Weekly E-Blast

11/27/24 | Issue 25

This Sunday At Epworth

This Sunday at Epworth, Rev. Kyle Clark will be preaching his sermon “The Challenge And The Promise” based on Luke 21: 25-36. Our children will have their special time and our praise band will lead our music! We Will also be observing Holy Communion. Come join us for breakfast fellowship at 8:30am, Sunday school at 9 and worship at 10:15. You can join us in person (which we prefer) or you can join us on Optimum channel 6, Facebook live, YouTube, our app or our website! Come join us for worship Sunday morning!

Family Advent Workshop

Mark your calendar for December 1st at

4:30 p.m. Epworth is hosting an evening of

fellowship, food, and celebration of advent.


Activities will include:

Making Chrismon's

Making Advent Wreaths

Making Decorations

Decorating Sugar Cookies

Making Christmas Cards


Followed by a short worship service and hanging Chrismon's on the tree in the



Contact Gina Calhoun 405-226-1565 for more information or to Volunteer.

Trustee and Finance Committee meetings This Monday Evening December 2nd !

The regular meetings for Trustees and Finance will be December 2nd! Meeting times will remain the same with Finance at 5:30pm and Trustees right after.

Do We Have Your Correct Information?

Addresses change, emails change, sometimes we even change our cell phone numbers. Make sure that we have your correct contact information! We use various systems to make sure you are informed about the latest dealings here at Epworth. Contact Pastor Steve to help update your information!

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday November 27th

6pm-Women's Ensemble Practice-CANCELLED

Sunday December 1st

8:30am- Breakfast fellowship

9:00am-Sunday School


4:00pm- Boiler Room Prayer Group-CANCELLED

4:30pm-Advent Workshop

Monday December 2nd

5:30pm Finance

6:30pm Trustees

Tuesday December 3rd

6pm- AA Fellowship Hall

Prayer List

Prayer is a vital action of our Christian lives. For our latest prayer list click the button below.

Prayer List

Technology Change

Over the coming weeks, we will be transitioning our notifications for meetings and groups from a "One Call" system to texting and email. Committee meetings and prayer requests will be transitioning first. We will still use the "One Call" for emergencies. Please make sure the office has your right information so you get all the notifications!

Modern Day Evangelism!

Social media is a big part of society, like it or not. One way you can help share our church with others is by sharing our worship services when they are published, share our promotional teasers when they post. We post on Facebook and Instagram and will be adding X as well as others as they become more popular. consider doing this as part of your plan to share the Good News!

Our Scripture Focus This Weekend

Have an announcement you need to share in the newsletter? email Pastor Steve-associatepastor@epworth.info

Luke 21: 25-36 (CEB)

25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. On the earth, there will be dismay among nations in their confusion over the roaring of the sea and surging waves. 26 The planets and other heavenly bodies will be shaken. . .

Read More

Family Advent Workshop


Mark your calendar for this Sunday, December 1st at

4:30 p.m. Epworth is hosting an evening of

fellowship, food, and celebration of advent.


Activities will include:

Making Chrismon's

Making Advent Wreaths

Making Decorations

Decorating Sugar Cookies

Making Christmas Cards


Followed by a short worship service and

hanging Chrismon's on the tree in the



Contact Gina Calhoun 405-226-1565 for more information or to Volunteer.


Prayer Request

Boiler Room Prayer Group

Prayer is an essential part of our Christian lives. Many people pray in their cars, at home, before bed, after waking up....etc.

Epworth has a prayer group called the "Boiler Room" because prayer represents power just like a boiler does. The "Boiler Room" Prayer group is open to all and meets Sundays at 4pm in the Chapel. Come join us as we pray as a church for those in need of prayer! Want to make a prayer request? Use the button to the left!

Last Sunday's Worship Service