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Weekly Communicator

August 25, 2022

Sunday Service

Join us this Sunday at 10:30am in the Sanctuary or via Zoom


or listen to audio only at UUCFM.org

Minister's Musings

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity...it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."  Melody Beattie

So, we survived the sermon on sin! I hope we can continue to explore challenging ideas with each other every once and awhile. But this week, we come together to celebrate the work of the many hands that have made worship possible throughout these unprecedented times of pandemic (and without a minister). I am looking forward to being with you in person this weekend (for those of you who will be in Fort Myers). Please feel free to be in touch with me any time at revsue@uucfm.org or by Whatsapp at +506-8891-2847.

Please send all newsletter articles by 

12pm Wednesday for publication in Thursday's newsletter.

Send articles to newsletter@uucfm.org

**Please do not send requests to the office manager email**

Volunteer Opportunities

Tech Team 

As Rev. Sue mentioned on Sunday, it truly takes a team of volunteers working behind the scenes to make hybrid worship possible. After more than two years of this experience, we are asking the congregation to come forward to join this team.

You do not need to have an extensive amount of previous computer & tech experience - just a willingness to learn! We are willing and able to help you learn.

There are both in-sanctuary (tech and equipment set-up and audio/sound tech) and from-home (Zoom Moderation & Virtual Ushering) positions available. Please let us know your preference.

We are all a team to make worship happen every week!

Contact Walter Peterson or Alison Carville for more information.

Brewer Family Gardens

We will be seeking volunteers; you can come weekly, occasionally or even once to help plant, harvest, weed etc. If you know of a youth group, a sister church, any non- profit that could volunteer, let us know.

Sunday Social Hour Kitchen Help contact Dorothy Van Howe

Band/choir contact Suellen Kipp

Let’s Celebrate in Worship 

& Lunch in Hobart Hall

August 28th, 2022 - 10:30am - 1:30pm

Let’s celebrate our Worship Teams who helped us through the pandemic and continue to serve. Our new Minister, Rev. Sue Gabrielson, will be leading the service in the Sanctuary at 10:30am - her first time here at UUCFM. We will be expressing deep gratitude for our Lay Ministers, our Music Director and Music Team, our Worship Associates, the Tech Team and our Ushers and Welcoming and Membership Committees.


If you are being honored in worship, ‘please be our guest’ at the Celebration afterwards in Hobart Hall. If you would like to contribute food for the lunch, it will be appreciated. Please email Karen Brown so the Hospitality Team has an idea of how much we will need to make or purchase. Cold foods such as salads, fruit, breads and/or gluten-free foods are suggested. Please bring food to the kitchen before the service. We will be dining at tables in Hobart Hall and also in the Screened Room for those who prefer outside. Everyone is welcome!

At a later time when our northern members and friends return, there will be a special service honoring Rev. Sue’s ministry here in Fort Myers. We will also be planning ways to honor our many committees and all members and friends for their service in Time, Treasure and Talents.

Volunteer of the Month Liz Taggart

Liz, a founding member of the Guardians of the Gardens, is one of our most active behind the scenes volunteers. She has shown up for not only every request for a gardening day in the Memorial Gardens and all over the UUCFM grounds, she has been coming often early Saturday mornings with pruning shears in hand doing some of the heavy lifting and weed hauling too. No easy feat in this heat! 

Whenever we have had an event or a need for help in the kitchen, Dorothy knows she can count on Liz to help run a tight ship. Whenever there is a call for volunteers, if she can do it, Liz shows up and gets the job done with a smile. When our campus had to close during the first years of COVID, Liz assisted the Pastoral Care Team in calling members. Those phone calls touched a number of people and we have heard more than one person say these calls were one of the main things that kept them engaged and cared for by our Congregation.


Learn to play the fiery rhythms of West Africa with Master Drummer Ndakhte Ndiaye! Ancient and highly cherished rhythms from obscure villages will be taught in an easy, follow-along style on the Djembe and Djun Djun drums. All levels welcome, beginner thru advanced. Share the joy and camaraderie of drumming in this long-awaited event! Bring drums. (limited drums provided).

Where: Hobart Hall

When: Thursday, Sept.1st

Time: 5:00 -6:00 Drum Workshop, followed by potluck dinner.

