Prince of Peace builds disciples of Jesus who know God, grow together, and serve the world. | |
Are you interested in becoming a member of Prince of Peace? Have you been attending for a while and would like to know more? Please consider joining us next Sunday, September 8th, in room 21, 9:15am to 10:15 am, for the six session - Discover Prince of Peace. Email to RSVP.
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Sunday Worship
8:00 am – Traditional
10:30 am – Contemporary
(9:15 AM Sunday School
for Children and Adults)
Spanish Worship
9:00 AM
Amharic Worship
3:00 PM
Sundays at 10:30 AM
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Get ready! We are gearing up for all kinds of Fall Ministry start-ups. Don't miss out, read below!
If the amount of information in this email is overwhelming for you we are happy to talk with you to find out what your interests are and help you get plugged in so please contact us by responding to this email.
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Please help us spread the word!
Prince of Peace is seeking nominations
for a Minister of Worship Arts.
This person will serve as a visionary and creative leader responsible for overseeing, developing, innovating, creating, and executing all aspects of worship. The nomination form is on our website at The job description and option to submit a resume are also available on this page.
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Next Sunday, September 8th we have several start-ups.
Children's Sunday School Kick-Off 9:15 AM
First Bible Ceremony at 8 & 10:30 AM
Discover Begins at 9:15 AM in room 21
First Junior Choir Rehearsal 4 PM
First HIMnals Rehearsal 5 PM
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You may have heard us talking about the Oktoberfest Outreach event happening on October 5th from Noon - 5 PM. We are expecting well over 500 people to visit us! We need your help! Please sign up to volunteer for this amazing event. We have a large variety of one-hour time slots so it will conveniently fit your schedule. Click the volunteer button below to sign-up. | |
Sept 5 - Young Adult Bible Study Begins
Sept 9 - Financial Peace University Kick-Off
Sept 9 - Senior Bible Study Kick-Off 11:00am
Sept 10 - Divorce Care & Grief Share Begin
Sept 17 - ESL Begins
Sept 18 - Women of the Word Kick-Off
Oct 5 - 2024 Oktoberfest
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Oct 10 - Bethany House Gala
Oct 13 - Small Group Launch
Oct 20 - New Member Reception
Nov 3 - All Saints Sunday
Nov 3 - CROP WALK (more info)
Nov 27 - Thanksgiving Worship & Pie 7pm
Dec 7 - Fall Clean-Up
Dec 15 - Christmas Concert
Dec 29 - Jan 4 - Hypothermia
Dec 24 - Worship 3, 5, & 7pm
Dec 25 - Worship 10:30am
Feb 28 - Mar 1 - Gather 25
Mar 29 - Noah at Sight & Sound in PA
Aug 4-8 - VBS 2025
For more details on all events read below, visit our website, or email
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Communications and Livestreaming Teams Need Volunteers!
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The Communications Team is seeking people who are familiar with marketing and social media. If you have these skills and are interested, we need your ideas! You do not need to be an expert and most of the volunteering can be done from home. If you are interested please contact Tiffany Sears.
If you are the least bit tech led, the Livestream team needs you! You do not need to be an expert. We have people who will train you. Please contact Jon Gross to volunteer for this invaluable position.
Help us get Jesus out to our community!
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Prince of Peace is forming a prayer email chain. If you are interested in being on this email chain please email | |
On Sunday, September 8th, we will have our First Bible Ceremony for any students entering 2nd grade or older.
The First Bible will be presented at both the 8:00am and 10:30am services where there will be a special blessing.
Each student who registers for the First Bible Ceremony should plan to attend our First Bible Class, also on the 8th, from 9:15am to 10:15am in Room 1 downstairs, along with their parent(s).
Please submit the form to register your child for the First Bible Ceremony. (DCE, Alex Lillis)
Writing your Memoirs
Starts Monday, September 9th, from 7-9 room 24.
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Too often, cherished memories fade away with their owner, and time slips by without sharing these precious stories. Have you ever regretted not asking Mom or Dad about something before it was too late? Your life is a treasure trove of memories and tales from the past. Do your loved ones know about them? Capture these stories in a series of writings that can serve as a lasting legacy for your family. Let's overcome writer's block together.
