Volunteers Needed! 2023 Rising Phoenix Full Scale Exercise
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 8:00am - 5:00pm
San Mateo County Event Center
1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo 94403
Volunteer Registration Link (Registration Deadline - March 31st)
San Mateo County Health is seeking volunteers to serve as role players for the 2023 Rising Phoenix Full Scale Exercise. This Exercise will include a response to a Mass Casualty Incident, response to a civil disturbance and active threat, and response to a hazardous materials release. Volunteers may support the exercise in the following roles; Actors during the mock incident, moulage, and set-up and take down of the venue.
Continental Breakfast and Lunch Provided! Wear comfortable, sturdy closed-toed shoes (PLEASE NO SANDALS OR FLIP FLOPS), protective clothing that you do not mind getting dirty. Dress in layers and prepare for warm, cold, or changing weather. Other suggested items include: hat, sunglasses, sunscreen.
Please contact Jessica Driskill (jessica.driskill@constantassociates.com) or Dylan Yates (dylan.yates@constantassociates.com) if you have any questions or concerns.