Senoia United Methodist Church....A Missional and Discipling Congregation 
The Weekly Connection 
October 7, 2021
In this edition of the Weekly Connection:

  • Worship Information
  • Link to the Order of Worship for Sunday
  • Video of Last Sunday's Service
  • Those Serving in Worship

CIA: Mission & Outreach
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • I-58 Mission:
  • Canned Food Drive

Connexion Groups, Team News & Spiritual Growth
  • Youth - October 17
  • Nominations - SUMC needs your gift of time
  • Wednesday Night Supper
  • Save the Dates!
  • Connexion Groups
  • Read It & Reap
  • Upper Room Connexion Group
  • Bible Study
  • The Next Study
  • Spirit Journey


  • Our Financial Stewardship
  • SUMC Online Giving
  • Church Calendar
  • Church Staff
Sunday, October 3, 2021
19th Sunday after Pentecost
World Communion Sunday

Luke 17:20-27

Sunday, October 10, 2021
20th Sunday after Pentecost

Mark 1: 14-17 

Please observe social distancing and please wear a mask. Visit the CDC site for more information:
Worship Notes:

Sunday Worship Services in the Sanctuary:  
In person at 9:30 
11:00AM either in person or on Facebook Live

Adult, Youth and Children's Sunday School at 10am

Our 9:30am service is a 30 minute service, more contemplative in nature.
Our 11:00am service provides another opportunity to worship
in the traditional setting with the talents of our gifted musicians.
Or mail your offering to: Senoia UMC, P.O. Box 98, Senoia, GA 30276
The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.
Worship Last Sunday
Those Assisting in Worship This Sunday

Ushers: Jeff & Susan Miller (11:00)
Acolyte: Harrison Baggarly
Counters: Melissa Severson & David Benoist

CIA: Missions and Outreach
Operation Christmas Child is in full swing.

Thank all of you who picked up boxes on Sunday. More empty boxes will arrive soon.

Please don't forget to include $9.00 per box for shipping. Write a check to SUMC and include 'Operation Christmas Child' on the info line. We will send one check for all boxes.

Contact Dorinda Hilbun if you have questions (678) 723-7066.
I-58 Paper Towel and Toilet Paper Drive
Has Been a GREAT Success!
So We've Been Asked to Collect Canned Goods!
SUMC, fill the church with Canned Goods! Let's fill the church with these much need food items.

Of course there will be a contest involved. We are collecting all the time but the collection for this contest ends at Wednesday Night Supper, October 20th. The winner - whomever has the most paper donations, will NOT get PIED at the Fall Festival on October 23! So pick either Jon Morris, Barb Combs or Pastor Ashley to donate to, based on who you want to spare a pie in the face!
Connextion Groups, Team News
and Spiritual Growth
Youth - Sunday, October 17
All Youth please meet at the church at 3pm.

We’ll leave to go shopping for the items to put in the Christmas Child Shoeboxes.

Afterwards we’ll have dinner at Lisa’s home.

RSVP to Ashley by October 14th.

Handbell Fundraiser

Wednesday Night Supper - October 13
Handbells Fundraiser Menu : Spaghetti w/ Meat & Meatless sauces; Salad; Garlic Bread; Variety of Homemade Desserts
Donations: Children 5-12 years $4; Under 5 Free; All others $8
Please make a reservation as we do have to purchase groceries and prepare your meal in advance. Please use the Connection Card or
let the office know by phone, on-line or email before 10am,Tuesday, Oct. 12

Read It & Reap
The Read It & Reap book club will meet on Monday evening, Oct. 11, at 7:00 in the JOY Room.

We are doing something a little different for this month only. Each person will bring their favorite book and tell us about it: why it’s a favorite; when and how they discovered it; and maybe how often they pull it out to re-read once again!

If you enjoy reading, come and join us this Monday and tell us about your favorite book. We have great discussion each month, as well as the best fellowship ever!

Call or text me, Barb at 419-680-2103, if you have any questions. Otherwise, I’ll see you Monday evening!  


Upper Room Connexion Group

Our devotional group, Upper Room at SUMC, meets every Wednesday morning at 10:30 in the JOY Room.

This delightful group reads the daily devotion for Wednesday from the Upper Room Devotionals booklet and has discussion on it. We also look at other devotions from the week that we enjoyed or that seemed to speak to us throughout the week.

Come and check out this wonderful group as we have fellowship together. Call or text me, Barb at 419-680-2103, if you have any questions. 

Bible Study with Barb

Bible Study with Barb will meet on Wednesday evening, Oct 13, at 7:00 in the Youth Room at the rear of the sanctuary in person, or via Zoom.

This is our last week reading and discussing our favorite Psalms. Come and join us as we share Psalm 91 and Psalm 103. If you did not have a chance to come and share your favorite Psalm, we will do this again after the New Year. Everyone enjoys reading the Psalms!

Call or text me, Barb at 419-680-2103, if you have any questions. I hope to see you on Wednesday.

Join Zoom Meeting
Password: ashley
Meeting ID: 196 787 919

Our Next Study

Our next study will be on the book, Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity by Adam Hamilton.

One of Jesus’ great parables was about the sower who cast seed along the ground. Some seeds grew, while others fell among thorns and were chocked out. In a culture where “enough” seems to have become a never-ending pursuit, Jesus’ parable remains incredibly relevant.

Join us for this 5-week study on becoming aware of what is and what is not “enough” in today’s world. Books are available. Call or text Barb to get your copy now.  


Spirit Journey

The Spirit Journey Connexion group will meet on Thursday afternoon, Oct 14, at 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

We are learning about the Fruit Flies in our Faith, a delightful book by Annie Paden, filled with wisdom and humor. This week is all about peace and how we can all choose to rise above the struggles of our life, as we are reminded in Colossians 3:45, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…”

Each week is a stand-alone study of one of the fruits of the Spirit. I know you will love being part of this fun-loving group of ladies, which is open to all the ladies of the church.

Come and check it out! Call or text me, Barb at 419-680-2103, if you have any questions. 

Our Financial Stewardship
Message From the Finance Team

In September, as is often the case, the congregational giving was lower than usual. Coupled with higher expenses due to insurance costs (quarterly property, annual worker's comp, annual van policy) and our annual termite renewal, the Church has been left with a shortfall for September of $8,475. We wanted you to know the particulars so that each of you can consider your own stewardship as we move forward and we can hopefully overcome this deficit.

Thank you! The Finance Team


We are able to accept credit and debit cards online at:

It is super easy. We want to encourage you not to go into credit card debt
but wanted to offer a convenient way to support your church.
Sunday 10/10
9:30am Worship
10:00am Sunday School
11:00am Worship
Monday 10/11
7:00pm Read It & Reap
Tuesday 10/12
6:45pm Handbell Practice
Wednesday 10/13
10:30am Upper Room Devotion
6:00pm Wednesday Night Supper - Handbell Fundraiser
7:00pm Bible Study With Barb
Thursday 10/14
10:00am Garden Reserved
1:30pm Spirit Journey
7:00pm AA

Rev. Ashley Jenkins, Pastor 

Barb Combs, Director of Programs

Jim Preece, Organist/Choir Master 

Lee Berry, Administrative Assistant & Finance Secretary 

Bereatha Brooks, Nursery Coordinator 

Polly Watson, Housekeeping 

Gail Noble and John Felbinger, A/V Technicians

Jon Morris, Facebook Live Technician

Office Email:
(770) 599-3245

Office Hours:
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9-3

You are kindly requested to wear a mask
upon entering the building.
Thank you.