Weekly News
August 12, 2021
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Beloved Community,
The UUCFM Board of Trustees, lay ministers, and staff are constantly monitoring the latest developments and recommendations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and variants.
In an abundance of caution, we have decided to postpone the in-person aspect of the worship services planned for the month of August.
We were so looking forward to being together again in person but your safety is more important at this time. If you want to discuss this further, feel free to email or call Board of Trustees President, Lane Cook, at UUCFMPresident@UUCFM.org, or 239-222-9406.
Yours in Growth,
Lane Cook
UUCFM Board of Trustees
Message from the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees would like to share this report on the first quarter of the current fiscal year. This report shows the first quarter actual compared to 25% of the annual budget. As you can see, revenue is just above the projected level, and expenditures are in excess of the budget. However, over $30,000 in Building and Grounds expenses will be covered by the capital improvement loan and we expect expenses to come into line with the budget when that adjustment is made.
The Board appreciates your continued support and generosity.
Please note that the next board meeting will be held on September 14 at
5 p.m. via Zoom. Here is the Zoom link:
Sep 14, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
~ Pati Maier, Treasurer
The office of UUCFM will be staffed from 9a-12p noon on Tuesdays through Thursdays for the month of August.
The office will be closed on Mondays (as usual)
and Fridays.
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A Note from the Music Director, Suellen Kipp
Building A New Way:
As your worship staff, Mary, Albie, and I have been having many discussions on how Sunday services can build community, strengthen relationships, inspire and lift spirits, and how music can play a role in each of those goals.
Together, as a worship team, we decided to begin Sunday morning worship by using an Opening Hymn for a month at a time. Our thinking in this decision is that using one song for a month at a time will help to build community, a sense of familiarity and comfort, and by the end of the month everyone will no longer be looking at the words and music but will be singing from the heart and experiencing the music, and we feel that is how we can move, lift, and elevate our church to the next level of worship. The original plan was to return to worship in the Sanctuary by rejoicing with hymn #361-Enter, Rejoice, and Come In, but since COVID-19 has once again changed our plans we are going to hold on to that very special song and use that hymn once we are able to safely rejoin together in person and rejoice in being together in the Sanctuary space. So, even though we will continue meeting together online, we are going to continue Building A New Way by using an Opening Hymn for a month at a time. We are going to kick it off with Hymn #346 - Come, Sing A Song With Me, as Albie mentioned it felt like “our song” and it recognizes some of the disappointment we all are feeling at not returning to the Sanctuary, yet also embraces that we will bring joy and hope for each other in difficult times. Let It Be So.
~ Suellen
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~ Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings series
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Sunday's Worship Service, 8/15
In this Sunday’s Service, we look at the concept of courage and impact. Join us as our VP of Worship, Lesley Peterson, explores how science fiction and fantasy, especially “The Lord of the Rings,” can inspire us to find our own courage as an individual and as a community.
Join us online at 10:30 a.m. at uucfm.org to listen or join us on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/98733916229
Stay after service to join in UU Dialogues or in conversations in breakout rooms!
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GRACE Project is our Community Sharing Partner for August 2021!
The Guatemalan Rural Adult and Children’s Education (GRACE) Project designs and delivers family and reproductive health, music and art, and teacher training programs for indigenous, Latina, and farm worker women, youth, community leaders, and educators in Southwest Florida and in Central America.
More information can be found at thegraceproject.org .
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Dreamworks Group Postponed Until Further Notice
The Dreamworks Group will not meet until we re-open the UUCFM Campus. Please contact Debra Leigh with any questions. dreamrookery7@gmail.com
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Social Issues Book Group
The Social Issues book group starting date has been postponed until August 11th. We will be reading the book: Begin Again by Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. The group meets on Wednesday from 1:30-3 p.m. For more information contact Helen Leddy (helen.leddy@gmail.com.)
The UUCFM and Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Book Group's next reading is Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication by Oren Jay Sofer. The group meets on Wednesday from 10-11:30 a.m. For more information contact Helen Leddy (helen.leddy@gmail.com.)
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Monday Book Group
The UUCFM Monday Book Club will meet via Zoom August 16 to discuss Ch. 29 through the Epilogue of Owls of the Eastern Ice. We’ll use the remainder of the time to discuss options and vote for our next book. Book suggestions are due tomorrow. If you’re joining for the first time, please email Mary Studer. She will send you the link to zoom. mstuder929@gmail.com
60th Anniversary Pave the Way Fundraiser
Our goal is 100 commemorative bricks at $100 per brick for $10,000 for our General Budget. Our Endowment Fund will pay production costs so each $100 goes right to the Budget.
59 bricks have been donated. 39 other bricks have been moved from the Eco-Preserve that were the 2011 50th Anniversary Fundraisers. Thus, 98 engraved bricks grace the pathways into our Sanctuary. They are a blessing to read.
Each 4" X 8" brick can be engraved with up to 3 lines of 13 characters/spaces on each line. Examples of donated bricks are UU quotes, memorials, names & sayings, such as:
She loved and was loved. Nancy Letts
Service is our Law. Go Forth!
Remembering (name, birth-death)
Albie & Mary, Lay Ministers, Thank You
To donate a brick: Contact suzanneziemer@gmail.com, 812-332-3450 or
helendixon9@gmail.com, 239-633-4989.
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Please send all newsletter articles by Wednesday at noon for publication in Thursday's newsletter. Send articles to newsletter@uucfm.org. | | | | |