
August 1- August 7, 2022 Av 5782

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Join Rabbi Sharfman and others for a trip of a lifetime. Fabulous itinerary and small group!

Two weeks left to register – looking for two more people to travel with us. You don’t want to miss out an a trip of a lifetime!

Dates: October 23rd - November 7th!

For more information and to register, please visit https://congregationkehillah.org/watch-this-space-for-future-trips-to-israel/. If you have any questions, please email us at info@congregationkehillah.org 



"The bus was our home away from home and friendships were formed and bonded. Arie was our guide who was a walking man of knowledge. My eyes saw new sights, my tongue tasted new foods, my nose smelled delicious bakery, my

ears heard the voices of hundreds of women singing together on Shabbat at

the Kotel, my feet stood on ancient ground and walked miles. The list could

go on and on. Rabbi Bonnie was and is an extraordinary leader, clergy and most of all friend...there is no other Rabbi I would have wanted to share this experience with. I met new friends and took my friendships with others to a new level. I left behind a piece of my heart, but that space is now filled in with sweet memories of Israel." 


I was wisely advised, “If you’re thinking of visiting Israel – whether you’ve been there before or not – you must go on a Rabbi Bonnie trip! You will NOT be disappointed!” How true! A fabulous itinerary…a knowledgeable and engaging tour guide…amazing history…breathtaking sights…and Rabbi Bonnie’s lovingkindness. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


We recently returned from a trip to Israel with Rabbi Bonnie and friends have been asking, “So, how was your trip?” It is hard to give a succinct response, as every aspect of our two weeks was incredible. Our experiences ranged from visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem to jostling in the Carmel market in Tel Aviv to exploring synagogues in Zefat to climbing Masada and visiting the blue grottos of Rosh HaNikra. The context and history that Rabbi Bonnie and our Israeli guide, Arie, provided were invaluable to gaining an understanding of Jewish history and thought and the Jewish, Hellenistic, Roman and Turkish archaeology of the country. Walking through water tunnels dug in the City of David or sifting sands from the Temple Mount in search of ancient artifacts (we found shards!), Rabbi Bonnie’s passion for the country and for helping us to gain an understanding of the deep history, spirituality, politics, and modern challenges of Israel was irreplaceable; no guidebook or pamphlet could come close to providing the depth of information that the Rabbi offered.

Not to mention the food. Rabbi Bonnie led us through the Jerusalem Market (Mahane Yehuda) on a tasting tour on which we had traditional Israeli cooking, tasted Kurdish kubbeh hamusta, and, of course, forced ourselves to taste the many varieties of halva. The spices, fresh dates, and pastries were awesome, as were our many dinners of Israeli, Yemeni, and Kurdish food.

For us, this was a trip of a lifetime in all aspects: learning the history, imbibing the culture, and deepening our understanding of Judaism. If you have an opportunity to join Rabbi Bonnie on such an adventure, don’t pass it up!

Welcome Back & Open House Wine and Cheese

Friday, August 19

5:45 p.m.

We invite all members and potential members to join us before Kabbalat Shabbat for an opportunity to mingle, catch up and get to know one another. This event will be held in the Goldfarb Family Bistro. Please RSVP by Tuesday, August 19th.

Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, August 19

6:30 p.m.

In person

We missed you and look forward to welcoming Shabbat together. Join Rabbi Sharfman and cantorial soloist Erica Erman for our first service after our brief summer break. This will be an in person service with Zoom access to those who are unable to attend in person. Please RSVP for either attending in person or via Zoom no later than Thursday, August 18.

Zoom link will be sent to all congregants during the week. For our non-members who would like to join us for Kabbalat Shabbat, please email Renee.

  • You are welcome to join us for in person services. We appreciate your RSVP ahead of time. A Zoom link will be sent to members who cannot attend in person but wish to participate via Zoom. 
  • We encourage all those attending in person to please wear a mask.
  • During services, several rows in the front of the sanctuary will be reserved for congregants and potential new members who wish to wear masks

          The reserved rows are for those who feel safer sitting next to other mask wearers. Otherwise, mask wearers may sit anywhere in the sanctuary.

