We will soon welcome Reverend Sue Gabrielson to UUCFM. She will be traveling from Costa Rica several times during her tenure with us. We want to extend UUCFM RADICAL HOSPITALITY to her when we she visits in person. We have the following opportunities for members to consider as we plan for these visits. Please read the information below and sign up for one or all of the options. Contact Helen Leddy and indicate your preferences and availability.
Home Hospitality: Overnight accommodations including breakfast
If you have a bedroom and private bath available, can provide breakfast for several mornings, and can allow space in your refrigerator for guest supplies, please let Helen know. You may not get much advance notice. You will need to provide a parking space for an additional vehicle as Rev. Sue will have a car. Please understand, too, that Rev. Sue will be here in a professional capacity and may seek privacy.
Hosts: Members who wish to provide meals for Rev. Sue during her stay
If you are unable to provide home hospitality but would like to entertain Rev. Sue for a meal (in or out of your home), please let Helen know. Rev. Sue may choose to request that the meal be prepared and presented to her for solo eating.
Sharing your favorite restaurants, sights to see, and other interesting facts about Fort Myers and the surrounding area
Rev. Sue will want to know more about the Fort Myers area. We can help by providing information about our favorite restaurants, sights to visit, theaters, music, and other interesting facts about the larger Ft Myers community. Please send your selections to Helen.
Thank you for being willing to provide radical hospitality as we welcome Rev. Sue.