RSVP: (239) 283-7885 Sharingafrica@yahoo.com

The SWFL RESET Center and the SWFL Pachamama Alliance Community present 

The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium

Saturday, September 17

10:00am-2:00pm (light lunch included)   

Facilitated by Holley Rauen, Joseph Bonasia and Gary Robbins

The Awakening the Dreamer Symposium is about waking up from the “dream of the modern world” that is destroying our planet and way of life. Through videos, slides, presentations, and discussions, we aim to create an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually fulfilling human presence on Earth. While we initially deal with some disturbing facts, we promise that you will leave feeling optimistic, empowered and inspired to help create our new future. Read more about it and Sign up here.


Would you like to connect with others at UUCFM? Connection Circles are a great way for new UUs and guests as well as long term members to get to know others. These circles have a long standing history in our congregation and have been well received by those who participate. 

Each session begins with a chalice lighting and reading, followed by a check-in and guided discussion. The topic is sent out several days in advance of each session with quotes and possible questions for discussion. Mary Cline Golbitz and Leslie Gatto co-facilitate.

The next six session circle will be held on the first and third Thursdays at 1:30 via Zoom beginning in October. The dates are 10/6, 10/20, 11/3, 11/17, 12/1, and 12/15. We ask that you make a commitment to attend all sessions, but exceptions can be made.

Please contact Leslie Gatto at 239.850.9664 or gatto.leslie@gmail.com to sign up.

November trip to Guatemala

We will be beginning a new season soon and are looking for people who may want to rent beds starting October 15.  September is a good time for questions, tours of the garden and signing up, 


This year we will be designating a group of unrented beds as Community Food Bank beds, and some for fundraising (produce and herb sales).   

Community Sharing for August

ACT offers a 24-hour helpline, 3 safe shelters, children's program, counseling (both individual and group), an economic empowerment program which includes financial and health literacy, Injunction for Protection legal service, life skills education, job skills evaluation and training along with GED assistance and ESOL. In the non-residential outreach program, they provide long-term counseling, therapy and support, economic empowerment services, a rape crisis center where they do the forensic examinations, advocacy department that provides advocacy through the judicial system, and a legal program for Injunctions for Protection. They also provide community education, professional trainings, and prevention education. All services provided to victims of domestic violence and their children, and survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and human trafficking are available free of charge.

If you cannot attend in person, you can still donate by mailing a check to the office with "community sharing" in the subject line, or by using the "donate" button on the website and marking it "community sharing". 

Covid Protocol Update

The efficacy of vaccines and treatments has significantly reduced Covid’s danger for most of us. As a result, the protocols for campus events have been revised: 

  1. Masks will continue to be required in the sanctuary during worship services.
  2. Masks are optional for coffee and other functions in Hobart Hall.
  3. In the library, classrooms, and other small spaces, masks are required UNLESS everyone present agrees otherwise. We’ll continue to be respectful and protective of those of us whose immunity is impaired.
  4. Worship services will continue to be available on Zoom.

Although the Covid risk level will continue to fluctuate, I’m sure all of us hope the worst of the pandemic is behind us. We’ll continue to monitor the risk and change the guidelines as needed to protect our congregation.

Please reach out to me with any questions at UUCFMPresident@UUCFM.org.


Mary Studer

President, Board of Trustees


Amazon Smile donates to UUCFM when you do your online shopping by following this special link



Want to Become a Member?

If you are interested in becoming a new member of UUCFM, please email 


Board of Trustees

Email: board@uucfm.org

President Mary Studer

President Elect Bill Petrarca

Secretary Lane Cook

Treasurer Pati Maier

VP Worship Lesley Peterson

VP Operations Genelle Grant

VP Programs Karen J. Brown

VP Membership Marge Gonzalez

VP Stewardship Nancy Hutchins


Minister Sue Gabrielson - revsue@uucfm.org

Lay Minister Albie Johnson - albiej@uucfm.org

Lay Minister Mary Cline Golbitz - mary@uucfm.org

Director of Music Suellen Kipp - music@uucfm.org

Office Manager Denise Greenwood - officemanager@uucfm.org

Building Supervisor  Mickey Kellam - buildingsupervisor@uucfm.org

Teacher  Liza Kellam - lhiz_sierra@yahoo.com


13411 Shire Lane

Fort Myers, FL 33912

Phone: (239) 561-2700 

Website: uucfm.org

Email: officemanager@uucfm.org

Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9am-2pm

Thursday 11am-4pm

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