August birthdays and anniversaries will be celebrated.

Membership Reminder

Thank you to those who have renewed their memberships!

New this year, we are asking all members to please fill out the Membership Renewal Form (which includes financial commitment and payment options) so our records are up to date. You can do this one of two ways. Print out the form, Membership Renewal Form for mailing , fill in all the required information and snail mail back to Congregation Kehillah, 21001 N Tatum Blvd, #1630, 439, Phoenix, AZ 85050. Or click on this link: Online Membership Renewal Form and fill out and submit your form online. It is quick, easy and secure. Please submit your Membership Renewal Form and payment as soon as you can.

Congregation Kehillah’s fiscal year began on July 1, 2022 and ends June 30, 2023. We encourage all congregants to pay by either a personal check or through your bank. Understandably many still choose to pay using their credit card through our secure website, so they can earn either cash back or travel points through their credit card company. In the past, Congregation Kehillah has paid out hundreds of dollars in merchant fees. If you wish to pay using your credit card, you will be charged an extra 3% to defray the credit card fees charged to Congregation Kehillah. To pay by credit card please visit, http://congregationkehillah.org/membership/ and choose your level of support. 

Not a member yet? For more information, please contact Renee, info@congregationkehillah.org. We’d love to have you in our Kehillah! Ready to join? You can fill out the Online New Member Form or print out the New Member Form for mailing and return via USPS.




To read an important letter from our president, Jane Neely, please click on this PDF.

YIZKOR BOOK 2022/5783

Dear friends,


Today is August 1st and the High Holy Days will be here before you know it. One of the projects we are currently working on is the annual CK Yizkor Book. The Yizkor Book, published every Yom Kippur, is a means to remember departed loved ones. A donation of $18 per name is requested. Yizkor Book listings are open to non-members as well as members. We will be pleased to include the names of your loved ones. This book will be used for all Yizkor services throughout the year.

Please take a moment to fill out online, Yizkor Book Form  and submit back via the secure website. Or print out the attachment and mail it back to our address on Tatum Blvd. Payments can be made either through our secure website, Donation and under the “Fund” tab click on Yizkor Book (second from the bottom). You can also mail in a check and put Yizkor Book in the memo line.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Friday, August 19th

1:00 p.m.

We'll be discussing Asymmetry, by Lisa Halliday. You don't have to be a regular to enjoy Book Group; you can join in for any book you like, any time. Book Group is open to all Kehillah adults. To get on the Book Group email list or to RSVP, please email Rick . 


Dear YEP! family,
Happy Summer!!! 
Yup! It is time to register for YEP! Our school year begins on Sunday, August 21st at 9:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. We invite parents to join their child in their classrooms for “a taste of YEP!” While the students are in music, parents will be on the patio with Rabbi, Ilene and Renee for an opportunity to meet one another. Please RSVP no later than August 17th

Fall semester dates:
August 21st & 28th
September 11th & 18th
October 2nd, 16th & 30th
November 6th & 20th
December 4th & 11th

Please take a moment to fill out this easy to use and secure form for each child you are enrolling, Online YEP! registration form. You can pay the $125 YEP! supply fee (per child), using this link, YEP! supply fee.

If you haven’t already renewed your synagogue membership, you can do so online as well, Online Membership Renewal Form. If you plan to pay your dues through our secure website, please note that the site will be updated with the new rates over the next few days.
Have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask.
We look forward to seeing you all in August!


Welcome to Judaism

This introductory course provides a foundation in the basic tenants of Judaism. Among areas covered are: History, Holidays and Observances, Life Cycle, Theology, Prayer, Israel and Communal Life. Open to non-Jews alone, Non-Jews with their Jewish partners and Jewish adults interested in further exploring Judaism. Free of charge for members of CK. Please register directly through us. Non-members can register through BJE, https://www.bjephoenix.org/course-events/2022/08/29/welcome-to-judaism-virtual.

Monday evenings beginning August 29 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. 

Class dates:

August 29th

September 12th

No October classes

November 14th & 21st

December 5th, 12th & 19th

Bonus class: Friday, September 9 – Geography of the synagogue, in-person before Shabbat services.