Each week, we will provide a writing prompt to help you. These narratives will form a written account of your life, expressing your true essence. It's a way to reveal how God has shaped you into the person you are today, making for an enjoyable read.
Collaborating with others to document your story may unearth forgotten memories that you'll want to put on paper. Certain words have the power to transport you back in time. Embrace your inner storyteller and join our class.
Don't delay! Space is limited, so secure your spot today. Classes start on Monday, September 9th, from 7-9 P.M. and will convene weekly until the end of May. The total cost for the year is $10. To register, please email Arla Albers and mention "MEMOIRS" in the subject line for class materials.
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WOW Wednesday Mornings
Starts Wednesday, September 18, at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall .
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Grow Together with Women of the Word (WoW) Wednesday mornings! Our fall kickoff is September 18 at 9:30 am. Gather in the Fellowship Hall for singing, fellowship, and an introduction to our two NEW study groups for fall!
Yvette Moy will be our featured speaker for the morning!
We have two new studies for fall!
Michelle Schiffner and Christy Brown will lead "Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story" by Angie Smith. This video-based study covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Experience the Bible as a whole as you gain clarity and confidence in your understanding of Scripture!
Jennifer Gross will lead "The Spirituality of the Cross: The Way of the First Evangelicals," by Gene Edward Veith, Jr. As a young man, the author explored many kinds of spirituality--including Buddhism--and then found what he was looking for in the faith of Lutheran Christians. If it's been a while since Confirmation or if you didn't grow up in a Lutheran context, this study will deepen your understanding of God's grace and ground you in the beauty of Lutheran spirituality.
Jennifer Gross
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Faith Shapers Women's Book Group
Starts Thursday, September 12, on zoom.
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All women are invited to check out Faith Shapers, PoP's book discussion group for women, now in its 18th year!
Faith Shapers meets once a month on Zoom to discuss a reading selection or book. You are welcome to attend one, some, or all meetings, as your schedule and reading interests allow.
We kick off the school year with a selection from the book Devotional Classics, "Morning Prayer" by John Baillie, p. 108, on Thursday, September 12, at 7:00 pm on Zoom. This devotional excerpt takes less than 30 minutes to read, helping us ease into a busy fall.
Email Jennifer Gross for more information and to receive the Zoom links to join us. Full Schedule
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We need your support for the 2024-2025 ESL program!
We are in the planning phase for another year of the English as a Second Language (ESL) ministry— a meaningful service ministry reaching out with God’s love to our immigrant neighbors supporting their attainment of English language skills, and cultural understanding as members of the Prince of Peace community! This is truly a “Serve the World” kind of ministry!
We are excited about your interest in volunteering to teach or assist in daytime and especially evening classes for this academic year starting in September.
Please let us know of your interest and drop a line to or call 703-776-0947 to the program coordinator, Mark Rumohr with your questions. Student registration is coming up rapidly, on 11 September. Don’t delay—let us know how you want to help.
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You can always bring your ECHO donations to the church and put them in the big white bin in the hallway near the office. MOST NEEDED ITEMS LIST | |
Youth - Rising 7th through 12th Grade | |
- Young Adults Bible Study Starting Soon!
- College Prayer Partners
- Young Adult Worship & Community Day
- POP Young Adults Group Chat
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Sunday School Kick-Off September 8th!
- First Bible Ceremony
- Club 123 & 456
- First Communion
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Small Group Ministry
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Hello, Prince of Peace! Welcome to the GROW TOGETHER community! I am Sara Wilson, your dedicated Coordinator, thrilled to share some exciting news with you. Feel free to reach out to me for any assistance in getting involved. Let's embark on this transformative experience together!
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We offer a designated room for nursing mothers or parents seeking a quiet space for their babies or young children. Located on the right after exiting the main Sanctuary doors, this room is exclusively for your use. Feel free to make use of this facility. A TV will broadcast the worship service, ensuring you can stay connected while in the room. | | | | |