimir Tanchev, MDOT SHA Project Engineer, at 410-925-4596.
Department of Public Works
Items available to purchase from the Department:
Click for more information, or visit: www.colllegeparkmd.gov/products.

Curbside leaf collection starts the first week in November. Until then, please continue to bag or containerize your leaves.
For any information related to refuse, recycling, or other Public Works related items, contact the Department at: 240-487-3590 or publicworks@collegeparkmd.gov.

For a list of changes to Special Collection Pickups, including Yard Waste and for information about the Bulk Trash Pilot Program, please visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/specialcollections.

The Department is located at 9217 51st Ave. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Pepco Tree Line Clearance Work
Pepco electric line clearance work will continue as Asplundh tree crews perform work in the Hollywood, Daniels Park, Oak Springs and Autoville neighborhoods. Other neighborhoods where work is planned and may occur is Crystal Springs and Patricia Court.
Tree Canopy Enhancement Program (TCEP)

Trees provide many benefits including reduced cooling and heating costs, interception of rainwater, increased property values and improved air quality. Requests for street trees provides planting in the City's right-of-way areas. City property owners can apply for reimbursement of up to $150.00 annually for approved tree(s) planted on their residential lot. For more information and the application, visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/trees, call 240-487-3590 or email horticulturist@collegeparkmd.gov.
Noise and Nuisance Municipal Infractions
September 28 - October 4, 2020
There was one Municipal Infraction issued for the Noise Ordinance and none issued for the Nuisance (Unruly Social Gathering) Ordinance.
Weekly Highlights of Contract Police Activity
September 25 - October 1, 2020
9/27 Contract officer conducted a traffic assignment (Speed Enforcement) in the 9000 block of Baltimore Avenue and issued 47 “Mobile” Camera violations.

9/27 Contract officer conducted a traffic assignment (Speed Enforcement) in the 4800 block of Greenbelt Road and issued 47 “Mobile” Camera violations.

9/27 Contract officer observed motorcycles along with dirt bikes operating in an unlawful manner at Baltimore Avenue and Fox Street. They fled from the officer.

9/28 Contract officers responded to a call for service for a report of 3 males breaking into vehicles at Hollywood Road and 48th Avenue. False call as this is the second such call this week.

9/30 Contract officers responded to a call for service for report of a male armed with a sword in the 4600 block of College Avenue. The individual was stopped as the sword turned out to be a “power rangers’ sword”.

10/1 Contract officers and District I patrol officers responded to the 4800 block of Berwyn House Road for the report of a shooting. A perimeter and canvassed was completed as the homicide scene were turned over to investigators.

10/2 Contract officer conducted a traffic assignment (Stop Sign Enforcement) at Saint Andrews Place and Duke Street.  4 citations and 4 warnings were issued.

There were numerous premise checks conducted throughout the City.
Statistical Data and Issued:
MD State Citations: 25
Warnings: 80
Equipment Repair Orders: 8
Distracted Driving Citations: 0
Parking Citations: 0
Field Observation Report: 8
Youth Field Observation Report: 0
Citations in Lieu of Arrest: 0
Civil Citation: 0
Criminal Arrests: 0
DWS Arrest: 0
DWI Arrest: 0
Warrant Arrest: 0
Premise Checks: 10
Referral Student Code of Conduct: 0
Downtown Area Pedestrian Warnings: 31
Downtown Area Pedestrian Citations: 0
Berwyn-Lakeland Pedestrian Warnings: 0
Berwyn-Lakeland Pedestrian Citations: 0
North College Park Pedestrian Warnings: 0
North College Park Pedestrian Citations: 0
Monthly Public Safety Maps

The August maps are now available. For monthly Prince George's County Police public safety maps and statistical data for the City of College Park, visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/publicsafety.
College Park Event Cancellations
We regret to announce the cancellation of several of the City’s annual events -- Halloween Thing, Blues Festival, and College Park Day -- due to COVID-19 and Prince George’s County Executive Alsobrooks’ executive order prohibiting events and large gatherings of 50 people or more. The health and safety of our residents are what’s most important to us as we continue to monitor the situation.

The CDC has published guidance on low, medium and high risk Halloween related activities including Trick or Treating. For more information, visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/covid19.
Halloween Guidance
The CDC has published guidance on low, medium and high risk Halloween related activities including Trick or Treating. Many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses. There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween. If you may have COVID-19 or you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should not participate in in-person Halloween festivities and should not give out candy to trick-or-treaters. 

Traditional trick or treating and trunk or treating are considered higher risk activities. The CDC provides lower risk alternative suggestions. For more information, visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/covid19.
Virtual Q&A with Joshua Thomas

Join us for a Virtual Q&A with Joshua Thomas on Monday, October 19 at 7:00 p.m. Use this link to participate: zoom.us/j/94728837201.
October Cleanup Saturdays & Shredding Event
October 10 & 24 from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Public Works, 9217 51st Avenue, College Park, MD. 20740

The City of College Park Public Works facility will be open for City residents to drop-off bulky trash, white goods, electronics recycling, brush, and yard trim.

You must be a resident of the City of College Park and bring proof of City residency in order to participate, although anyone can buy compost or wood mulch during this event. We will collect gently used items for donation to GreenDrop and Community Forklift.

Special events include:
Paper Shredding - October 10 from 8:00 a.m. to Noon
Paint Recycling - October 24 from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Yuck Old Paint will be on hand to collect latex and oil-based paint. Paint needs to be in the original container

New This Year! The following will be collected:
Household batteries for recycling. This includes rechargeable batteries such as Li-Ion, Ni-Cd, Ni-MH, Ni-Zn; Single-use alkaline batteries such as AA, AAA, 9V, C, D button cell, and lithium primary. No damaged batteries; no automotive batteries.
Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes must be intact. Includes U-shaped or circular fluorescent lamps, High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps, Ultra Violet (UV) lamps, Incandescent Bulbs, Halogen or Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL’s).
Block Styrofoam for recycling (coolers and large blocks of packing material). No packing peanuts, cups or plates.
Save the Date for the Calvert Hills Drainage Project Community Update

Save the date for the Calvert Hills Drainage Project Community Update, hosted by County Council Member Dannielle Glaros with the Prince George's County Department of the Environment on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Registration link is coming soon.
Save the Date for Good Neighbor Day

Save the date for Good Neighbor Day on Saturday, November 7, 2020. For more information, visit www.goodneighborday.umd.edu.
Community Meetings
Note: These are not City meetings but have City staff or Contract Police as a host.
PGPD District 1 Coffee Club:
Webinar (every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.)
Join by phone: 978- 990-5399, Meeting ID: 833 9609 4990, Password: 720306

Community Police Meeting:
Webinar (every 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m.)
Join by phone: 301-715-8592, Meeting ID: 828 5917 0824, Password: 241758
Office of the City Manager | 240.487.3501 | cpcommunications@collegeparkmd.gov | collegeparkmd.gov