Happy Birthday!

Yom Huledet Sameach!

August  3  - Katherine Fabricant

August  4  - Marjorie Tabaknek

August  6  - Samantha Cohen

August  8  - Brian Scherer

August  9  - Lily Cox

August 10 - Glenn Feldman

August 16 - Bonnie Bartak

August 25 - Enrique Abeyta Ubillos

August 27 - Efrat Hedges Eichenbaum

August 27 - Stanley Morganstern

August 29 - Jennifer Catalano

August 29 - Alana Claire Kirklin

August 30 - Autumn Cox

August 30 - Dan Zemel

August 30 - Alan Thursby 

Happy Anniversary!

Mazel Tov!

August  15   -  Robert & Amy Bessen

August  17   -  Howard & Mara Gossack

August  17   -  Enrique & Beth Abeyta Ubillos

August  18   -  Rudy & Paulette Fraenkel

August  19   -  David & Sara Fabricant

August  26   -  Glenn & Linda Feldman



Please join Becky and Ian Shore on Sunday, August 14 at 10:30 a.m. PT on Zoom as they welcome their son, Elliott Aron Shore, into our community with a Jewish baby naming. Elliott entered the world on Friday, May 6 at 4:57 a.m, weighing 6 pounds and 4 ounces, and measuring 19.8 inches. 

Please RSVP to info@congregationkehillah.org to receive the Zoom link.


Patti Kaplan



Kelly Bartkus Boeder

Hannah Greenspan

Jon Berlin

Shari Marcus, niece of Reisa Miller

Ethan Miller, son of Reisa Miller

Yaffa Pollack, cousin of Marsha Joffe

Chana bas Rasche

Marsha Joffe

Judith Clancy

Joe Ettinger

Stanley Rosen, father of Robin Rudin

Cathy Michels

Davie Glaser


General Fund

Isla Breshears (and mommy, Lisa Rohdeman) - Thank you for having us for Sippy Cup Shabbat

JNF Trees in Israel

Janet & Barry Bernell - a ring of trees (3) have been planted in memory of her sister, Ellen Denise Bedor

Marsha Joffe, Renee Joffe & Tom Hrlevich - in memory of Jean Rautenberg

Marsha Joffe, Renee Joffe & Tom Hrlevich - in memory of Adolph Evnin

Caring Fund

Education Fund

General Fund

Gottlieb Music Fund

Oneg & Hospitality Fund

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

Social Action Fund

Torah Fund

Teen Tzedek Fund

Also available:

Book Plates

Memorial Board


Plant a tree in Israel for any occasion. Contact Renee to place your order. The cost is $18 per tree and a portion of all sales benefit Kehillah.


You can set up a fundraiser through Facebook and the money will be donated to Kehillah.


Will receive gifts of stock on behalf of Congregation Kehillah




If you make purchases through Amazon, please use smile.amazon.com, and select Congregation Kehillah as your charity. It's simple, costs you nothing, and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to Kehillah.

Congregation Kehillah has been issued a $69.47 donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of AmazonSmile program activity between January 1 and March 31, 2022. 




JLTV is the largest 24-7 English-language, Jewish-themed network in North America, available in about 50 million homes, currently through Charter, Comcast, DirecTV (channel 366 in the Phoenix area) and other video providers (www.jltv.tv). On May 31st, JLTV was added to Cox Communications’ Channel Line-Up in portions of Greater Phoenix channel 184. This is partly thanks to Rabbi Sharfman who has been incredibly supportive of the effort to add JLTV to Cox's line-up, sending a letter to Cox asking them to add JLTV, which they are now doing.

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The Phoenix Holocaust Association   The August newsletter is out. Click  here for news of upcoming programs and lots more.


August at the JFCS Center for Senior Enrichment


With temperatures rising outside, it is the perfect time to stay cool inside and take advantage of the Center for Senior Enrichment spring and summer virtual offerings FREE on ZOOM! 

Click here to find the August calendar of events:  **** https://www.jfcsaz.org/events/

The Center for Senior Enrichment calendar has been enhanced to help participants find and register for classes. Please see the below instructions for guidence on how to navigate the updated calendar. 


