


Sunday Worship Times:

Traditional Worship 8:15 a.m.

Praise Band Worship 9:30 a.m., also livestreamed on Facebook Live

7564 Cottage Grove Rd. Madison WI 53718

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday

Contact us at or (608) 223-9337

Join us on Facebook or YouTube / Join our email list here




The message for this week is about:

 "Reformation Sunday"

You are encouraged to wear the color red

We continue offering worship via Facebook Live at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays - please join us on our Facebook page for this opportunity!

If you have trouble joining Facebook Live, the worship videos will be available by each Monday on New Life's YouTube Channel.

Thank you to all who have been participating in our weekly worship!

View last Sunday's 9:30 am service from Sunday, October 23rd - click here.


Join us for worship Sundays at 8:15 a.m. (Traditional) and at 9:30 a.m. (Praise Band Worship) which is also always livestreamed on our Facebook page and available on our YouTube page any time after, not just when we're live. Our most recent worship services are also posted to our website on Monday mornings and are featured in the weekly newsletters on Wednesdays. Masks are optional but encouraged if people want to wear them.


We are currently working on your feedback from the communion survey. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Heather. The question is do we (A) continue to use the prefilled cups, (B) receive a wafer and then individual cup of wine or juice, or (C) receive bread and then individual cup of wine or juice. If we change our practice, we will need helpers, so please also let Pastor or Ann Krebs Byrne know that you’d like to help! If changes will be made, they will happen in November.



Janice Newell and Kathy Nelson and all of us at New Life Church would like to give a HUGE "THANK YOU" to all the many volunteers who helped with the Field of Screams and Field of Dreams events that happened this past weekend. We had SO many people who used their gifts to put these events together successfully (over 60 volunteers for Field of Screams and more than 30 for Field of Dreams). There were actors, greeters, people who served food, people who took pictures, people who helped children play games, people who handed out candy and those who donated candy and food. Plus, many who helped spread the word about these events! It was such a blessing for us to work with all of you and give a warm New Life welcome to so many people. 


On Saturday night, for Field of Screams, we had 217 people show up to go through the haunted hike (we had 302 tickets given away, but that number includes many repeat customers who couldn't get enough of the scares and went through the hike multiple times). On Sunday, 85 adults and children attended the Field of Dreams event. While this number is lower than past years, it gave us more time to visit and talk to those who had not met us before. The weather was beautiful and everyone had a good time... many smiles and many screams!


Thank you, thank you, thank you all for your time in making these events so successful!!!

(View scenes from the events in the Children & Youth Ministry section below)




Come join us for an evening of blessing and thankfulness as we take part in a Thanksgiving Eve service at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23rd. Enjoy pie and conversation in the Community Room after the service! If you'd like to bring in a pie, please let us know.

Exciting News from the Finance Team

In June, the church experienced a hailstorm. In September we were notified that the insurance company would be sending a check to be used to replace the entire roof! Maly Roofing will be coming out this fall to replace the roof on the church as well as the utility shed. Shingles are expected in by the end of this month, with work on the roof to begin the first week of November. All work will be done within the confines of the insurance check we received.


We will gather as a community to celebrate the life of Laurie Neuendorf on Saturday, November 5 at 3 pm, with a visitation from 1-3 pm. If you would be able to assist in the kitchen for light refreshments after the service, please let the office know. Thank you – and thank you for your prayers for Laurie’s husband John, their children, Amy and Justin, and three grandchildren. 


We always encourage and appreciate volunteers for the Welcome Team to help out with parts of the worship service, such as greeter, welcome table, usher, tellers and coffee server.

Here is a link to the October sheet! (Or click on image below) 

Thanks to everyone who signed up for this Sunday, October 30th - 

we still need a couple of spots filled if you can help.

Here is the link to the NOVEMBER sign-up sheet! Please note that we will also need a few helpers for the Thanksgiving Eve service at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 23rd: one Greeter/Welcome Table, one Usher, and 2-3 kitchen helpers to slice and serve pies after service. If you can help with any of those duties, please let the office know.

