Weekly E-News 2020-5780
July 10th - July 17th
Board Meeting Tuesday, July 21st
at 6:30 p.m.

Here's the info for the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 815 3218 0974
Password: 762494
The Office is Open from
9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
For normal business operations.

All services and programs continue to be suspended until further notice.
Torah Readings
July 11, 2020 | Tammuz 19 5780
Annual |( Numbers 25:10-30:1)) Etz Hayyim, p. 918
Triennial |(Numbers 25:10-26:51) Etz Hayyim, p. 918
Haftarah | (Jeremiah 1-2:3) Etz Hayyim, p. 968
Tisha B'Av
Join us for a virtual commemoration of the destruction of the First & Second Temples as well as many other tragedies in Jewish history. 
Zoom information where necessary is below
(all Zoom services will be simulcast to our Facebook page)

Meeting ID: 852 6777 6719
Password: 9Av5780

Wednesday, July 29
6:00 pm Minhah (via Facebook)
8:15 pm Ma'ariv (via Zoom with Megillah reading)

Thursday, July 30
7:30 am Shaharit (via Zoom with Megillah reading)
2:00 pm Minhah (via Facebook)
6:00 pm Ma'ariv (via Facebook)
8:50 pm Fast Ends

Srugim Wednesday August 5th
at 11:00 a.m.
Recommended TV series on amazon.

Srugim  ( Hebrew : סרוגים; literally, "knitted" or "crocheted" skullcaps  worn by men of  Religious Zionist). Is an  Israeli  television drama. The series depicted the lives of five  national religious  single men and women, in their 30's, who reside in  Jerusalem . It dealt with controversial issues in the Religious Zionist society in Israel, caused a public uproar within that sector. It enjoyed high ratings, from both the religious and non-religious sects in Israel, as well as with American Jews. Many of the American Jews compared the issues of the characters in the show to those of the  Upper West Side . [5]  The show won five  Israeli Academy of Film and Television  Awards. Motti will facilitate a zoom discussion on Srugim on Wednesday Aug 5 at 11:00 am.
see link below 
Motti Locker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Srugim
Time: Aug 5, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 749 9359 3472
Password: 5abt7q
See you there!
 All synagogue activities
(including Sisterhood and Men's Club events)
are suspended until further notice.
We are maintaining Daily Services, via Facebook
To participate, please make sure you follow us on Facebook at   https://www.facebook.com/AgudathAchimSavannah/  

Join us for Friday night and Shabbat morning services via Zoom using the following information...

Meeting ID: 870 3207 9194
Password: 181818

All of our regular classes will be held via Zoom, an online meeting platform.
 If you'd like to join a class, please contact Rabbi Henkin for the class link.
Online Siddur
Shalom Hevre,

As we move towards online  minyanim  via Facebook Live, the Rabbinical Assembly has made PDF copies of the services available for those who may not have a  siddur  at home. If you would like to be able to pray with the text during our online services, please feel free to download the appropriate service and follow along during our virtual  minyan .

 Our site has been updated with PDFs of the Shabbat services for those who would like to follow along during our Zoom services.

If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi Henkin at  rabbihenkin@gmail.com  
Talmud Torah K'Neged Kulam - 
Torah Study for Everyone
1.  Rabbinic Literature Study Group  (Thursday afternoons, 2:00-3:15 pm): Take a look into the rabbinic mind and how the rabbis interpret the Torah in this weekly class. Contact Rabbi Henkin for the link to the class.

2.   Skeptics Study Group  (second Thursday of every month, 11 a.m., hosted by Michael Konter): This group is for all of those who want to ask difficult questions about Judaism and/or seeking Jewish answers to the questions they have. Our next Skeptics class will be Thursday, August 14th at 11:00 a.m.

3.   Rabbis of the Mishnah Class  will take a deep look into the Rabbis of the Mishnah; who they were and what they were thinking. Our next class will be held on Wednesday, July 22nd at 10:30 a.m. Please contact Motti for class link or email mottilocker@gmail.com

More classes coming soon, so stay tuned!

Have something you want to learn about but don't see a class about it?
 Contact Rabbi Henkin at rabbihenkin@gmail.com or call the AA office.