Look for upcoming dates for our programs below

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Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat morning

B'nai Mitzvah

Enjoy our brief summer break!

Friday, August 19 - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, August 27 - 10:00 a.m.

Friday, September 9 - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, September 17 - 6:30 p.m. Selichot

Friday, October 14 - 6:30 p.m.

Friday, October 28 - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 12 - 10:00 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Eva Kanefsky

Friday, November 18 - 6:30 p.m.

Friday, December 2 - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 3 - 10:00 a.m.

Friday, December 16 - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 17 - 10:00 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Jacqueline Schatzberg

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Torah Talks are led by Rabbi Sharfman (except where noted) and are held monthly on Saturday mornings via Zoom. For more information, contact Ellen Lerman.


No session in July.

August & September TBD.

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Youth Education Program 

YEP! sessions are held on Sunday mornings during the school year. Read about YEP! here. Questions? Please contact Renee

 Here is the link to the YEP! registration form.

 Fall Semester dates:

August 21 & 28

September 11 & 18

October 2, 16 & 30

November 6 & 20

December 4 & 11



Friday, August 19

Book Group

Friday, August 19

Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday, August 27

Shabbat morning service

Sundays, August 21 & 28


Friday, December 2

Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday, December 3

Shabbat morning service

Information for Seniors

The Senior Concierge Project (through Jewish Family and Children's Service) can provide information and help with socialization, education, transportation, home care, living facilities, legal assistance and more for those over age 60. Contact Kathy Rood at 602-762-7319.

Need a Hand?

Need a ride to services or to an event? Have an odd job that might need an extra hand or two? Give Men of Kehillah a shout! MOK members are ready to help out. Email Rich Fox at phoks1@hotmail.com.  


Don't miss any of our emails...

Please make sure that periodically you check your Spam and Junk folders for emails from info@congregationkehillah.org. Some of the emails we send out have several links for you to click on for resources. Depending on your individual computer settings you may have not received these emails in your inbox.

Remember "Mom" and the other women!  


Reminder: There are hungry neighbors and families experiencing food insecurity throughout the Valley, throughout the year -- even if we can't always see it. And there are women who can't afford basic feminine products. Our food collection bin for Mom's Pantry is always in our lobby, and our Kehillah Cares bag for women4women tempe is in our ladies' room. 


Please bring food and toiletry donations whenever you attend an event or services.


We love hearing from you!

If we don't respond to

your email within 24 hours, it means we did

not receive your

message. Please call

us at 602-369-7667.



We take a technology break for Shabbat and Yom Tov. If you have an emergency during these times, please leave a message on the Congregation Kehillah phone, 602-369-7667 and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Otherwise, we ask that you please call or email us after the Sabbath or holiday ends.

Congregation Kehillah Leadership 

Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman

Jane Neely, 


Scott Leader, Erica Erman

 Cantorial Soloists

Renee Joffe,               


Board of Directors:

Gil Blumenthal, 

 Immediate Past President

Rick Cohen,

 Member at Large

Rich Fox, 

 Vice President for Program

and Communications

 MOK President

Dave Goldfarb, 

 Vice President for Building

& Facility

Mark Solow


Leslie Goldman, 

 Member at Large

Steve Kanefsky,

  Member at Large

Arlene Maletta, 

 Member at Large

Ilene Malka, 

 Education Chair

Paul Stein, 

  Member at Large

Additional Support:  

Beth Hirshenson, Margi Tabaknek,

 Caring Committee

Amy Bessen,


Paulette Fraenkel, 

 Social Action

Leona Garza, 

  Movie Time

Dr. Stephanie Kirklin, 

 YEP! Director of

 Curriculum & Online 

 Learning Center

Ellen Lerman, 

 Torah Talk and Special   


Vicki Mardell, 


Reisa Miller, Sherry Siegel


Scott Rudin


Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved

Congregation Kehillah

602-369 7667

info@congregationkehillah.org - congregationkehillah.org

5858 E. Dynamite Blvd., Cave Creek, AZ 85331

Mailing Address: 21001 N. Tatum Blvd., Ste. 1630 #439, Phoenix, AZ 85050