This week we hear from Lynn Williams, St. Paul's Director of Community Engagement, about an exciting collaboration with Hamilton Glass and the Mending Walls Project
Mending Walls
by Lynn Williams
This past spring, during our annual Lenten Lecture series, St. Paul’s was introduced to public artist Hamilton Glass. Hamilton spoke of his project Mending Walls RVA (Mending Walls) which utilizes art, specifically murals, as a way to create connection, highlight issues of racial injustice and equity and break down barriers that separate us.

In our ongoing commitment to collaboration and partnership, the Community Engagement steering committee, on behalf of St. Paul’s, is joining the Mending Walls project as a sponsor and partner. We are excited about supporting Hamilton, his team and this important work of imagination and reconciliation in our city. As a major sponsor of the Mending Walls project, we want you to know more about the work and how you can connect with it…

What is Mending Walls RVA?

Mending Walls is a public art project that brings together public artists from different cultures and backgrounds to create murals that address where we are now in society and how we can move forward through understanding and collaboration. Mending Walls pairs up artists of different backgrounds to create unique connections and give them an opportunity to tell their story collaboratively in an effort to express healing through connection.

The 2021 Mending Walls series aims to raise public awareness about local organizations that have served, empowered, and advocated for racial equity in the Greater Richmond area for years and are highlighting four critical areas in which communities of color have historically been harmed: Food Justice, Mental Health, Criminal Justice Reform and Housing.

At this moment, we all are searching for more understanding and Mending Walls serves as a tool that will fuel connection through storytelling. They hope to bring about healing through public art while adding meaningful dialog to the conversation of underserved black and brown communities.

Collaboration at St. Paul’s | October 15th-17th

In addition to supporting the overall vision and activity of the Mending Walls project, as we draw closer to the conclusion of our 175th Anniversary year, St. Paul’s has an exciting opportunity to add to our own continuing story and serve as one of their temporary public art sites. During the weekend of October 15th-17th, the Mending Walls team will bring together local artists from different cultural backgrounds to our St. Paul's grounds to transform plywood panels and canvas into works of art.

The goal of the event is to bring more attention and awareness to the inequities of racism along with inspiring more people to get too involved in the conversation. As we get closer to the date, we will share with you more details on what this weekend will look like and how you can participate.

Learn More, Get Involved and Find Inspiration

For more information about the artists involved and the Mending Walls project visit

You can volunteer to be a part of an upcoming mural painting on September 10th with Virginia Community Voice - focusing on this issue of housing. To learn more and sign up CLICK HERE.

Check out these inspirational murals from previous Mending Walls community partners on their website and on their social media @mendingwallsrva.

Again, we are thrilled to support the Mending Walls project and join with them in their work to explore and expand the conversation around race, equity, community and art. We look forward to sharing more about this project and ways to engage.

In Christ’s peace,
A documentary about the 2020 Mending Walls project will premier on September 7th at 7:00 p.m. at the Bryd Theater. Watch the film trailer HERE. For more info and tickets CLICK HERE.
We are glad that you are here.