May 5, 2020 - Bulletin No. 5
Prosecutors' offices and court systems across the nation are being impacted by COVID-19. Their daily work to maintain constitutional justice is being uprooted, altered, and halted. CNA and NDAA have partnered to actively develop and disseminate useful COVID-19 response resources to prosecutors and courts to support them during this trying time. This weekly bulletin shares helpful information and resources, as well as upcoming virtual networking events.
Registration Now Available
Webinar: Extremist Activity in the COVID-19 Environment
During this global pandemic, many prosecutors’ offices and courts are confronting COVID-19 related hate crimes. To better understand these offenses, the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) Center on Extremism will provide the latest information on how extremists are using COVID-19 to advance their hateful agendas. This includes promoting conspiracy theories about the virus, disrupting virtual meetings with threatening messages or hate speech, and helping organize or participating in some protests about COVID-19 restrictions. Please join us for this webinar on
May 6, 2020, from 3-3:45 PM EDT
to learn more about these extremists’ latest tactics and activities, both in the real world and online
Register for the webinar
Webinar: Still a Priority
Prosecuting Technology-Facilitated Crimes Against Children During a Pandemic
Online child exploitation was increasing before the COVID-19 crisis, and reports of these incidents have greatly escalated since this outbreak. Investigation and prosecution of technology-facilitated crimes against children must be prioritized in this new era. This webinar, presented by Robert J. Peters, Senior Attorney of the Zero Abuse Project, will review pertinent challenges, discuss best practices for prosecutorial response, and provide practical guidance to practitioners. Please join us for this webinar on
Monday, May 11, 2020 from 1-2:30 PM EDT
Register for the webinar
Conducting and Defending in Court a Pandemic-Era Forensic Interview
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, adjustments have been made to conducting in-person forensic interviews and, in some instances, tele-forensic interviews are being used. The Zero Abuse Project developed this document to address how to prepare for and conduct these interviews, as well as how to ensure this evidence is admissible in court. We will host a webinar in partnership with the authors of this resource on
Tuesday, June, 2, 2020 at 1:00 pm EDT.
Register for the webinar
Access the documen
Combating Burnout With Prosecutor Jonathan Hatami
Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami sat down on "
SuperCharged Life with Dr. Judy
to discuss his prosecution of a high-profile child abuse case. He examines the case's impact on the processing of his own emotions and experiences. Mr. Hatami also details how he copes with the stress and exhaustion that comes with being a prosecutor.
Listen to the podcast
Innovative Responses
The United States Supreme Court has begun broadcasting oral arguments live for the first time in history. For more information, click
New York
New York State Unified Court System
began accepting new motions and notices of appeal for pending cases this week. They will, however, continue to restrict filing new non-essential cases. For more information, click
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has established a COVID-19 Task Force to help Wisconsin courts navigate their way forward amid the COVID-19 pandemic
For more information, click
Asked and Answered
What information is available related to consumer protection?
Help Us Help You
Moving forward, CNA and NDAA plan to host a series of podcasts and virtual meetings focused on your areas of concern during this ongoing crisis. Please take a moment to take this quick survey, so we can be sure than we are addressing the topics that matter to you
As some states begin to re-open their courthouses, where do you prefer to work?
Continue to work remotely
Institute rotating schedules/shifts
Evaluate on a case-by-case basis
We want to hear from you! If you would like to submit questions or have other concerns, please email us at
COVID-19-related news articles and resources, and past bulletins will be posted on the
NDAA website
. Continue to check the website for updated information.