All of our regular classes will be held via Zoom, an online meeting platform.
 If you'd like to join a class,
please contact Rabbi Henkin for the class link.
Honey from the Heart
Donor Dues Program
June 10th - July 16th, 2020
Birthday Celebrations

July 10th - Tom Rosen
Harriet Ullman

July 16th - Joel Katz

July 10th - July 17th, 2020
18 Tammuz - 25 Tammuz 5780

Friday, July 10th / Saturday, July 11th - 19 Tammuz
Thelma Rosen - mother of Amy Rosenthal

Saturday, July11th / Sunday, July 12th - 20 Tammuz
Faye Adler - grandmother of Mark Nathan, David Udinsky
and Gary Udinsky
 Rose Poznansky - mother of Leila Weltman

  Sunday, July 12th / Monday, July 13th - 21 Tammuz
Jacob Bodziner* - great grandfather of Richard Bodziner 
Mary Weitz - great grandmother of Stephen Friedman

  Monday, July 13th / Tuesday, July 14th - 22 Tammuz
Joan Bloom - mother of Stacey Schlafstein

  Tuesday, July 14th / Wednesday, July 15th - 23 Tammuz
Harry Vogel - father of Nancy Feldman
Lillian Wizwer - mother of Phillip Wizwer

Wednesday, July 15th / Thursday, July 16 - 24 Tammuz
 Harry Kramer* - grandfather of Linda Zoller
Lee Streicher - son of Jack Streicher

  Thursday, July 16 / Friday, July 17th - 25 Tammuz
Fannie Harris* - great aunt of Sidney Karp and Sheryl Kreh
Julian Spector* - father of Fred Spector

Commemoration of the Yahrzeit begins the evening of the first noted date   
*Denotes Memorial Plaque
Time for Online Services
"Please follow our services via Facebook Live at  https://www.facebook.com/AgudathAchimSavannah/  

Zoom information for Shabbat services (beginning at 6 pm on Friday night and including 9:45 am Shabbat morning services)

Meeting ID: 870 3207 9194
Password: 181818

Friday, July 10th
7:30 am  Shacharit
6:00 pm  Kabbalat Shabbat (via Zoom)
8:13 pm  Candle Lighting

Saturday Shabbat, July 11th
9:45 am Shabbat Shacharit (via Zoom)
9:14 pm Havdalah (via Facebook Live)

Sunday, July 12th
9:00 am  Shacharit
 6:00 pm  Minhah/Maariv

Monday, July 13th
 7:30 am  Shacharit
 6:00 pm  Minhah/Maariv

Tuesday, July 14th
 7:30 am  Shacharit
 6:00 pm  Minhah/Maariv

Wednesday, July 15th
8:00 am  Shacharit
 6:00 pm  Minhah/Maariv

Thursday, July 16th
7:30 am  Shacharit
 6:00 pm  Minhah/Maariv

Friday, July 17th
7:30 am  Shacharit
6:00 pm  Kabbalat Shabbat (via Zoom)
8:13 pm  Candle Lighting

In the Community
The Art Show at the JEA beginning July 1, 2020, 
will feature the works of
Kitt Dobry & Hannah Williams

Kitt Dobry & Hannah Williams - Biography
Kitt Dobry graduated from Moore College of Art and Design with a BFA in Illustration and in Art History. Her thesis was a series of illustrations narrating the events of the Gaelic Wars focusing on the Celtic leaders Vercingetorix and Boudicca. Her art history thesis explored the work of fantasy illustrator Frank Frazetta.
Shortly after graduation, Kitt was invited into the prestigious Philadelphia Sketch Club where she showed and sold her work.
Kitt has worked as an assistant art director; a freelance graphic designer, illustrator, and fine artist; and as an art teacher. Currently, Kitt is working on her first children’s book.
Hannah Williams is a mixed-media artist born in Albuquerque, now living in Colorado. Prior to finishing her degree, she spent time at her high school alma mater teaching fine art to middle and high school students.
Hannah earned her BFA from The Museum School of Fine Arts, Boston, partnered with Tufts University. While her degree focused on traditional animation, she was exposed to an array of art-making practices and gained a significant appreciation for installation art. Post-college she obtained a job in the Furniture and Frames department of the MFA Boston until she and her husband moved to Colorado.
Working with both two and three dimensional mediums, she seeks to create a spark of recognition between the object and the viewer. Hannah’s ultimate goal in her work is to imbue inanimate objects with a life of their own.
Kitt Dobry & Hannah Williams’
artwork will be available for viewing from
July 1 through July 31, 2020, 
at the JEA (5111 Abercorn Street)