Anyone is invited to join the Welcome Team at any time!


Thanks for your support to meet our financial obligations. Consider giving online, if you aren't already! You can select a one-time donor or recurring donation, and it's easy to do - just click the box below to begin. Or as always, you can mail in your donations to New Life.

VANCO(Give Online)



Adult Ministry


You’re invited to join others at New Life for dinner every Wednesday night at 5:30 pm . And then at 6:30 pm, we join in prayer conversation. 

THERE WILL NOT BE PRAYER COURSE TONIGHT OCT. 26 (Pastor Heather is off). The study, however, continues until Nov. 9. Suggested books are: “how to pray: a simple guide for normal people” and “how to hear God: a simple guide for normal people.” TONIGHT PLEASE JOIN US for dinner & fellowship at 5:30 p.m. AS USUAL. Thanks to the Field of Screams crew for leftover Sloppy Joes for dinner, along with salad. The food packing for Monona Grove schools will be in lieu of the Prayer Course tonight. Then, on Wed., Nov. 2. Pastor Heather will lead the Adult Faith Formation Prayer Course that resumes again at 6:30 p.m. following the dinner at 5:30.


Children & Youth Ministry


New Life Kids

Join us during the 9:30 a.m. service for a children’s message and craft.

Explorers & eMerge

Youth Faith Formation is every Sunday after 9:30 service.

We are diving into two different video series. Each week we will watch a 20 minute clip, discuss it and then end in games. 

Explorers (6th - 8th) - Check out the Alpha Youth Series trailer here!

eMerge (9th - 12th) - Check out the Life Revealed Series trailer here!

High School Volunteer Opportunity! 

On Friday, November 4th we will be helping at St. Mark's Community Lunch. We will be there from 10:30am - 1:30pm to help prep, serve and clean up. We will meet in the New Life parking lot at 10am and return back at 2pm. Sign up here! Friends are welcomed and encouraged to come. 

If you are interested or want more information on any of the activities, feel free to reach out to Jessica Korrison.



Recently the book How the Word is Passed was discussed at New Life Church. Author Clint Smith will be speaking November 1st, 7:00-8:30 pm, in Shannon Hall, Memorial Union, on the Madison campus. His talk will ALSO BE AVAILABLE online. There is no need to pre-register. A link for online access will appear on the UW Big Read webpage next to the author details on November 1st.

Let's Watch it Together: Leaders of Madison's Black Renaissance - a documentary that captures an important historical moment in Madison's history. Dates are on Nov. 6th and Nov. 13th, after the 9:30am service. The first week will cover Education, Youth Services, Human Services, Healthcare and Business; the second week will cover Artists, Criminal Justice, Politics, Black Church/Community Services, and Media. Each session will be about one hour - watch the video and share our thoughts.


Throughout the pandemic, we have been able to help so many families in the community because of this fund. Most recently, due to inflation especially at the gas pump, we have distributed almost $2000 in much-needed gift cards. Please know that if you are experiencing any financial need (rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, medical, unemployment/furlough, etc.) you only need to let Pastor Heather know. This information will be kept confidential to her and our financial officers (treasurer and bookkeeper).


Also, because of these increased needs, if you would be able to give to this fund, please submit checks with "Social Purpose Fund" in the memo or give online to that fund. Again, thank you for caring and sharing!

We continue to partner with The Nehemiah Center. For the month of October, we are requesting donations of laundry detergent, stain remover and dryer sheets. Thank you for your generosity!

Barb Zimmerman's new van

On October 24th Barb Zimmerman was able to pick up her new customized van from the dealership. It is a 2013 Dodge van with only about 35,000 miles that was brought in from Pennsylvania.  Her previous van was no longer usable, so a fundraiser was set up to assist her towards purchasing an upgrade. This will help with her mobility. Barb is happy and said:  "Thank you all for your prayers and support."


There is a wonderful program in the Monona Grove schools through the Monona Grove Education Foundation that provides much-needed extra food for kids over the weekends – and now New Life gets to be a part of it! During the month of November, we will help to pack 150 bags every week that will help families in our community!

