Weekly Church Newsletter | January 16, 2025

The First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg exists to help people experience God's gift of life in Jesus.

Worship This Sunday

January 19, 2024 | 10:30 a.m.

Songs of Worship

Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

O Come To The Altar

We Will Be Your Church

The Jesus Way

Grace, Greater Than Our Sin


"Go On Your Way"

John 8:1-11

Big Idea: The Gospel of Jesus is we are forgiven our sins and called to move forward in that forgiveness.

Preschool Worship

Our Preschoolers' monthly theme is Rain or Shine, in which they're learning Jesus is always a good friend. This week they'll by exploring the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in John 11 learning Jesus is a good friend when I am sad.

Kids Worship

Our elementary-aged kids' monthly theme is Rain or Shine: Trusting God in Every Season. This week their lesson is Don't Look Back in Anger, in which they'll be checking out James 1:19 learning when you're angry, talk to God.


Before Worship This Sunday

9 a.m. Opportunities for All Ages

Preschool Kids Choir | Room 109

A fun, music-filled time for 2 year olds through Pre-K friends learning to love music and worship Jesus.

Elementary Kids Choir | Room 206

For kindergarteners through sixth graders, a fun environment to learn music with friends and prepare for leading in worship.

FirstYOUTH | Multipurpose Room

A gathering of Middle & High School Students, for community and Bible study. Their current series is "Happily Ever After: And Everything Before".

Digging Deeper Class | Room 204

A co-ed group of adults of all ages. They're currently in a series on Ezra & Nehemiah.

Masters Class | Conference Room

A co-ed group of adults of all ages, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion. They're currently studying "Creator of Heaven and Earth".

Raising Adults | Room 205

A co-ed group of adults, mostly in the stage of life with kids in their home, utilizing the Connections curriculum to facilitate class discussion. They're currently studying "One Church Under God".

Sonshine Class | Heritage Hall

A co-ed group composed primarily of retired adults, utilizing the Formations curriculum to facilitate class discussion. They're currently studying "Creator of Heaven and Earth".

Special Needs Class | Heritage Hall Room 2

This co-ed group for adults with intellectual disabilities is part of our Special Needs Ministry. They're currently studying "Luke's Stories of Jesus' Ministry".

10 a.m. Coffee & Pastries Fellowship in the Narthex

Between our 9 a.m. offerings and the beginning of worship each Sunday we offer coffee, juice, and other goodies for you to enjoy in the Narthex. We encourage you to come a few minutes early or stop by after your 9 a.m. activity to spend some time getting to know other members of your church family of all ages. We'll see you Sunday!

Church Family Game Night

THIS Sunday, January 19 | 5 p.m.

Those of all ages are invited to join us in Heritage Hall for a fun time of playing board & card games together.

We invite you to bring a favorite snack to share and favorite game to play!

Monday Fun Day - Elvis Tribute Concert

Monday, February 3 | 10:30 a.m.

February's Monday Fun Day will be a Dorian Alberti Elvis Tribute Concert!

Join us Monday, February 3 at 10:30 a.m. in Heritage Hall for this fun music & fellowship event with a BBQ lunch.

Please RSVP at the link below or by calling the church office by January 29.

Thank you. Thank you very much.


FAST Network Meeting

Sunday, February 9 | Following Worship

Following worship on Sunday, February 9, all First Baptist FAST Justice Ministry Network members are encouraged to join us for lunch in Heritage Hall. We'll provide updates on our ongoing issue work and talk through our plans for reaching our goals for Nehemiah Action (which we are hosting on Monday, April 7). If you have questions, contact your FAST Team Leaders - Doug Harrell or Ben Winder.

Great Chili Cook Off

Sunday, February 16 | Following Worship

Following worship on Sunday, February 16 we'll gather in Heritage Hall for the Great Chili Cook Off! You're invited to sign up to bring a pot of chili to share. Prizes will be given in the following categories: Traditional | White | Vegetarian | CROWD FAVORITE


Opportunities to Serve at Lynch Elementary

Our partner school, Lynch Elementary has several opportunities to serve, and we welcome you to explore which one(s) are right for you!

Ongoing Opportunities

Passing Out Treats - Each Thursday, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Lunch Pal - One Time per week; flexible

Mentor - One or More Times per week; flexible

Room (Grand)Parent - Daily/Weekly; flexible

One-Time Opportunities

Feb. 28 - Black American Speak-in

Mar. 7 - Field Day

Apr. 3 - Lion’s Pride Celebration

May 5–9 - Staff Appreciation Week

To learn more or sign up for any of these opportunities contact the church office or Lynch Elementary Family & Community Liaison Michele Killam (Killamm@pscb.org | 727.570.3170).

Please sign up here to complete the necessary forms to be ready to volunteer throughout the year when opportunities arise.

The Next Week's Schedule


9 a.m. - Adult & Youth Bible Studies | Preschool & Elementary Kids Choirs

10 a.m. - Coffee & Pastries Fellowship

10:30 a.m. - Sanctuary Worship | Preschool Worship | Kids Worship | Nursery

5 p.m. - Church Family Game Night


Church Campus Closed - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday


1-4 p.m. - Food Pantry


6:30 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal


1-4 p.m. - Food Pantry

Upcoming Events


19 - Church Family Game Night

20 - Church Campus Closed (Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday)


2 - Communion | Fellowship Lunch | Blood Pressure Clinic

3 - Monday Fun Day - Elvis Tribute Concert

9 - FAST Network Meeting

16 - Great Chili Cook Off

Contact Us

First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg

1900 Gandy Blvd N

St. Petersburg, FL 33702

