Prince of Peace builds disciples of Jesus who know God, grow together, and serve the world.


Sunday Worship

8:00 am - Traditional

10:30 am – Contemporary

(9:15 AM Sunday School

for Children and Adults)

Spanish Worship

9:00 AM

Amharic Worship

3:00 PM


Sundays at 10:30 AM

Live Stream Worship Sundays at 10:30AM
Watch us on Vimeo
Watch us on YouTube
Watch us on Facebook
Prayer List

Holy Communion is served at the 8:00 on the 1st & 3rd Sundays and at the 10:30 on the 2nd & 4th Sundays. 5th Sundays have communion at both the 8:00 & 10:30.


This Week

Feb 2 - National Lutheran School Celebration (10:30am) 

Feb 4 - Grief Share & Divorce Care Begin

Feb 5 - Deadline to order Super Bowl Subs


Feb 16 - Scout Sunday

Feb 17 - Church & School Offices Closed

Feb 21 - POP School Community Registration (8:00am)

Feb 23 - Meet Prince of Peace (9:15am / Room 21)

Feb 23 - Town Hall/Voters' Meeting (4:00pm / Sanctuary)

Feb 28 - Gather 25 (8-9pm / Sanctuary)

For more details on all events read below, visit our website, or email



Celebrating POP School!


The Prince of Peace Youth are selling subs to raise funds for our Summer Youth Trips. Each sub is 8 inches long and $10. Subs can be picked up during Sunday School Hour on Sunday, February 9th. Cash or check payments are accepted at pick-up.

Alex Lillis


Baby Bottle Campaign & ECHO----->


Updated information on Grow Groups----->


Check out the latest E-blast for


Clubs 123 & 456

First Communion Class ------>


Young Adult Bible Study ----->


Have you heard about WOW and Faith Shapers?


A safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficulties of life events. Through this 13-week session, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead, discover helpful coping tools, and experience a supportive community. Please email Sara Wilson to register.

Whether you're a recent visitor or have been attending for a while, we extend a warm invitation to join us for the Meet Prince of Peace Sunday, February 23rd, starting at 9:15 AM in Room 21. Pastor Michael Hayes will provide an informative presentation, offering insights into our church family and its history. Please join us if you can! Email Tiffany Sears if you need more information.

The Discover Experience

If you are interested in becoming a member of Prince of Peace or simply curious, we invite you to join us for a seven-week journey with Pastor Michael. He will explore various topics, including Baptism, the Lord's Supper, God's Story, and your own, among others. The Discover Experience kicks off on Sunday, March 2nd, at 9:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Although the sessions last for seven weeks, we can accommodate you if you are unable to attend every one. Please reach out to Tiffany Sears to register.

Watch the video below to get inspired.

We are thrilled to invite you to the Gather25 Global Gathering Live Streaming Event on February 28th, from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Gather25 is a historic 25-hour global prayer event, where believers from around the world unite to intercede for the 5.5 billion people who have yet to know Christ. This extraordinary event will feature inspiring stories of God’s work across continents, powerful moments of worship, and a collective sending of workers into the global harvest.

Join us as we participate in this never-before-seen occasion, made possible by modern technology, where believers will stand together to pray for the salvation of the world. This is a unique opportunity to be part of a movement that will impact lives across the globe.


Write your Life Story

Mondays, 7-9pm, room 24

I heard it again this week. "I sure wish Mom (or Dad) was around so I could ask her (him)....." It's not too late. Start this week. Come to our Writing your Life Story classes each week and we will teach you how to write yours. It's actually fun! Writing can be a healing tool as well as a sharing tool for your family. Don't put it off. We have lots of room in the class and welcome all who would like to attend. What does it cost? $10 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. We will go through May. Contact Arla Albers to register.

The Salaam Isa Mission Society seeks to develop a missionary movement in Northern Virginia and the Washington, DC area that will bring the Gospel to Muslims. They will be hosting a prayer breakfast, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Read more:

More Upcoming Dates

Mar 2 - The Discover Experience Begins

Mar 2 - First Communion Class 9:15-10:15am - Room 1

Mar 5 - Ash Wednesday Worship 12pm & 7pm

Mar 9 - First Communion Class 9:15-10:15am - Room 1

Mar 12 - Lenten Worship and Lunch at 12pm

Mar 19 - Lenten Worship and Lunch at 12pm

Mar 26 - Lenten Worship and Lunch at 12pm

Mar 30 - First Communion Sunday

April 2 - Lenten Worship and Lunch at 12pm

April 5 - Spring Clean Up at POP

April 9 - Lenten Worship and Lunch at 12pm

April 12 - Easter Egg Hunt at 10am

April 13 - Palm Sunday

April 17 - Maundy Thursday Worship at 7pm

April 18 - Good Friday Worship at 7pm

April 20 - Easter Sunday

April 21 - Easter Monday - Church Office Closed

May 4 - Confirmation Sunday

May 11 - Mother's Day

May 18 - New Member Celebration

May 26 - Church & School Offices Closed

June 8 - All Nations Pentecost Worship & Fellowship Meal

June 15 - Father's Day

June 19 - Church Office Closed

July 4 - Church Office Closed

Aug 4-8 - VBS 2025

Oct 4 - Oktoberfest 2025

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