Current Weekend Worship Schedule at POP
Saturday at 5:30 pm
Sunday at 8:15 & 10:30 am
Saturday 5:30 pm 
Sunday 10:30 am 
Important Dates
Jan 9 - Meet Prince of Peace
Jan 9 - First Communion (one-day session)
Jan 9 - BoSL Listening Post
Jan 12 - WOW Wednesday Resumes on Zoom
Jan 14 - POP School In-House Registration
Jan 18 - Grief Share Begins
Jan 19 - First Communion (one-day session)
Jan 19 - Mid-week Students
Jan 20 - Divorce Care Begins
Jan 21 - Lutheran's March for Life
Jan 24 - Senior (55+) Bible Study Resumes

Click HERE for an announcement about POP staff changes.
Children's Sunday School
The children’s Sunday School is now scheduled for 9:30-10:20 am. We are hoping that this timeframe will allow families to get to Sunday School from early service as well as still have enough time to get them to late service if they wish. Also, new Bible memory verses went home with children last week. Please help your child to learn their Bible verses before they come to Sunday School. It’s important to get them into the Word at an early age.  We love your children and want the best for them. See you in Sunday School!
Acolyte Program
Youth who are in 6th-10th grade are invited to join the newly resumed Acolyte Program. We are offering training Sunday, January 9 from 3:30-5:00 PM.  If you are interested in learning more about becoming an acolyte, please feel free to attend the training and see if it might be a way you feel comfortable serving at POPLC. Please contact Kris Salmi with any questions at
Prince of Peace Lutheran School, 2 1/2 year old through Kindergarten In-house Registration ~ Friday, January 14th at 9:10 am. All current school families, alumni families and church members are eligible to register for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. Please visit our website for times, days of class offerings, and updated registration forms. Community Registration will take place on Friday, February 4th at 9:30 am.
9th-12th graders, join us for Midweek on January 19th from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm in the Youth Room for a weekly devotional time. We'll hear a word from one of our leaders and play a game or two. Snacks and drinks are provided. Friends are HIGHLY encouraged to be invited!
March for Life
Friday, January 21, 2022
• Pre-Rally Concert: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
• March for Life Rally: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
• March for Life: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Go to for more information.
Stay in God's Word! Join a small group today!