We have a full complement of helpers who signed up to help on the

Sundays of Oct. 30, Nov. 6 and Nov. 20 — thanks volunteers! We will also have groups on Wednesdays Oct. 26 and Nov. 16 to cover the other weeks.

We could use helpers TONIGHT - just come for dinner at 5:30 p.m. and stay to help at 6:30pm!  Thanks to Nicole Hines and Vicki Schultz for heading up New Life’s involvement in this great program! If you’re unable to help with the packing, please consider a gift to the Foundation at Thank you!


The Bible Study Group that meets on Thursday mornings, led by Betty Sundbakken, will meet for breakfast together offsite at their usual time 9:00-11:00 a.m. The next series will begin on Thursday, November 3rd and run for six weeks. It's called "The Case for Christmas/Easter" by Lee Stroebel. We will watch a DVD and discuss. All are welcome!


Hey guys! We're offering a time for the men of our community to gather and be strengthened in their faith. If you haven't checked it out yet, welcome! Join us the next time we get together on Saturday, October 29th from 8:00-9:00 a.m. at the church. NOTE: this date was moved back a week from Oct. 22. 

If you have questions, contact the office.

Please Keep These People in Your Prayers

Donna Butler’s grandson Anthony, Shaq Brown, Carolyn Dawson, Boyd Fleming, Terry Hines (Dave Kolmodin's cousin), Michele Kiefer, Dave Kohlwey's brother Neil, Gail Kriel, Patti Kolmodin, Vicki Landes, Hailey Lennberg, Jeff Lennberg, the family of Laurie Neuendorf, Annie O'Kane, Stephanie Peck (grandfathers in hospice), Alvina Phillips, the family of Gerald Polkinghorn, Vern Richmond, Jeremy Showers, Trish Splettstoesser, Bobby Spridco, Cheryll & Bill Steinke, Bill Sterud, Russ & Shirley Theel's son-in-law Gil Franco, Carolee Zick, and Barb Zimmerman.

If you would like to be included on our prayer list, please contact the church office. Permission is required from the individual for us to print their name. Individuals will on the list for one month unless requested. Please let us know if there is someone to be added, or if someone has improved or healed and can be taken off the list.

This Sunday and Updates for this Week

October 30, 2022 - REFORMATION SUNDAY - Wear Red

8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship Service

9:30 a.m. Praise Band Worship Service

(also livestreamed on Facebook Live)

10:30 a.m. Youth Faith Formation (Community Room)

10:30 a.m. FOOD PACKING for Monona Grove Education Foundation (ReCreation Center)

Schedule of Events This Week

Thursday, October 27

9:00-11:00 a.m.— Bible Study Group Breakfast offsite

6:30-7:30 p.m. — Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center)

7:00-8:30 p.m. — Shawn's MCF Band Practice (ReCreation Center)

Saturday, October 29

8:00-9:00 a.m. — New Life Men's Group (Classroom A)

Monday, October 31 - HALLOWEEN

Tuesday, November 1

7:00-8:30 p.m. — "How the Word Was Passed" author Clint Smith on campus

Wednesday, November 2

5:30-6:15 p.m. — Community Dinner (Community Room)

6:30-7:30 p.m. — Adult Faith Formation - PRAYER COURSE with Pastor Heather


Office hours are Monday through Thursday. Please feel free to contact staff members of New Life by email at or by calling the office at 608-223-9337. Contacts are listed here.

New Life Staff:

Rev. Heather Hayward, Pastor

Jessica Korrison, Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator

Kathy Scholl, Office Assistant/Newsletter

Mike Berchem, Bookkeeper

Shakia “Queen” Turner, Property Manager

ELCA South-Central Wisconsin Synod website:

New Life Church Council:

Iris Christenson, Secretary

Brian Coel, Vice-President

Jim DePass

Rick Krueger

Joe Milanese

Janice Newell, President

Tom Olson

Shawn Peters

Linda Sime

MacKenzie Swanson

Jan Wilson

Ken Wundrow, Treasurer